TF Guy! You know what it means

Is there logic somewhere in there?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1356435158556155905/
Obviously! Since there were already people planning to storm the Capitol and murder members of congress, Trump cannot have incited insurrection with his actions on January 6th. FBI testifying about that will expose the Dems and the impeachment hoax for what they are!

The Chewbacca defense comes to mind...
I am really struggling to understand Graham's logic here and how this is a threat, which obviously in his eyes it is.

Graham maybe wants to make the circus about 2016. FBI bad, Trump good,

her emails, Russia hoax, Benghazi, Anthony Weiner's laptop, Bill's philandering, Whitewater finances, the Goldwater girl from Shaker Heights who went to Wellesley and became a socialist​
[LIndsey looks at watch thinking this must be almost over now right? or do we have to try to find out once again who Chelsea's father is and how 'bout the time Hillary made fun of baking cookies?]​

This despite Biden leaving Trump's pick Christopher Wray atop the FBI at least for now.

I'd like to know who has what on Lindsey Graham, and if Mitch is going to be able to talk some sense back into the lad before the trial starts. At least remind him that it's 2021 and the person in the dock (again) is Donald Trump.
They should look into the energy industry. I hear coal is making a comeback.

Hah, the fallout from Enron --including expanded regulations in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act-- may have made any Trump crimers or at least Jared think twice or three times before contemplating an energy thing, at least on the domestic side. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit.

Anyway the Trumps have been about doing private deals and running private companies to reduce most problems to a matter of trying not to run afoul of taxing authorities. It's pretty hard to keep anything energy related out of public scrutiny, even if a private concern.

A lot of the newer entries in the energy sector tend to be PPPs (public-private partnerships) which mean to lay off policy risk and financial guarantees in the public side and get their management skills plus actual investment of capital from the private side. So there's automatically some public scrutiny involved there. Not something the TrumpBabies like to contemplate with their dad's radioactive borrowing records front and center. Even Deutsche Bank finally said uh... hard pass.

Whatever the Trumps do with private funds now must end up laundered to a fare thee well now, no? No bank wants to discover that some shell company in their accounts --one that just got in a big wire transfer?-- is actually six degrees off some Trump financier in God Knows Where.

That's the kind of stuff that kept getting Deutsche Bank in trouble with the Feds in the USA anyway. Not really knowing their customers, allowing monies paid to intermediaries to be called "referrals" when they were bribes... and getting fined to settle allegations of corrupt dealings in Russia and KSA.

Mind you this was the last bank doing business in the USA that would even deal with Donald Trump. Another piece points out the long history.

Deutsche Bank (DB) Settles Spoofing Case, To Pay $130M Fine

For Deutsche Bank, this settlement is an addition to its growing list of litigation charges. Notably, around $18 billion has been paid by the bank as penalties for financial malpractices in the last 10 years since the financial crisis.

Yeah 18 billion with a B for waiving a right to face indictments over naughty things and just settling for fines instead.

But if the Trumps are interested in energy there's always Central Asia, right... murky deals have been getting thrown around in there for decades. Turrkmenistan for natural gas and Kazakhstan for oil.
Obviously! Since there were already people planning to storm the Capitol and murder members of congress, Trump cannot have incited insurrection with his actions on January 6th. FBI testifying about that will expose the Dems and the impeachment hoax for what they are!

The Chewbacca defense comes to mind...

“The Democrats will try to convince you that it wasn’t just about his words on January 6th, but his countless public statements and Tweets over the course of months that built to this. And they’d be absolutely unquestionably correct on that. I’ll even take it a step further. Trump said for months before the election that if he didn’t win then that means the election was stolen. But do we really want to go there? I say we don’t. As far as this trial is concerned former President Trump didn’t exist before January 6th. The crowd just showed up with their preconceived ideas that they, frankly, pulled out of their ass. Nobody knows where they got their information from or why they were so mad. As you can clearly see now, Democrats have nothing.”
“The Democrats will try to convince you that it wasn’t just about his words on January 6th, but his countless public statements and Tweets over the course of months that built to this. And they’d be absolutely unquestionably correct on that. I’ll even take it a step further. Trump said for months before the election that if he didn’t win then that means the election was stolen. But do we really want to go there? I say we don’t. As far as this trial is concerned former President Trump didn’t exist before January 6th. The crowd just showed up with their preconceived ideas that they, frankly, pulled out of their ass. Nobody knows where they got their information from or why they were so mad. As you can clearly see now, Democrats have nothing.”

Yeah well...

One word: Kompromat.

One can certainly wonder. I mean anyone who just generally remembers a Lindsey Graham from the wayback --with partisan policy issues set aside-- sees a wholly different person now as far as respect for the rule of law is concerned.

Guy golfs with Trump for the first time in 2017 on the Columbus Day holiday and comes off the links a changed man? Before that he had had nothing good to say of Trump.

But since then --except for disagreeing w/ Trump's take on the Syrian Kurds vs Turkey, and for a brief moment while Biden's victory was being confirmed in the joint session of Congress when it resumed after the insurrection-- Graham might as well have been a regular lackey like Trump's inner circle at the WH.
One can certainly wonder. I mean anyone who just generally remembers a Lindsey Graham from the wayback --with partisan policy issues set aside-- sees a wholly different person now as far as respect for the rule of law is concerned.

Guy golfs with Trump for the first time in 2017 on the Columbus Day holiday and comes off the links a changed man? Before that he had had nothing good to say of Trump.

But since then --except for disagreeing w/ Trump's take on the Syrian Kurds vs Turkey, and for a brief moment while Biden's victory was being confirmed in the joint session of Congress when it resumed after the insurrection-- Graham might as well have been a regular lackey like Trump's inner circle at the WH.
Yup. Personal experience observing people suffering trauma: adults only undergo personality changes like this after a major trauma.... Since we don't know the details, there's a good reason to believe they are not public, ergo compromising.
For the love of God. Guy who replied though has a good idea!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1356632605672800260/
Greene and McCarthy had a "chat" last night and McCarthy offered her some choices --including an apology over spouting conspiracy theories about school shootings etc. and publicly renouncing QAnon and any suggestions of violence to be committed upon Democrats-- which apparently she refused to consider.... since Kevin's next step was to consult late in the evening with a House panel on committee assignments, trying to cut a deal where he'd boot her from Education and Labor committee and she'd stay on the Budget committee.

Thiis did not fly well with Dems of course but McCarthy doesn't want the whole House to end up voting on the record to remove her (from both posts) because that only riles some constituents of some other GOP House members.

Now McCarthy mulls giving her some other committee assignment in exchange for stepping down from both?

Greene seems more and more like "the Florida guy" she claims backs her 100% --i.e. she could not care less about the Republican Party-- but what she forgets are some important little details: she's not Trump and he's not the President any more and her own colleagues on her own side of the aisle wish she wold just go the F away.

Meanwhile this mess coincides with intentions of the GOP House to deal today with the question of Liz Cheney's leadership post which some in the party think she should lose over having voted to impeach the Florida guy... all this to the drumbeat of the Dems seizing upon "The GOP is the party of QAnon" as their initial message as they begin their midterm election planning. And Mitch over in the Senate laying low before the trial of Trump next week. Must seem like a long year already to Republican fundraisers... all except Marjorie Greene, who's raising a war chest off all the controversy over her status,
