TF Guy! You know what it means

And this guy just might be the next Josh Hawley.

We know Josh Mandel well in this state. For sheer detestability, he's on a par with Hawley, Ted Cruz and Matt Gaetz.

Mandel's statement announcing his campaign said he was motivated by the "sham" impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, which began this week, and emphasized his support for "President Trump's America first Agenda."
"We have a strong and unrivaled network of conservative activists throughout the state of Ohio," Mandel added. "These conservative activists who are Trump warriors and ideological conservatives have been there for me and have been coming out of the woodwork for the past week or so encouraging me to run."
And he added that he did not think Trump held any blame for the events of January 6, when rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol following the rally on the National Mall, calling the day "tragic" but saying it was "not President Trump's fault."

He's also highly critical of Gov. Mike DeWine and former head of the Ohio Department of Health Amy Acton, both of whom are admired for how they've handled the coronavirus situation in Ohio. opines that, "Ohio politics has never seen a bottom feeder quite like Josh Mandel."

Luckily there are other Republicans planning to run in Ohio. But this far right little shit has shown a talent for raising money, getting publicity and spewing hate. Just what we need more of in the Senate, right?

NOW one wants to admit this?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1360193535937556481/

Please find your seat at the James Comey table, and no longer be heard your time passed for that.
Most disingenuous statement from a Republican since Trump got the boot from Twitter. She's had his back 100% on every incendiary statement and policy since day one. Only AFTER he's unable to attack her does she take a stand, right up there with Graham as the worst their party has.
Slight deviation from the thread title norm... FUCK THESE GUYS!!!

Apparently some PlayStation 5 scalpers aren’t happy with their public image, Forbes reports. The press has treated them unfairly and misrepresented them, they claim. I’m not sure what rock these scalpers have been living under, but news flash: People hate scalpers for legitimate reasons. They screw people out of purchasing hardware at a fair price, and scalping in other industries (like event ticketing) is illegal, so it seems like the same should apply to hardware.

Scalping a console isn’t illegal, though, and so scalpers rationalize their profits under the banner of entrepreneurship.

A British scalper by the name of Jordan told Forbes: “Essentially every business resells their products. Tesco, for example, buys milk from farmers for 26p or so per litre and sells it on for upwards of 70p per litre. No one ever seems to complain to the extent as they are currently doing towards ourselves.”

Basically, this guy considers what he does buying wholesale. Where do we begin with how absolutely bananas that idea is? Comparing a scalper running bots to snatch up graphics cards or consoles before anyone else can get their hands on them so they can turn a profit by wildly marking up these items on eBay to a legitimate business is not only disingenuous, it’s ludicrous.
Jordan claims he bought 25 PlayStation 5 units in January and resold them for roughly $967 (£700) a piece. A PS5 should be closer to $621 (£450), so that means Jordan sold each unit at about a 55% mark up and made $8,539 in profits. Forbes outlined how Jordan and his business partner Regan are likely bypassing security checks in the EU by using credit cards from outside the EU. “Generally, all cards provided by EU banks must have 3D Secure enabled,” web security and performance consultant Edward Spencer told Forbes. “I would guess that they are using cards associated with banks that are from outside of the EU, and are probably pre-paid.”
For now, it seems like the only way scalpers can be stopped is if the company takes action or if a resale site like eBay bans certain items. More can, and should, be done.
Go eat bot filled d- !!!
Just looked StockX; a PS5 is $750.... +$22 processing fee....+$100 shipping fee.....+$Tax.

Fuck this I'll wait.
Interesting though that Apple Airpods Max are going for $500. $50 under normal price, while Amazon has them in stock at regular price.
TF State (Tennessee):

At the hearing, if the man can prove that he is the biological father and that there is a “reasonable probability” that the woman would obtain an abortion, the court shall issue an injunction prohibiting her from terminating the pregnancy. Proof of parenthood requires only that the petitioner acknowledges paternity. A DNA test is not required.
If the woman violates the injunction by obtaining an abortion, the court may hold her in civil or criminal contempt. There are no exceptions for rape or incest.

Sure, these guys can also undergo uterine transplantation, hormone therapy, can deliver via C-section and we can make them lactate too:) It's a joke though...this is essentially an attempt to open a loophole where some dudes would just claim paternity on all pregnancies. I always consider shit like that an alarm not to ever consider moving to the region where this came up.
You knew Mitch couldn’t stay out of the thread for long. He’s going to acquit Trump, but it was a “close call” and it’s purely on “jurisdictional” issues. Do these people not realize that the jurisdiction issue was already decided? The Senate decides jurisdiction by a vote, and that vote was already held. At this point you are deciding based on the crime itself. Such a “dodge“ has no basis in the law; it’s an excuse for backing Trump no matter what.

Since the last tweet on TF Guy disappeared, here's a new one...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1360613212752908292/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1360625214258876429/

Chuck Todd, you suck. That is all. And who the Fuck with a memory past a week would EVER trust muscomitch on anything besides going back on his own previous word for self serving reasons.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1360529664498876419/
But, we want “business” guys running the government, right? Seems like people making those arguments forget how many “business guys” run companies into bankruptcy and float away on Golden parachutes. That isn’t a great policy for a constitutionally mandated agency needed by the country.
Just looked StockX; a PS5 is $750.... +$22 processing fee....+$100 shipping fee.....+$Tax.

Fuck this I'll wait.

We had a blast with the PS4P last night, a few years behind, but with the new 4K set, it's still pretty awesome, we're trying to get back to where we were in Last of Us :D

"Normal price".

They overshot with that "normal" price not by little, lol.

Speaking of headphones ... I just ordered a new tube for my headphone amp, old one had flipped out, generating some noise, the original (with very little runtime) is quiet, but kind of dull ...
But, we want “business” guys running the government, right? Seems like people making those arguments forget how many “business guys” run companies into bankruptcy and float away on Golden parachutes. That isn’t a great policy for a constitutionally mandated agency needed by the country.
Well, when the guy has an interest in the competition & does what he can to help his interest, that makes them a "smart businessman".

