TF Guy! You know what it means

Guess who's decided NOW is a good time to try and woo the Black vote?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1309550621771563008/
I'd say people are smart enough not to be swayed by things like that, but my friend was telling me that his wife has already encountered people who are planning on voting for Trump because "he" gave them $1200. WTF?!
I'd say people are smart enough not to be swayed by things like that, but my friend was telling me that his wife has already encountered people who are planning on voting for Trump because "he" gave them $1200. WTF?!
Money taken out of the their own pocket and put back into their own pocket. You want to talk about losers and suckers, just look at the average Trump voter.
Guess who's decided NOW is a good time to try and woo the Black vote?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1309550621771563008/

Yeah, well I don't think the Trump campaign aka the White House of 2017-2020 has found enough white (or black, for that matter) paint to obscure Trump's references to shithole countries and his suggestions that the Squad "go back".

If Trump's administration had wanted to create better business opportunities for people of color, then Trump should have appointed people a tad more woke than his picks for both Commerce and Treasury, ya think?

Wilbur Ross' main claims to fame at Commerce are 1) not having realized that NOAA and all its scientific endeavors report to him, 2) having said he's not really into that stuff anyway and 3) multiple ethics issues
As for Mnuchin, well... this might be the first time he laid hands on any $1 bills but I'm pretty sure he looks ready to help Trump's favorite banks lend those out to people of color at a profit, no matter how little the USA banks actually have to pay to borrow money themselves these days.​
Mnuchin Beholds $1 bills for first time in his life?.jpg

I'm ready to make November 3 a sister holiday to Juneteenth going forward no matter what day elections of the future fall on. Juneteenth certainly merits a national holiday (and is already recognized by all but three states), but the 3d of November is the day we will have thrown out the wannabe head of an imaginary 21st century white supremacist empire, so that day should stand proudly right next to the 19th of June.
Yeah, well I don't think the Trump campaign aka the White House of 2017-2020 has found enough white (or black, for that matter) paint to obscure Trump's references to shithole countries and his suggestions that the Squad "go back".

If Trump's administration had wanted to create better business opportunities for people of color, then Trump should have appointed people a tad more woke than his picks for both Commerce and Treasury, ya think?

Wilbur Ross' main claims to fame at Commerce are 1) not having realized that NOAA and all its scientific endeavors report to him, 2) having said he's not really into that stuff anyway and 3) multiple ethics issues
As for Mnuchin, well... this might be the first time he laid hands on any $1 bills but I'm pretty sure he looks ready to help Trump's favorite banks lend those out to people of color at a profit, no matter how little the USA banks actually have to pay to borrow money themselves these days.​

I'm ready to make November 3 a sister holiday to Juneteenth going forward no matter what day elections of the future fall on. Juneteenth certainly merits a national holiday (and is already recognized by all but three states), but the 3d of November is the day we will have thrown out the wannabe head of an imaginary 21st century white supremacist empire, so that day should stand proudly right next to the 19th of June.
To this day whenever I see that picture I find it hard to believe any villain on TV or in the movies looks to comically evil anymore.
Here's one for the books. Trump administration very suddenly takes $300 million in taxpayer funds from CDC (which operates under the Health and Human services budget) for an upbeat ad campaign "to defeat despair" about the coronavirus.

WTF?! Please picture a football field littered from end to end with red flags.

Take your pick at who earns "This Fucking Guy", but it is NOT the man who's the subject of the story...

Talk about making it way too hard to be proud of the USA.

I won't ask where's the outrage; we probably lost that around the time CBP / ICE started peeling toddlers off their mamas' legs at border separations of undocumented families. I'd ask this though: who profited from this move as Kao Saelee was released from prison? (bolding below is mine)

... officers handed the 41-year-old over to a private security contractor who shackled his hands, waist and legs, put him in a van and drove off.

Follow the godblasted money.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1310915882483359751/

Followed by
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1311007455594328066/
There's always a sad & angering moment when you actually realize & understand when someone has sold you out
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1311333264313978886/
There's always a sad & angering moment when you actually realize & understand when someone has sold you out
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1311333264313978886/
Yes, I hate it when a president accidentally refuses to denounce white supremacists while at the same time calling on them to get ready.

Yes, I hate it when a president accidentally refuses to denounce white supremacists while at the same time calling on them to get ready.

View attachment 587

Best quote is from David Sedaris back in 2008 about the undecided voter.

I look at these people and can't quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention? To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. "Can I interest you in the chicken?" she asks. "Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it? To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.
There's always a sad & angering moment when you actually realize & understand when someone has sold you out
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1311333264313978886/
Admitting you are wrong is probably the hardest thing to do. Some won't do it, they go kicking and screaming.
Admitting you are wrong is probably the hardest thing to do. Some won't do it, they go kicking and screaming.
Some won't do it, because they are comfortable where they are right now. It's when that comfort level isn't there anymore, that the admissions start.