TF Guy! You know what it means

With the pandemic possibly winding down, we're really going to go back to weekly active shootings?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1374112162323570689/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1374108323956539395/

What the hell people?

We really don't need another type of TF Guy!
With the pandemic possibly winding down, we're really going to go back to weekly active shootings?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1374112162323570689/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1374108323956539395/

What the hell people?

We really don't need another type of TF Guy!
What the fuck. These people just stand there scratching their balls, while there are wounded on the ground?! No wonder the guy making the video is confused...
With the pandemic possibly winding down, we're really going to go back to weekly active shootings?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1374112162323570689/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1374108323956539395/

What the hell people?

We really don't need another type of TF Guy!

Had to see Fox's take on it. The article was fine and factual. However the comments...holy shit. Blaming it on unemployment with a quick line draw to illegals taking the jobs. Also a much liked comment about how Democrats will use this to pass more restrictive gun laws, or at least have a big debate about it to take attention away from how bad they are doing at the border.
Had to see Fox's take on it. The article was fine and factual. However the comments...holy shit. Blaming it on unemployment with a quick line draw to illegals taking the jobs. Also a much liked comment about how Democrats will use this to pass more restrictive gun laws, or at least have a big debate about it to take attention away from how bad they are doing at the border.

So this is the thing I get lost on.

A greater amount of the time, such incidents are done by people who align politically with the people you are talking about. Yet, it's ALWAYS an opportunity for dems to pass more laws & steal guns. Isn't the simplest solution amongst themselves? After all, how can you complain about a problem YOU keep giving your political rivals ammunition ( so to speak ) to use against you? Doesn't that mean YOU are part of the problem?
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A moment for stupid @$$ TF guys

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1374043601085300738/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1374050571964055556/
I thought he was supposed to be GOOD at business?
He is.

The other businesses that he & his wife are still invested in, will probably do better from business lost from the USPS.

If mail that is considered a service for the country becomes more inconvenient & expensive than private industry, who does that benefit? It's a been a 'r' dream to privatize that part and hand it to be private industry. On top of that, it will eventually lead to the weakening if not dissolution of another union.

That's good business for him, his wife, friends, not so good for the country.

But who gives a shit about the country anymore, amirite?
TF nutjob...

People like this hurt my soul...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1374418918320656396/

...For failing to see the obvious flaws in their own arguments.

THEY can represent ALL of a state, but someone different cannot. 🤨 🤬
It's a Homelander level projection. What I'm tired of is these people thinking they outsmarted the "system" by claiming other people to be racists instead of them. That smug face that shit like this comes with seems to be universal.