TF Guy! You know what it means

I'm done
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1366520898870738952/

Of all the people plausibly justified in issuing such a call, Jim Jordan might be penultimate on my list, right above Trump himself, who has been busy threatening to cancel every Republican who ever so much as looked at him crosseyed.
Of all the people plausibly justified in issuing such a call, Jim Jordan might be penultimate on my list, right above Trump himself, who has been busy threatening to cancel every Republican who ever so much as looked at him crosseyed.
Wait, if Jordan is penultimate and Trump is below him, who the heck do you think is the worst?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1367122113799323651/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1367128687406182400/

Quick reminder. SOME people voted for that 👆
Marjorie Taylor Greene is a real piece of work. A posturing lunatic. I hope she keeps this up. She’s alienating members of her own party and wearing out her welcome with everyone.

And she’s only been in government for two months. At this rate, she'll be the party pariah by six months. Nobody on either side will work with her on anything.

I recommend the next time she suggests adjourning at 9:30 in the'll be her fourth...the entire Congress take a cue from "1776" and rise and sing:

Sit down, Marge!
Sit down, Marge!
For God's sake, Marge, sit down!

Meanwhile, remember this f-ing guy, Josh Mandel. He’s definitely cut from the same cloth as Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton and Matt Gaetz. And he is an ambitious little shit.

A day after governors in Mississippi and Texas lifted mask mandates and other guidelines to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Mandel on Wednesday called on Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine to do the same.
"I think Mike DeWine is a squishy establishment politician who went along with the peer pressure and the groupthink of liberal media and other squishy governors around the country when he should have been a leader," Mandel, a former two-term state treasurer, said in an interview.
"There's no science or math that shows that it's been helpful," he said, overlooking data and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other experts that confirms that properly covering your mouth and nose helps prevent the spread of viral particles.
"No," Mandel replied when asked whether he would continue wearing a mask in public if DeWine lifts the mandate. "We need to stop the mask mandates immediately. And I will stop wearing a mask. I have the freedom to make decisions based on what's best for me and my family. And this has gone way overboard."

Yeah, he's an effing moron.
1776" and rise and sing:

Sit down, Marge! Sit down, Marge! For God's sake, Marge, sit down!
It’s an excellent idea. Unfortunately for me, I’ll now be humming the entire score all night and not be able to fall asleep. I was hoping this would make a comeback after Hamilton’s success.

Georgia House. Fuck you


Georgia House. Fuck you

WTF good is it to Mail in a photocopy of your voter ID to vote by Mail? ID cards don’t photocopy well, and who even has photocopiers anymore? You have to find a kinko’s and drive there to make a copy?

We need a voting rights AMENDMENT that sets national standards for voting. It should be written to make it nearly impossible to prevent somebody from voting if they want to vote.

We can deal with gerrymandering next.

Sorry, “moderate” democrats. There are no moderate Republicans when it comes to passing things like this. You have to fight fire with fire. Be aggressive in passing laws that block this stuff when you have the power!
The funny part about TF guy is the concern others had for him also being dragged out & lynched SOME would do a BLM protestor, but he doesn't seem to have the same concern. Instead he's still a team player, imagining he still has a real spot on the team.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1367263240921755652/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1367488131377807372/
WTF good is it to Mail in a photocopy of your voter ID to vote by Mail? ID cards don’t photocopy well, and who even has photocopiers anymore? You have to find a kinko’s and drive there to make a copy?
Dude! You're living in the past. You use your smartphone and snap a picture of the ID. Print it out and it's better than a photocopy.
Dude! You're living in the past. You use your smartphone and snap a picture of the ID. Print it out and it's better than a photocopy.
I understand the backup plan if THIS doesn't cut down the voting: Is you have to bring the notary WITH you to verify it's their notary stamp on the photocopy you made of your ID to mail in at the time of actual voting. 🥴

After a state mandated representative approves, you can then mail it from a mailbox outside the polling station in ANOTHER state.

Also your actual ID will no longer do if you decide you instead want to use it AT that time to vote instead.
Dude! You're living in the past. You use your smartphone and snap a picture of the ID. Print it out and it's better than a photocopy.
Wait, you have a printer? Is is next to your fax machine? 😉 I have a printer too, but I am one of the few (and shrinking number).
My printer also does scanning and photocopying..... The copying feature comes in handy every now and then.
Wait, you have a printer? Is is next to your fax machine? 😉 I have a printer too, but I am one of the few (and shrinking number).

I'm of the opinion that more people should be printing their photos and displaying them. Seeing them on a wall (or wherever) does seem to give the photo more value and good memories (if that is what you are aiming for). You can get some good quality frames with mats on the cheap.
I really should do that, either print out some of my favorite images myself and frame them, but I don't have much free wall space, unfortunately. I do have some framed B&W prints that I shot years ago that hang in the dining area and also in the master bedroom, but that's it. Even then it was apparent what I like to shoot and in what style: one image is a pair of geese, one with his neck stretched out and head at an odd angle, and the print mounted on the wall adjacent to it is of the sun reflected in the water, framed by some bushes. Lots of shadow-and-light play...... In the master bedroom hangs an abstract, again playing with shadows, light, shape and texture. Also in the bedroom I do have a couple of framed photos of my two Siamese cats, Harry and Tali, shot when they were around five months old. Both of them have now long since crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Other photos, smaller ones in small frames, I have on various pieces of furniture in the living room and bedroom: family, close friends, etc. -- that either I shot or someone else has taken.

It is unfortunate that with the digital era that so many people are no longer maintaining physical photo albums or hanging framed photos on their walls. I've got several photo albums from years back, including family albums from both my husband's family and my own, plus albums of photos that I shot of family and friends at various times. When I'm gone my niece and nephew will probably be interested in the albums related to their great-grandparents, grandparents, their own parents and their uncle (my husband) but I doubt that they'd care much about photos of my grandparents and parents or me as a little girl. No one on my family's side to whom to pass those albums along. That's the disadvantage of being an only child from a small family and being the only one left as the years pass.....
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That side tells you they hate big gov't and can't get anything done.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1367508238883835905/

What they don't tell you is they love big gov't that gets the little things done for them on the gov't dime.
...And because we have a few falsehoods inevitably floating around congress as usual

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1367472606455201795/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1367341556810850307/
That side tells you they hate big gov't and can't get anything done.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1367508238883835905/

What they don't tell you is they love big gov't that gets the little things done for them on the gov't dime.
The IG recommended criminal prosecution, but the Trump DoJ declined. I assume the Biden DoJ can bring charges now?