TF Guy! You know what it means

Gettin' tired of Josh Hawley's overdubs of what exactly he meant by what he said, or says now about what he may have meant then.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1355315690903908359/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1355899390226030592/

NOW TF Guys/Gals are motivated.

I see Collins involved, I roll my eyes & yell 'pass', and move on with whatever the hell I was doing.

Stop wasting people's time.
Also for all those trying to see the highlights in Portman's career, let's not forget how he willingly choose to go out...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1355906198978113540/

The press should be telling it to him in his face, 'you bet, and you bet wrong'. Now you're running away because of that bet.

Kick rocks and eat d-
In case you aren't sure she's a festering bag of crap
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1355959713662435329/
Maybe the Scots can shed light on The Don's murky finances... They've been talking about holding this vote on an Unexplained Wealth Order re financing of Trump's properties there for a long time.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1356020103570194433/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1355899390226030592/

NOW TF Guys/Gals are motivated.

I see Collins involved, I roll my eyes & yell 'pass', and move on with whatever the hell I was doing.

Stop wasting people's time.

Their usual thing of low-balling any spending bills (that don't involve defense programs) when they lose power is back with a vengeance. What a surprise. Biden should stick his whole proposal in the budget and reconcile it with 51 votes. Same as the Rs did with their stuff when they had the gavels.
Their usual thing of low-balling any spending bills (that don't involve defense programs) when they lose power is back with a vengeance. What a surprise. Biden should stick his whole proposal in the budget and reconcile it with 51 votes. Same as the Rs did with their stuff when they had the gavels.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1356282962371756044/
It’s like the bank robbers in court blaming the security cameras for filming them, not themselves for robbing the bank.

I knew someone who at one point in his life blamed all his troubles on his sister... for having a job in a beauty salon which he and some friends had decided to rob one night. He and his pals got all liquored up so to have the courage to break into the place, realized the real money was in a safe, not in the cash register, and so curled up in a corner figuring to make the owner give up the combo when she showed up to work in the morning. Of course when she was about to put her key in the door she saw them in there sleeping it off and called the cops.

Anyway the guy first blamed it all on his sister for having a good job and later blamed it on her boss: "If she didn't hire my sister then none of this here woulda happened to begin with."

It's tempting to feel sorta that way about Trump and his raft of lemmings including party officials.... " If they hadn't gone for the glitter of Trump, none of this would have happened..." ???! But the truth is the Republicans were paving the road for a Trump 40 years ago, driving wedges between Americans to make us look askance at each other, instead of at them ripping off everything wasn't nailed down and taking a jackhammer or an oil rig to the rest of it and backing trucks up to the Treasury.

Then finally Trump comes along and whistles up the dregs of society to make a faux populist pitch at and carry the GOP across the finish line in 2016. Four years later he's managed to lose them the House, Senate and Oval Office.

But: the GOP leadership is still driving wedges even now, as the left-behinds begin to turn on all their pols, realizing they've been carrying a bunch of grand larceny specialists on their backs all these years and for what? To go to the slam for taking Trump's word he'd be right down there at the Capitol with them in a couple minutes? And then turns out he's up in that little pavilion with some crime-fam and campaign pals watching pawns invade the Capitol on TV like it's the wrap of a reality show? And now just the bit players in his show are the only ones going to jail?

Can fool some of the people all of the time. Maybe the GOP's about run out of inventory there. They gettin' ornery, and maybe even getting wise. Time will tell.

But Marjorie Taylor Greene is not one of those. She's on the inside with the lost factions of the party gone to hell. Another one of those fools thinking can ride on the back of white supremacy and land somewhere good in America.

The problem is that godforsaken, no-account rotten Republican party, not Trump and not the foot soldiers in his cult.
I knew someone who at one point in his life blamed all his troubles on his sister... for having a job in a beauty salon which he and some friends had decided to rob one night. He and his pals got all liquored up so to have the courage to break into the place, realized the real money was in a safe, not in the cash register, and so curled up in a corner figuring to make the owner give up the combo when she showed up to work in the morning. Of course when she was about to put her key in the door she saw them in there sleeping it off and called the cops.

Anyway the guy first blamed it all on his sister for having a good job and later blamed it on her boss: "If she didn't hire my sister then none of this here woulda happened to begin with."

It's tempting to feel sorta that way about Trump and his raft of lemmings including party officials.... " If they hadn't gone for the glitter of Trump, none of this would have happened..." ???! But the truth is the Republicans were paving the road for a Trump 40 years ago, driving wedges between Americans to make us look askance at each other, instead of at them ripping off everything wasn't nailed down and taking a jackhammer or an oil rig to the rest of it and backing trucks up to the Treasury.

Then finally Trump comes along and whistles up the dregs of society to make a faux populist pitch at and carry the GOP across the finish line in 2016. Four years later he's managed to lose them the House, Senate and Oval Office.

But: the GOP leadership is still driving wedges even now, as the left-behinds begin to turn on all their pols, realizing they've been carrying a bunch of grand larceny specialists on their backs all these years and for what? To go to the slam for taking Trump's word he'd be right down there at the Capitol with them in a couple minutes? And then turns out he's up in that little pavilion with some crime-fam and campaign pals watching pawns invade the Capitol on TV like it's the wrap of a reality show? And now just the bit players in his show are the only ones going to jail?

Can fool some of the people all of the time. Maybe the GOP's about run out of inventory there. They gettin' ornery, and maybe even getting wise. Time will tell.

But Marjorie Taylor Greene is not one of those. She's on the inside with the lost factions of the party gone to hell. Another one of those fools thinking can ride on the back of white supremacy and land somewhere good in America.

The problem is that godforsaken, no-account rotten Republican party, not Trump and not the foot soldiers in his cult.

One of the (many) problems with our 2 major party system is any nut seen as left or right of center automatically gets assumed to be the public face of either the Democrats or Republicans and any nut who wants to run for office with some kind of advantage has to hitch their wagon to either party. A competent less nutty politician, or would be, can run as Independent up to an extent.

I don’t think the general public is ready for an Independent President yet, mostly because they are too dumb to realize that is exactly what we need. We’re talking people who defend Trump just because he ran as a Republican and took a photo op with a Bible once. That’s all they needed for the label to stick. All his actual actions are seen as irrelevant. If you presented them with another “outsider” who is also an Independent they would be deer in the headlights.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1356312060657856517/
Seriously, it's NEVER their own fault?! 🤦‍♂️ :brickwall:

Such BS. We got Trump because her party enabled him. And you know, Republicans like her voted for him. She likely voted for him in 2016.

And, Trump was a known quantity his entire career. It's not like he played them. He told everyone exactly who he is. They still voted for him.
Such BS. We got Trump because her party enabled him. And you know, Republicans like her voted for him. She likely voted for him in 2016.

And, Trump was a known quantity his entire career. It's not like he played them. He told everyone exactly who he is. They still voted for him.
His racism is not a bug for them, it’s a feature.
Such BS. We got Trump because her party enabled him. And you know, Republicans like her voted for him. She likely voted for him in 2016.

And, Trump was a known quantity his entire career. It's not like he played them. He told everyone exactly who he is. They still voted for him.

How long do you think it will take for Republicans to realize that these former fringe groups and voters are now the main Republican base?

Trump got voted into office, not because he was a Republican they believed in, but because he was completely different from what the Republicans usually offer. The last thing Trump supporters want is a return to the status quo.
One of the (many) problems with our 2 major party system is any nut seen as left or right of center automatically gets assumed to be the public face of either the Democrats or Republicans and any nut who wants to run for office with some kind of advantage has to hitch their wagon to either party. A competent less nutty politician, or would be, can run as Independent up to an extent.

I don’t think the general public is ready for an Independent President yet, mostly because they are too dumb to realize that is exactly what we need. We’re talking people who defend Trump just because he ran as a Republican and took a photo op with a Bible once. That’s all they needed for the label to stick. All his actual actions are seen as irrelevant. If you presented them with another “outsider” who is also an Independent they would be deer in the headlights.

You might be right. I know you're right about perceptions of members of Congress who are not go-along get-along, even if they are not fringe. Both sides keep a list of names to throw into the hopper as "oh yeah what about so and so if you want to talk bout nut jobs." Lately it's Maxine Waters the Rs bring up as a counterweight to Taylor Greene. Shows you what they even actually know about Waters, which is zilch, past a selection of chyrons on Fox News...

On crediible 3rd party runs... seems like Perot in 1992 came the closest to being an indie (then anyway) who could draw a hefty chunk of the centrist electorate from both sides in an era of general discontent over our major parties having talking points for voters but agendas serving themselves. From the Wiikipedia writeup on him:

In the [1992] election, Perot received 18.9% of the popular vote, but did not win any electoral votes. However, he won over 19.7 million votes, far and away the most votes ever for a third-party candidate. He won support from across the ideological and partisan spectrum, but performed best among self-described moderates.​
If he hadn't chosen Stockdale for his VP candidate, who knows what might have happened. And had the Democrat that year run farther to the left than a certain good ol' boy from Arkansas, that election might well have landed in the House.

USA 1992 presidential election.jpg

I'm pretty sure that didn't escape the attention of at least the DNC honchos... which has actually been part of our problem with the Democratic Party steering structure since then, and to some extent accounts for the wariness of Obama and his congressional leadership in 2009-2016 regardless of McConnell. Remains to be seen whether Biden breaks out of that. Times have changed but the pols on both sides sometimes seem stuck back in 1990-fricken-two. The year when Pat Buchanan pitched taking the country back for white supremacists and practically shocked the socks off Barbara Bush sitting in the front row waiting to hear her husband's nomination confirmed in Houston on that August night.

What each side officially took away from the 1992 elections was a message about not getting too far off center: not in candidates including a VP and not in policy proposals and certainly not in convention speeches meant to second the intended nominee. What the far right took off it, however, was another thing altogether. And what the Dem foot soldiers ended up with was uncertainty --who really was this guy Clinton anyway? We won but where were we going?-- and that's the card the GOP still leads with when they butt heads with their opposites in Congress and on the stump in their campaigns. It's why the whole spectrum has moved to the right over the past 28 years.
Like they needed an article to explain the 'r's different plan from Biden's.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1356364981009264640/

Basically, "You may have some scraps from the money you put into the gov't over a lifetime, in a once in a lifetime pandemic". "We're going to need that tax payer money for those least in need."
Co-founder of the Lincoln project....

TF Guy!!!!
At least The Lincoln Project is owning up to knowing him and is condemning his actions.

If he’d worked for The Trump Organization, Trump would be like, “I never met the man, even in the photographs where we’re shaking hands.”