TF Guy! You know what it means

This is what the Christian version of Sharia law looks like.

Well exactly. And although it appears true that fewer actual "back alley" procedures are required nowadays when a woman cannot acquire a safe in-clinic termination of pregnancy, the legal consequences can be dire for both the woman and physicians or clinics in the event of a pharmaceutical abortion having gone wrong when abortion is entirely prohibited. A researcher expecting to find more botched back-alley incidents in Chile, after strict laws were passed there, found instead that women relied on continued ability to obtain drugs to effect abortions. and that if and "something went wrong" whenever a woman ended up in hospital or clinic for treatment of her situation, there was increasing pressure to criminalize seekers or providers of pharmaceutical abortifacients. This in turn can drive women once again to seek riskier back alley terminations.

When TF guys are tired of TF guy
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369668057782706177/

I'm not only tired of Greene, I'm even tired of people tweeting about Greene. But then Twitter gains less and less of my time every year when the earliest signs of spring start showing up around here. We've a way to go before true spring in the mountains but there start to be opportunities for a little yard work in between late snowfalls and ongoing frosty overnights.

Greene is on borrowed time, but too bad she's making the most of her nothingness. Still it's too bad mostly for the GOP...
I'm not only tired of Greene, I'm even tired of people tweeting about Greene. But then Twitter gains less and less of my time every year when the earliest signs of spring start showing up around here. We've a way to go before true spring in the mountains but there start to be opportunities for a little yard work in between late snowfalls and ongoing frosty overnights.

Greene is on borrowed time, but too bad she's making the most of her nothingness. Still it's too bad mostly for the GOP...

Can you imagine the quality of the brain trust back at home advising her? 😳 I'm just waiting for her to show up for a vote with her copy of Obstruction for Dummies tucked under her arm.
This guy really is the total package

I believe the electoral college was setup to prevent folks like this from picking the winner but in recent times it seems it’s purpose is to give this guy the advantage.
This guy really is the total package

I believe the electoral college was setup to prevent folks like this from picking the winner but in recent times it seems it’s purpose is to give this guy the advantage.
Some might argue that it is working as intended. Racist white slave holders pushed for the electoral college, including the 3-5ths compromise, to try and maintain enough power to keep slavery legal.

I‘m not an expert on that bit of history so perhaps somebody can correct me or expand upon it…
Another GOP Senator makes the list:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369770036982915084/

Hey voters, thank me for passing this bill that gets you the aid you need!

Um…. Didn’t you vote against it????
Piece of advice, keep your comments in general about Oprah interview with Harry & Meghan

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369894329209159680/

The body count keeps growing if you're in media & don't
Because it's a day ending 'y', and not Saturday or Sunday this guy makes the list for being who he is
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369865023753969664/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369747504565256193/

Because it's a day ending 'y', and not Saturday or Sunday this guy makes the list for being who he is
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369865023753969664/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369747504565256193/

Tucker Carlson permanently looks like he’s shocked he just got bitch slapped.

These conservatives know who to go after that won't bite back.

There's a reason why my friend's conservative friends don't mess with me. They realized long ago I'm not the one lol
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370051671858900995/

"We have to look at the quality of the votes"??

Whadafuq iz dat?!!

Cause if that's an attempt to day "we have to who's vote counts", it's a pretty piss poor attempt.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370051671858900995/

"We have to look at the quality of the votes"??

Whadafuq iz dat?!!

Cause if that's an attempt to day "we have to who's vote counts", it's a pretty piss poor attempt.
WTF?!? Holy f-ing crap. You know, it is NOT hard to have a secure AND easily accessible voting system. H.R. 1 is all about that. But in reality, these folks don’t want anybody except the folks that agree with their politics to vote. That is NOT democracy.
When TF guys tell you blatantly & unintentionally THEY should be investigated
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370077903589892102/
When TF guys tell you blatantly & unintentionally THEY should be investigated
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370077903589892102/
Do they ever go after employers for hiring undocumented workers? If so, ICE just got handed this case on a silver platter…
Do they ever go after employers for hiring undocumented workers? If so, ICE just got handed this case on a silver platter…
With the previous administration ICE had a habit of focusing on employees, and not so much employers who hired them.

I forget the one plant ( I think to do with chickens ) where ICE did a major raid on a place that repeatedly hired illegal immigrants, but the management didn't seem to face any consequences.

Ah, here it is...
The question came days after a massive ICE raid on a Mississippi chicken processing plant. The worksite raid was one of the largest of its kind in US history; 680 people suspected to be unauthorized workers were abruptly arrested and separated from their families.

Tapper asked why employers who hire undocumented workers are not always punished along with the workers themselves; the host cited Syracuse University’s immigration records research that found only 11 people and no companies were prosecuted for employing undocumented workers between the spring of 2018 and 2019. During the same time frame, 85,727 people were prosecuted for entering the US illegally.

Morgan responded that an investigation into the business that employed the undocumented workers in Mississippi is ongoing.

Among the companies that have not been prosecuted for employing undocumented laborers, however, are those owned by President Trump, despite the Trump Organization having reportedly hired undocumented workers for decades.
With the previous administration ICE had a habit of focusing on employees, and not so much employers who hired them.

I forget the one plant ( I think to do with chickens ) where ICE did a major raid on a place that repeatedly hired illegal immigrants, but the management didn't seem to face any consequences.

Ah, here it is...
Shameful. If they levied huge fines against companies that hired undocumented immigrants, instead of just arresting the workers so that companies can hire from the next wave, I bet you’d have the chamber of commerce and other business leaders asking for comprehensive immigration reform. Maybe that should be a priority of the current administration. Come down extremely hard on businesses, then watch the rich GOP donors pressure their lackeys in Congress to pass immigration reform. As it stands, the companies love it. They can treat immigrants like slaves, and if they ask for a raise, they get ICE to deport them and they hire a new wave. F business in America.
These conservatives know who to go after that won't bite back.

There's a reason why my friend's conservative friends don't mess with me. They realized long ago I'm not the one lol

Well Tucker Carlson may have overstepped himself though... he went after women in the military, or anyway went after Biden for elevating status of women in the military, and the military definitely and promptly did bite back....

Senior military officials are condemning Fox News host Tucker Carlson for saying this week that President Joe Biden is making a “mockery” of the armed forces through efforts to recruit and keep women in the service.

On Tuesday, Carlson complained during his prime-time program that while “China’s military becomes more masculine … our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, more feminine.”

Carlson was referring to remarks Biden made at a White House ceremony on Monday, during which he announced the nominations of two female generals to become combatant commanders — putting them on track to potentially become only the second and third women to serve in those positions in U.S. history.

The comments from Carlson provoked such criticism among military leaders that top Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby took time at the start of his press briefing on Thursday “to briefly address some recent comments made by the host of a popular cable show.”

Speaking to reporters, Kirby described “the diversity of our military” as “one of our greatest strengths” and acknowledged that “we still have a lot of work to do to make our military more inclusive, more respectful of everyone, especially women.”

“But what we absolutely won’t do is take personnel advice from a talk show host or the Chinese military,” Kirby said. “Now, maybe those folks feel like they have something to prove. That’s on them. We know we’re the greatest military in the world today, and even for all the things we need to improve, we know exactly why that’s so.”

He added that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin “shares the revulsion” of other leaders who have criticized Carlson’s remarks.
Well Tucker Carlson may have overstepped himself though... he went after women in the military, or anyway went after Biden for elevating status of women in the military, and the military definitely and promptly did bite back....

Nope, I saw right-wingers discussing this. They are convinced that within the first month-and-a-half of a Biden administration, all the senior military leaders are “woke” now and Carlson is right.

So much for “support the troops.” I guess that only applies to white male troops who vote for Trump.
Not exactly sure where to share this but since the hashtag refers a lot to Ted Cruz and any Trump GOP, I find TF guy to be adequately appropriate.

You know it's Friday when #GoneWithTheTesticles is trending on Twitter. :ROFLMAO:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370542514042777602/