TF Guy! You know what it means

Can’t you see how hard he is pwning the libz? Freeeedummm!!!!

Yeah right? Nothing matters but that any more to the GOP. It's the party pastime now turned into full time effort.

And why not? It's not like the GOP have any way to try to expand their base if they insist on keeping Trump's rally base aboard: constructing a regular party platform again to attract new voters would alienate whoever still idolizes Trump (and whichever media outlets still figure to make a buck off Trump supporters).

So the Rs might as well kill time playing games to own the libs. It sorta helps keep both Trump and his base on board the good ship Trumptanic while the RNC freaks out behind the scenes wondering what to do, what to do.

Meanwhile their 2022 class of Senate races is already a disaster with 3 Republican incumbents taking a look in the mirror and deciding the GOP track record might not be an easy sell, considering all that has happened since the 2020 elections... and so deciding to call it a day already. And they have Trump cheerily insisting he's not out of the game and of course will wade into the 2022 campaigns with endorsements... meanwhile facing about 15 different legal situations and trying to raise money off his base under pretense of making a 2024 run. Nice touch.
Wow, glad this guy isn't my neighbor. This goes past derangement syndrome... I wouldn't even know what to say to him or her.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1371151340337041409/
It says that page was removed. What was it about?
...Meanwhile their 2022 class of Senate races is already a disaster with 3 Republican incumbents taking a look in the mirror and deciding the GOP track record might not be an easy sell, considering all that has happened since the 2020 elections... and so deciding to call it a day already....
Things is, these states are unfortunately reliably red, so it’s going to be a big lift to replace the retiring incumbents with Democrats.

Not that we shouldn’t try, because the alternative is probably that these relatively moderate incumbents get replaced by Qanon crackpots.

Summary: if you take away Mitches minority rule and blanket obstruction powers he threatens to blanket pass every right wing talking point legislation he gets his hands on if the Senate flips back to Republican majority.
He probably won’t live that long, so ignore him and pass the agenda a majority of Americans voted for.

Summary: if you take away Mitches minority rule and blanket obstruction powers he threatens to blanket pass every right wing talking point legislation he gets his hands on if the Senate flips back to Republican majority.
That would imply he's capable of doing more than just obstruction... One of my concerns re some republicans is that they aren't that eager when actions require actual active effort.
That would imply he's capable of doing more than just obstruction... One of my concerns re some republicans is that they aren't that eager when actions require actual active effort.
The most recent example that comes to mind is “Repeal and Replace Obamacare” of which they did neither. Pass the progressive agenda and if Republicans win, I have a feeling they won’t repeal anything that was popular.
The most recent example that comes to mind is “Repeal and Replace Obamacare” of which they did neither. Pass the progressive agenda and if Republicans win, I have a feeling they won’t repeal anything that was popular.
Exactly. They would have to rethink their policy ideas to make this work.
That would imply he's capable of doing more than just obstruction... One of my concerns re some republicans is that they aren't that eager when actions require actual active effort.
The most recent example that comes to mind is “Repeal and Replace Obamacare” of which they did neither. Pass the progressive agenda and if Republicans win, I have a feeling they won’t repeal anything that was popular.

He did mention specific examples like abortion and the southern border. Make abortion illegal and turn the southern border into a boobytrapped DMZ is what he is insinuating.

My bigger concern is a representative from one state, regardless of party, having more power than the President. That is what they need to fix.
Things is, these states are unfortunately reliably red, so it’s going to be a big lift to replace the retiring incumbents with Democrats.

Not that we shouldn’t try, because the alternative is probably that these relatively moderate incumbents get replaced by Qanon crackpots.

Well the Dems could run a blue dog and they probably will because if they run a real lefty they'll lose. The risk is getting another Sinema or Manchin. But that's better than a farther-right Republican in my book... "most of the time" and probably when the chips are really down.

Summary: if you take away Mitches minority rule and blanket obstruction powers he threatens to blanket pass every right wing talking point legislation he gets his hands on if the Senate flips back to Republican majority.

Even the Republican voters will run him out of town on a rail if he does that. The party is still really into hyperpartisanship but more and more voters are f'g sick of all the gotcha gamesmanship. And will be more so as the recovery from covid kicks in because they'll be back to jobhunting or working and have less time to play social media games. There's a limit to how long the Rs can play "watch the birdie" and threaten to nuke the legislative landscape when it's becoming more obvious that the pro-Trump and anti-Trump Rs are not on the same page about much including procedural issues any more. Voters may well throw hands up and just stay home if they lean to the right. That is the exact opposite of what the Rs need (and another reason they're trying to pass voter suppression legislation to keep the Dem vote down also!).
It says that page was removed. What was it about?

It was a photo of a lawn littered with Trump signs (and a truck in the driveway that said TRUMP in big letters). Interestingly, the "Pence" underneath TRUMP on the side of the truck had black tape drawn through it. So that guy was really pro-Trump, apparently, i.e. one who like Trump himself was disappointed that Pence said he didn't have the power to overturn the election by any action he could take on January 6th at the formal counting of electoral votes. I would not like having someone that wound up over the election results living next to me. There's a line between political activism and obsession...

Summary: if you take away Mitches minority rule and blanket obstruction powers he threatens to blanket pass every right wing talking point legislation he gets his hands on if the Senate flips back to Republican majority.
The idea that muscomitch thinks anyone would trust him at this point

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1372032240083816448/
History has always been a great predictor
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1372090059646627849/

Let's be perfectly honest, during the last administration with muscomitch in charge, the senate didn't do shit except push thru judges to fulfill a musco & hard core conservative wet dream. Shit ain't going to get done anyways as long as muscovite has a proportionally unfair say in ANYTHING.

The man hasn't done a thing in good faith for the American people in decades, he isn't starting now.
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