TF Guy! You know what it means

Sheepus Wrist

She's determined to maintain a death grip on the title of stupidest TFG in congress

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1383839589874343948/
Yeaaaaahhhh, the dems of course have to have their own counterpart

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TFG Ben Carson trending because anyone / someone thinks anyone / someone gives a shit about what Ben Carson thinks
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TFG Ben Carson trending because anyone / someone thinks anyone / someone gives a shit about what Ben Carson thinks
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1384136725396480001/

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I read his Washington Post op-ed. The short version: he is a successful black man so all other black people who aren’t successful just aren’t trying hard enough.

I wonder who this is really meant for?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1384232343121006593/

Update: On April 19, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law this “anti-mob” bill, bumping many criminal penalties related to protests from misdemeanors to felonies. It also allows people to sue local governments if their property is damaged during a riot.

Leave it to Florida Republicans to pass in the House a bill that targets Black people at the same time the police officer charged with the murder of George Floyd is on trial.

Clueless — or, downright racist?

Given facts and history, most likely, the latter.

The instigator of Florida’s so-called “anti-riot” bill is Yale- and Harvard-educated lawyer Gov. Ron DeSantis. And the sponsor is another lawyer, an eager-beaver Republican representative from Miami, Juan Fernandez-Barquin, who says he volunteered for the job to help DeSantis, in my opinion, with his fascist endeavor.

Barquin used to be an assistant public defender in Palm Beach, but I guess he now plays for another team.

Given those sets of facts — they’re allegedly smart people — it’s hard to argue clueless motivation.

They know exactly what they’re doing.

The controversial measure has been loaded with racially charged intent since DeSantis made it clear in November that he would crack down on what he called “rioting,” but that, in fact, were largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protests in Miami, Tampa and Jacksonville.
The burning of some Miami police cars, the looting of some stores at Bayside Market Place and the vandalism of statues at Bayfront Park were the acts of a few. Likewise, in the other two Florida cities. All caught were arrested and charged with crimes because the laws against criminal activity, no matter how or when it takes place, are already in the books.

What DeSantis and his supporting cast of GOP lawmakers are doing with HB1 is perpetuating a system of double standards based on race.

When a police officer acts unlawfully, when he kills or maims, or violates civil rights, we’re told he’s “a bad apple” in a bushel of good public servants. But when African Americans and Latinos protest, and some opportunists, or some hotheads in the crowd, do damage, the knee-jerk reaction is to quash people’s sacred right to protest in a democracy.

It’s wrong and racially motivated thinking — and that’s what this bill is all about, the need to rein in the Black man, the need to criminalize his behavior with legislation a la Jim Crow, whether it’s by keeping people from protesting with threats of arrest or making it harder for them to vote.

This is why these lawmakers can’t muster an ounce of sensitivity at this poignant moment in time.

“Violence discredits the cause of the protests,” Fernandez-Barquin said during the last seconds of his appearance on the Sunday show “This Week in South Florida” with Michael Putney and Glenna Milberg during a discussion of the bill.

No, it doesn’t.

The cause of long-overdue racial justice in this country — and the fact that the killing of unarmed Black people by police must stop — is greater than the behavior of a few miscreants.

The fact that Fernandez-Barquin used his last precious moments of air time to say this speaks volumes. Bet he wouldn’t feel the same way if Cubans were burning down Havana to protest the Castro regime.

Maybe Ron & Co. have expectations of the Chauvin trial verdict?

I wonder who this is really meant for?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1384232343121006593/

Maybe Ron & Co. have expectations of the Chauvin trial verdict?

Typical Republican bullshit... they don't want you to vote, they don't want you to exercise your 1st amendment, they don't want you to choose who represents you. All they have is thoughts and prayers for you and tax cuts for the wealthy. It's the same thing. They are one of the most dangerous, most extreme threats to democracy today. All while walking around acting like they love the military (they don't) and work to protect your freedoms (they don't) and want to give you good paying jobs (they don't) and the list goes on...
Oh yeah, reminder that the last guy in charge was a selfish shit, who would intentionally gum up the works if he thought it benefitted him

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1384603791765422082/
Yeah, it's time for your uncle

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If you ever needed one instance with the 3 assholes / TF guys

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1385242469537927170/
Today in the Supreme Court, call me surprised

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1385317618664583172/
The dissent is worth a read. The majority opinion is piles and piles of BS legalese. I read it, but I don’t recommend it unless you have something soft and squishy nearby instead of anything hard and/or breakable. Because you will want to throw things. The feats of twisted logic are truly epic, all to justify locking up a 15-year old for life, without possibility of parole, despite the fact that the judge made no indication that the sentence met the standards that prior cases demanded for such a harsh penalty.

My nomination for TF guy du jour is Josh Hawley, the only US Senator to cast a "no" vote on the anti-hate-crimes bill passed 94-1 today. The legislation is meant to improve federal tracking of hate crimes.

The Senate on Thursday passed a bill meant to improve the tracking of federal hate crimes in the wake of a series of high-profile attacks against Asian Americans related to the coronavirus pandemic.

The vote, 94 to 1, came after a few days of haggling between Democrats and Republican over amendments and clears the way for action by the House, where a bill has yet to be brought up.

The Senate bill, sponsored by Hawaii Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono, would require the Department of Justice to quickly designate a person to track and speed up the review of federal hate-crime reports and their prosecution. It would also allow the attorney general to give grants to state and local law enforcement for better tracking of such crimes.
From a year ago today ...

The tears! How long before PRSI adds to the salt filled bucket of tears.

My family and I have been loyal Disney customers for decades. We vacation at Disney World every year. We take a Disney cruise every year or two. Consequently, we spend way too much money in Orlando.

Unfortunately, I am strongly rethinking our commitment to Disney and, thus, Orlando. The more Disney moves away from the values and vision of Walt Disney, the less Disney World means to me. Disney is forgetting that guest immersion is at the core of its business model. When I stand in Galaxy’s Edge or Fantasyland, I know I am in a theme park but through immersion and my willingness to set the real world aside, something magical happens.

That spell is broken when the immersive experience is shattered by the real world. And boy, has Disney been breaking the immersion.

Recently, Disney announced that cast members are now permitted to display tattoos, wear inclusive uniforms and display inclusive haircuts. Disney did all of this in the name of allowing cast members to express themselves.

The problem is, I’m not traveling across the country and paying thousands of dollars to watch someone I do not know express themselves. I am there for the immersion and the fantasy, not the reality of a stranger’s self-expression. I do not begrudge these people their individuality and I wish them well in their personal lives, but I do not get to express my individuality at my place of business.

What’s next, is Disney going to end the rule barring on stage cellphone use by cast members as an infringement on self-expression.

More broadly, like many corporations, Disney has been politicizing its business. Full disclosure: I am a Christian and a conservative Republican, so the people who run Disney and I do not see eye to eye.

Regardless, corporations have always made politically motivated decisions. Usually, it is due to the desire to make a profit, but sometimes it is due to the values of the people in the corporation. Walt Disney used his corporation to express his patriotism during World War II and his pro-capitalism beliefs afterward. The difference today is that the people who run Disney use social media to scream to the whole world that a decision has been made for political reasons.

Disney is in the process of taking the woke scalpel to the Jungle Cruise. Trader Sam is out because he might offend certain people. Every grown-up in the room realizes that Trader Sam is not a representation of reality and is meant as a funny and silly caricature. It is no more based in racism than every Disney caricature of an out-of-touch white American dad.

The next time I ride Jungle Cruise I will not be thinking about the gloriously entertaining puns of the skippers, I will be thinking about Disney’s political agenda. That’s a mood killer.

Disney proclaims that Splash Mountain must change because of its association with “Song of the South.” Disney owns Splash Mountain so it can do what it wants. But if Disney screams at the top of its corporate voice, which is pretty loud, that it is changing it to appease a certain political point of view, now every time I look at the ride I am thinking about politics.

The same with Pirates of the Caribbean. Disney has made significant changes to Pirates of the Caribbean over the years. Whether Disney caved to political pressure or really thought the alterations were necessary is irrelevant.

Pirates used to be one of my favorite attractions. My family would always ride it first on our first day at the Magic Kingdom. Now, we do not even ride it every trip. When my family rides Pirates now, each of the changed scenes takes us out of the illusion because they remind us of reality and the politics that forced the changes.

Disney World is going to lose us as customers if it continues down this path. I do not want to have Disney World taken away from us because Disney cares more about politics than happy guests.

This should matter to the people of Orlando because, if Disney drives away customers like me, Orlando loses money. I can take my tourist dollars elsewhere. I would rather keep spending them in Orlando but people like me feel more and more excluded by Disney’s decisions.
The parks are less fun because immersion and thus the joy is taking a back seat to politics.

Disney, please return to the values and vision of Walt. The customer experience should be the core of your business model. Immersion should not be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness and appeasing the Twitter mob.

Jonathan VanBoskerck lives in North Las Vegas, Nevada.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1385636346086240265/

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