TF Guy! You know what it means

Whatā€™s next? A zombie movie? Coming to a cinema near you soon ā€” ā€œThe Uncanceledā€.
I wouldn't be shocked if you browsed Amazon Prime and there were a documentary of that title (lol, youtube has it already).
The movie will come out with a 2-3 year delay. I'm sure as hell it's coming.
Are we freakin' serious right now?

This is a whole lot of TF guys involved...

The saga of the Ever Given was a beautiful one while it lastedā€”is there anything funnier than a large boat getting stuck in the narrow Suez Canal?ā€”but itā€™s had lasting supply chain effects that are pretty miserable. And thatā€™s not even as bad as the flack that one womanā€”Marwa Elselehdarā€”is getting for a role she didnā€™t even play in the event.

Elselehdar, 29, is Egyptā€™s first-ever female ship captain, and when the Ever Given blocked the Suez Canal, she realized that people were placing her at the center of the fiasco. People were using social media to share a doctored screenshot of an Arab Times headline that claimed she was at the helm of the ship at the time it was stuck. It appeared that the headline had been altered from a March 22 profile of Elselehdar praising her successes. You can see the doctored headline here.

The news came as a shock to Elselehdar, who was working as a first mate on the Aida IV vessel near Alexandria, which is hundreds of miles away.

And that wasnā€™t all. People began making Twitter accounts with her name claiming responsibility and furthers spreading the false rumors.

ā€œI felt that I might be targeted maybe because Iā€™m a successful female in this field or because Iā€™m Egyptian, but Iā€™m not sure,ā€ she told the BBC this weekend.
Are we freakin' serious right now?

This is a whole lot of TF guys involved...
It's been so stupid, if it weren't about a fellow human it would be great comic material. Unfortunately it is, which does take us to really those fucking guys territory.
If there was ever a time when you can clearly see into the future where someone will double back & completely contradict themselves given the situation... THIS IS IT

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379081477934215175/

Let a group of democrat nutjobs start passing the convincing rumor on social media that a republican president was using Russian backed Satanic rituals in the oval office to maintain their place in power. That good Christian liberals need to storm their way to save the soul of the country, and I'm betting good ol' Clarence has a change in views.

For F*** sake that guy's an asshole.
Again, Fuck This guy
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379290044301729792/
I've heard this notion from my sane euro-conservative friend about social media = utility. My response:
1) Start with the fucking internet. Fix the ISP cartels. Make ISPs colecting large scale user data illegal
2) Then when that's fixed, you can start considering social media a utility once you started regulating data collection policies similarly to ISPs.
Change up:

So NOT This Fucking guy, quite the opposite. So much the opposite

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379454925143441408/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379458902023151620/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379459433089097730/
Posted in the wrong forum.

It's early people.

An old standby to fill my earlier mix up

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379445145385496582/

& a classic TFG - Boner

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379797995705761795/
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FOr a second I thought , finally Hatch act taken seriously, then:

"By using information and NYCHA connections available to her solely by virtue of her HUD position, Patton improperly harnessed the authority of her federal position to assist the Trump campaign in violation of the Hatch Act," the statement continued.

Under the settlement, Patton will be barred from federal employment for two years and pay a $1,000 fine.
a $1000 fine and 2 year break from feds?:) Traffic violations get you on more severe trouble than this...
Please. Allow me my Pollyanna moment. Even traffic violations have to start by stopping the first car.
To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes when you see this. "We have seen TF Guys, and they is us"

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379853600852221955/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379892751911710720/