TF Guy! You know what it means

Ah the hey days of MSNBC when Rachel Maddow was a fill in, they were all out combative for any reason

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1313171988878446593/
I miss Keith Olbermann. Yes, he could be pompous, but he was also suffered no fools.

Maddow’s talent is eviscerating Republicans with surgical precision. Keith Olbermann’s was delivering a verbal punch to the nose.
This guy Ajit Pai, chair of the FCC, belongs in this thread. He now doubles down on where he was coming from before the appeals court ruled on a hassle over net neutrality repeal and said "uh no, your commission still hasn't addressed the three points of public concern y'all were asked to address the last time the FCC was in court. Just do it."

FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, a Democrat, said the “court decision took the agency to task for disregarding its duty to consider how the FCC’s decision threatened public safety, service for low-income households, and broadband infrastructure.”

“Now the courts have asked us for a do-over,” she said. “But instead of taking this opportunity to right what this agency got wrong, we are going to double down on our mistake.”

Go figure. But the FCC's Republican chair doesn't care. Stay tuned....
Maybe I'm missing something here?

Facebook will temporarily disable all ads focused on political and social issues after polls close on Election Day as part of an effort to “reduce opportunities for confusion or abuse,” it said Wednesday.

Guy Rosen, Facebook’s vice president of product management, said the company is preparing for what could be one of the most grueling election night counts since at least 2000. “We’ve known for a long time that the 2020 election in the US would be unlike any other. We’ve been preparing for this election with a unique set of products and policies,” he said.

“Getting the final election results this year may take longer than previous elections due to the pandemic and more people voting by mail,” Rosen added. “So we’re preparing a range of policies and products to keep people informed and prevent the spread of misinformation.”

Advertisers will be notified, Facebook said, when it decides to lift the restrictions.
This does what? Except sound good in bizarro world, and try deflect blame for the B.S. Facebook happily takes money to promote? 😵
Maybe I'm missing something here?

This does what? Except sound good in bizarro world, and try deflect blame for the B.S. Facebook happily takes money to promote? 😵
I wonder what they gain or lose from this either way, who wants to continue to advertise politically after the polls close?
I wonder what they gain or lose from this either way, who wants to continue to advertise politically after the polls close?
That's what I was wondering, it sounded like Facebook wanted some unearned 'goodwill' points, because they claimed they would not take ads that are no longer pertinent & in demand.
That's what I was wondering, it sounded like Facebook wanted some unearned 'goodwill' points, because they claimed they would not take ads that are no longer pertinent & in demand.
They're all over the place right now. My page has a huge banner (only viewable by admins) saying that we "can't advertise due to sharing misinformation" across the top. First, I have never advertised that page and have no plans to and second, they won't exactly say what "misinformation" has been shared.

Nothing you can say or do will ever reach their support either. They've always been really bad at managing pages, probably because there are so many of them.
This one will be plural, as it involves the nut jobs that the administration and BLM critics have little concern about...

DETROIT (AP) — Six men plotted to try to kidnap Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer at her vacation home, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Thursday in federal court.

Four of the six men had planned to meet Wednesday to “make a payment on explosives and exchange tactical gear,” the FBI said in the court filing.

The FBI quoted one of the accused as saying Whitmer “has no checks and balances at all. She has uncontrolled power right now. All good things must come to an end.”

Authorities scheduled a Thursday afternoon news conference to talk about the case. The government used informants and undercover agents to thwart the alleged plot.

The criminal complaint said the plan involved Whitmer and her second home in northern Michigan.

Whitmer has been praised but also deeply criticized for the state’s response to the coronavirus. She put major restrictions on personal movement throughout the state and on the economy, although many of those limits have been lifted.
Through electronic communications, two of the alleged conspirators “agreed to unite others in their cause and take violent action against multiple state governments that they believe are violating the U.S. Constitution,” the FBI said.

The criminal complaint identified the six as Adam Fox, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, Brandon Caserta, all of Michigan, and Barry Croft of Delaware.

Fox said he needed 200 men to storm the Capitol building in Lansing and take hostages, including the governor, according to the FBI.

He said he wanted to try Whitmer for “treason” and would execute the plan before the Nov. 3 election, the government said.

Later, however, the group shifted to targeting the governor’s vacation home, the FBI said.
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FFS Graham! Are you that determined to follow that idiot down the drain?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1314370072178196480/
FFS Graham! Are you that determined to follow that idiot down the drain?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1314370072178196480/
Unbelievable. They should refuse it without valid results and publicized results.
Maybe I'm missing something here?

This does what? Except sound good in bizarro world, and try deflect blame for the B.S. Facebook happily takes money to promote? 😵

Not sure why anybody would spend money on ads AFTER the election. Facebook loses no money by saying this, and maybe fools some people into thinking they care about election integrity... (psst... they don’t)


Can you smell it? That smell of desperation slowing wafting thru the air...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1314649984361533445/
Pence becomes TFG in deciding to pay a visit to Florida just about the time the seniors in The Villages down there finally realize covid's actually coming for them after all and is not a hoax.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1314656444034187266/
Uh, ...wha?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1314715904131895296/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1314747221313806337/

Poor ol' Lindsey.... can't make up his mind. Couple days ago he was whining that his challenger, the young African American Democrat Jaime Harrison, was raising so much more money than he was able to round up. Looks to me he has amnesia... and looks like not all South Carolinians buy into Lindsey's disrespect for "liberal" pols after all.

Maybe Graham's just jealous of Harrison's academic cred... Yale, Georgetown Law. Come to think of it, those schools don't always crank out "libruls" anyhow. Sometimes those grads are independent thinkers. Innovators. 'magine that. And now Harrison has the moxie to figure it's time for Graham to retire and let a Democrat help South Carolina build a better future? Sounds like the voters there are fixing to say that's a great idea.
Bakersfield, keeping it classy.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1315101854313918465/
For FUCKING FUCK sake! Please help me understand why is it "Karens" from Barr to random asshat who isn't treated special at a store suddenly becomes expert in slavery, racism, & discrimination? Were they going on knowledge based on all the years they shit on others, so when something 'bad' happens to them, they can relate to the person doing the 'shitting on'?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1315454741825036289/

Why don't we see more of these types of encounters by these people with Black employees? :unsure:

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TX senatorial debate - question on systemic racism - Cornyn uses air quotes dissing idea it's "systemic"

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1314772513109532672/
What's infuriating is that the more they deny it, the more they institutionalize this. It's like telling that a collective experience of some people is less valuable than others, "because their complaint doesn't exist."

For FUCKING FUCK sake! Please help me understand why is it "Karens" from Barr to random asshat who isn't treated special at a store suddenly becomes expert in slavery, racism, & discrimination? Were they going on knowledge based on all the years they shit on others, so when something 'bad' happens to them, they can relate to the person doing the 'shitting on'?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1315454741825036289/

Why don't we see more of these types of encounters by these people with Black employees? :unsure:
I'd really wanna ask that woman that what kind of a mother wants to 1) bring home COVID to her child and 2) put her convenience over the priorities of public health or her child's needs (i.e. food). Mother shaming is bad, but man she deserves it.