TF Guy! You know what it means

What are you 12?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1357435421278560258/

Seriously that guy is such a witless pain in the neck. During a podcast interview with Steve Bannon, Gaetz said he was willing to resign his seat in Congress and go represent Trump at trial in the Senate.

Trump, it has been reported, wants to put forth an argument that he was illegally removed from office when he lost the Nov. 3 election to President Joe Biden.

“I would do anything I had to do to ensure that the greatest president in my lifetime, one of the greatest presidents our country’s ever had, maybe the greatest president our country has ever had, got a full-throated defense that wasn’t crouched down, that wasn’t in fear of losing some moderate Republican senator, but that was worthy of the fight he gave to the great people of this country for four years,” Gaetz reportedly told Bannon.

For a minute there I was so happy thinking Trump might even accept. But likely his new counsel will put the kibosh on that idea, if they have a clue about Gaetz. His Florida district could do better picking a guy from the average supermarket parking lot on a Saturday morning to represent them.

The weird thing is that Gaetz, now only in his second term in the House, doesn't even seem to like being a Congressman any more:

His talk of stepping away from Congress to represent Trump comes just weeks after he speculated on the possibility of returning home in 2022 to run for the office of Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

“In 2022 the only statewide position I would consider running for in the current political climate is Commissioner of Agriculture," Gaetz said to a South Florida newspaper.
To end your evening with MTG
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1357388510215380993/

What a dreadful person she is...

And... so all would have been good if former Sen.Al Franken had only groped some cardboard boobies without consent on that fateful flight, eh? Good to know, I guess.
Seriously that guy is such a witless pain in the neck. During a podcast interview with Steve Bannon, Gaetz said he was willing to resign his seat in Congress and go represent Trump at trial in the Senate.

For a minute there I was so happy thinking Trump might even accept. But likely his new counsel will put the kibosh on that idea, if they have a clue about Gaetz. His Florida district could do better picking a guy from the average supermarket parking lot on a Saturday morning to represent them.

The weird thing is that Gaetz, now only in his second term in the House, doesn't even seem to like being a Congressman any more:
Commissioner of Agriculture? The man’s perfect for the job. I’m sure the farmers in his state could use the manure.
MTG is so over the top that I normally would have suspected some kind of performance art, like the final project for an art degree somewhere, intended to chock people and to see where they will draw the line. When no line is visible, she escalates to find it. Rinse, repeat. Stuck on a hamster wheel that goes faster and faster, with people cheering her on instead of trying to stop her...

That would have made for a good movie once upon a time. There probably is some movie or books like that out there already. Not that it really matters, now it is reality and just batshit crazy! It is so absurd that it should be funny, but I’m terrified.
Wait. What?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1357427371033432064/

I think it's telling he says network news is a dying platform. Coupled with his outrage of being removed from Twitter he clearly wants to be an unfiltered and ignorant news source of one.
Wait. What?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1357427371033432064/

Now that reads like something from The Onion. 😂

45th President of the United States Donald Trump just doesn’t get it. To paraphrase another Hollywood union member, the late WGAw writer Harlan Ellison:

Donald Trump telling the actors union that they cannot have him as a member is like telling a man who has just crawled out of the Gobi desert on hands and knees that he cannot have a peanut butter sandwich.
MTG is so over the top that I normally would have suspected some kind of performance art, like the final project for an art degree somewhere, intended to chock people and to see where they will draw the line. When no line is visible, she escalates to find it. Rinse, repeat. Stuck on a hamster wheel that goes faster and faster, with people cheering her on instead of trying to stop her...

That would have made for a good movie once upon a time. There probably is some movie or books like that out there already. Not that it really matters, now it is reality and just batshit crazy! It is so absurd that it should be funny, but I’m terrified.

Probably not as terrified as a member of Congress whose child has now been threatened by name on phone calls made to the family's home. Even hearing about that from one of the members speaking from the floor of the House didn't dissuade the pro Trump wing of the GOP yesterday from voting against the resolution to remove Greene from committee posts.

Yet they had only grumbled (a few of them) when McCarthy had done the right thing and stripped Steve King of committee posts after King had asked, rhetorically, as a doubling down on previous remarks about white supremacy, "white nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?”

But that was enough to get King not only booted off all committees (joining two then under-indictment Republicans Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins in having no posts) but earned him a primary race and ultimately the loss of his seat in Congress. King also managed to be one of only five (all GOP) House members voting against an October 2020 resolution to accept election results peacefully if Trump lost the election then still to be held.

But Taylor Greene has claimed backing of a former and twice-impeached president, fails to renounce vicious Christian Nationalist rhetoric including anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim innuendo, failed to apologize directly and publicly for having liked a social media post favoring assassination of Pelosi, openly mocks the leadership in both chambers.... and yet Kevin McCarthy threaded a needle in a private House GOP session and ended up supporting both Liz Cheney and Taylor Greene to paper over the GOP's fissures, then supported Greene again yesterday with the other Trump bootlickers and so let the Dems stick their fingerprints on Greene's loss of voice on any House committees. And I suspect he was grateful in the end because Greene, let's face it, is too far over the line for him and for a lot of other GOP House members. They are just too cowed by their own damn extremist base.

Still... McCarthy went so far as to warn the Dems, even in his own clear dereliction of duty, that what goes around comes around and that the GOP has a list of "equivalent" situations they mean to remedy when they regain power. To me that makes it worthwhile to ensure they never regain power, but that's up to the voters.

Anyway I am unable even to envision the wrath of the GOP and its media outlet support system if a Democratic Party candidate ran an ad picturing the Dem holding an AR15 next to photo of the faces of the GOP candidate and a couple colleagues. First thing out of the RNC's big money mouth would be "And you thought the Willie Horton ad was out of line?"

Yet the openly pro-Trump crowd in the House had no vote to put behind their possible disapproval of that ad run by Greene, even after a still clip of it was shown to them before they had to go on record yesterday. She did not renounce that ad nor the xenophobic and bigoted sentiments behind it. So her party peers were largely cowards when it was time to vote yesterday. Zero empathy for a peer whose child receives death threats just because of the parent's visibility as a member of Congress who is not a white Christian.

How could they look at their own children last night and not think back on the day's proceedings? Were they afraid if they voted against punishing Greene, that death threats by rightwing extremists would then swing around and come home to roost against their own families? I suppose that entirely possible. but who are these officials that some Americans choose to represent them in our house of the people? Willing to tolerate violence against political opponents out of fear that if they don't, they too will encounter it from their own erstwhile supporters?

I expect to hear that those voting not to strip Greene of her assignments merely think that it is a party's decision to discipline their own members. McCarthy won't have the grace to say he couldn't afford to do that and retain his own post while hoping to gain the Speaker's gavel after 2022 midterms.
Have come to conclusion all these guys just have one point: that federal government is bulllshit all the way down and they mean to make a mockery of it whenever they have a chance. When out of power just mockery will suffice, and when in power, rip it out from within the agencies until the agencies are so obviously dysfunctional that the only solution is to defund them, then abolish them until the executive branch is The President (For Life, if they can also manage to completely discredit voting and media).
Sigh. This will always come up because of the existence of this month.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1358203095482855430/

The problem being of course is the parents who do opt out. At some point later the inevitable will be heard about a killing, BLM, dealing with the police, systemic racism, ..."I just don't understand Black people sometimes. Why don't they -fillintheblank- like US?" "Why are they are going on about -fillintheblank-?"

At which point some little kid will say, "We learned in class it's because of -fillintheblank-".

To which the parent who is so triggered by Black History Month will seek to correct said child, and wonder where they learned such things. The parent will seek to correct said such child not based on knowledge, but their feelings.

At some point later said parent will with no sense of irony opine on the segregation & separation of the races as well, and wonder why we can't all get along.

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Sigh. This will always come up because of the existence of this month.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1358203095482855430/

The problem being of course is the parents who do opt out. At some point later the inevitable will be heard about a killing, BLM, dealing with the police, systemic racism, ..."I just don't understand Black people sometimes. Why don't they -fillintheblank- like US?" "Why are they are going on about -fillintheblank-?"

At which point some little kid will say, "We learned in class it's because of -fillintheblank-".

To which the parent who is so triggered by Black History Month will seek to correct said child, and wonder where they learned such things. The parent will seek to correct said such child not based knowledge, but feelings.

At some point later said parent will with no sense of irony opine on the segregation & separation of the races as well, and wonder why we can't all get along.

They should be able to opt out of white history then too. Considering most of it is cherry-picked to portray white slaveholders in a glowing light, they won‘t be missing much.
They should be able to opt out of white history then too. Considering most of it is cherry-picked to portray white slaveholders in a glowing light, they won‘t be missing much.
No. That WILL really trigger some feelings, which is what triggered an exec action by the president over a Pulitzer Prize winning article.

When some can be triggered over an article accounting OUR history, that requires an overt racist to help pen an exec action from a racist president, it's the reminder that for some their feelings far outweigh our country's real history & wanting to wrestle with it.

What fascinates me though is that people are so blinded, they can't see the message they themselves send loudly to others with such actions.

"But I'm not a racist. I just don't want any discussion about race that isn't about mine or favorable, EVER mentioned or taught. What's racist about that?"

History is inclusive. It includes the good and the bad on all sides. Unfortunately, it is difficult to choose the historical events covered in schools. I wish there were enough of those events covered in a normal curriculum that Black History were not necessary, but it’s not. US history needs to be much deeper. It’s not just the Civil War and the cotton gin.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1357728615098699778/
Just watching this guy with his cocky swagger, his contemptuous attitude and that Jack Torrance grin...

Honestly now--can't you just picture the guy with that face chopping through a door with an ax and threateningly smirking, "Wendy...I'm home!"?
On a completely different note:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1358595110007697410/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1358596010512060418/