TF Guy! You know what it means

This one is a personal TF guy(s), not applicable to everyone
I don’t know who these people are. I don’t really care. I don’t understand why so many people are talking about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and think it is being taught in public schools. Hello! CRT is a lens through which to do research. CRT isn’t being taught in school any more than Motivation Theory, Expectancy Value Theory, of any of the other theories researchers use.

Reminder: "Florida Man" is an actual commonly used term

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398156453110718465/

For good reason.


Fucking fuckety fuck fuck is this shit from any human being?!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398372966640013315/

People like this need to have henna tattoo numbers [ @$$#01E ] put on their forehead for a week just to get a clue.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398378372707848198/
Last edited:


Fucking fuckety fuck fuck is this shit from any human being?!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398372966640013315/

People like this need to have henna tattoo numbers [ @$$#01E ] put on their forehead for a week just to get a clue.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398378372707848198/
I saw this making the rounds on Twitter. Absolutely abhorrent. Just an onion of awfulness with people like this. Each layer more and more shit
Going with a lighter TF Guy after that bit of disgust. This F'n guy was a regular topic over in MR threads about BLM or Portland ( the infamous concrete milk shake story ), as he's a shit stirrer that happily tried to make a name off of BLM, protected by a supposedly non bias Portland pd, and simping for proud boys in Portland.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398563504672542723/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398558394722652170/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398557095734124550/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398541712247689216/

When your ass gets caught trying to manufacture new shit, and you don't want to pay the consequences
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398541827280568322/

When are people going to learn that those who actively trade in attention from racists, are grifters who shouldn't get the time of day.
Going with a lighter TF Guy after that bit of disgust. This F'n guy was a regular topic over in MR threads about BLM or Portland ( the infamous concrete milk shake story ), as he's a shit stirrer that happily tried to make a name off of BLM, protected by a supposedly non bias Portland pd, and simping for proud boys in Portland.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398563504672542723/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398558394722652170/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398557095734124550/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398541712247689216/

When your ass gets caught trying to manufacture new shit, and you don't want to pay the consequences
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398541827280568322/

When are people going to learn that those who actively trade in attention from racists, are grifters who shouldn't get the time of day.
https://Twitter or X not allowed/GriffinMalone6/status/1398543840408182784
Let's be perfectly clear when it comes to Manchin & Sinema

At some point, Sinema is going to have to realize she can’t have it both ways. She can’t support legislation she believes to be vital and maintain her position on the filibuster.

She chose on Friday not even to vote on the commission bill. The handwriting was on the wall. It wasn’t going to get 60 votes.

Her unwillingness to end the filibuster rule for certain legislation allowed that to happen.

Her non-vote on the Jan. 6 commission bill was essentially a “no” vote.

The same will hold true of the For the People Act.

She cannot have it both ways.

She can’t say she supports a piece of legislation that would protect millions of Americans, many of them in her home state, and refuse to do what needs to be done to pass it.

You treat them like you treat Susan Collins.

You don't take their word to mean anything, and you don't trust them for :poop:.
Reminder: "Florida Man" is an actual commonly used term

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398156453110718465/

For good reason.
Follow up

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398290098244964352/
But the Newsweek clip shows that, after pausing eight seconds for applause, Gaetz had other things to say:

“The Second Amendment—this is a little history lesson for all the fake news media—the Second Amendment is not about hunting, it’s not about sports shooting. The Second Amendment is about maintaining within the citizenry the ability to maintain an armed rebellion against the tyrannical government if necessary.”

“I hope it never does,” he then says, as if reading a legal disclaimer, “but it sure is important to recognize the founding principles of this nation, and to make sure that they are fully understood.”

Newsweek, whose story was quoted and shared by Gaetz, accused a Twitter user of having “edited the speech to make it look like Gaetz was calling on people to shoot Silicon Valley employees,” calling the clip “misleading,” and arguing that Gaetz had only urged the crowd to utilize free speech. “We have a First Amendment right to speak and assemble and we better use it,” the longer video shows him saying, right before the clip picks up with “Silicon Valley” trying to cancel him and his “movement.” His remark about people being obligated to take up arms immediately follows.
The missing context here is that Gaetz has frequently accused Facebook, Twitter, and other tech giants of violating the First Amendment—namely to punish conservatives—by removing content and banning accounts they deem in violation of site policies. He rails against “the hall monitors of Silicon Valley,” whom he insists are suppressing the civil rights of his followers.

This is the “tyranny” on trial before Gaetz’s crowd and the pretext for giving “armed rebellion” a wink and nod to begin with.

What a tool
Follow up

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398290098244964352/

What a tool
The 2nd amendment is NOT about overthrowing the American government. Just another insane right-wing fantasy.

If the constitution was amended to remove the 2nd amendment, would it now be impossible to lead an armed rebellion?

If the government is overthrown, then will the new government be guaranteed to adopt a constitution with gun rights? They might not!

And treason and insurrection are illegal… but still the gun-rights crowd sticks to this nonsense belief.

PS - As with many things in America, part of the reason the 2nd amendment was put in was to allow slave owners to handle slave rebellions.
This guy Gaetz and his hanger-on or sidekick or wannabe usurper Taylor Greene aren't worth the attention they're angling for and largely still getting.

I used to think some of the rally fans of Trump and the people they elected to state or Congressional positions were just ignorant but now I think far worse of them... I'm pretty sure that a lot of them don't believe whatever Trump or QAnon or their peers on social media (or, in the House!) are bandying about, or even what they themselves say in public venues or on social media. It's all just about throwing spokes in the wheels of what they regard as "an elite" or "the establishment". It's provocative to be provocative.

The guy they voted for at the top lost a re-election bid and so now has deprived them of the reflected power they had or thought they had. But they-- whether voters or pols-- are being simple brats about it, the same as a toddler in the candy aisle who's being wheeled outta there screaming bloody murder without a fistful of whatever they most desired: an ongoing era of Trump's sometimes explicit approval of "all the racism you can tweet / email or express on the job" or the promise of more tax cuts (let's remember there were insurrectionist sympathizers footing the transportation bill for others less well off!) or just acting out the equivalent of ordinary road rage because it's Tuesday or 4:37pm or a cloudy day or blood sugar is running low or someone needs a drink or a pill and is 40 miles away from it on a freeway that looks like a parking lot.

Media need to start ignoring all this pot stirring and jockeying for attention and focus on readership segments seeking useful information about the world and especially policymaking in our own country: what has been proposed, what legislation has been introduced, who are the co sponsors, what are its chances of passage.

Sure that's eyes-glaze-over stuff sometimes, and we're out of practice on deep reads thanks to all the easy hits from papers reporting incendiary Trump tweets for five years... and so at least half the country may quit reading the newspapers again... but that's the half that was screaming in the candy aisle last week anyway, so it's not like the news-interested polity of the USA loses anything by media finally remembering they can apply a "fit to print" filter and still sell ad space and newspapers.

The way it's been going --from reading comments in some papers of record that still accept and moderate such input-- there are a lot of such news-interested folk now who are so disgusted that the media still give column inches (and gigabytes of online editions) that they're on the edge of pushing the cancel-my-sub button. They do say it's our money that talks, so... maybe that's how it has to work, if the publishers aren't going to heed the warning shots being fired from the peanut gallery.

I've had it with a lot of media-related Twitter accounts I used to follow. They are largely reporters or columnists but now when they insist on retweeting remarks some peer of theirs made about these cretinous fools in Congress, I just unfollow them without a second thought. I was using Twitter accounts at various media entities as a launch pad into my subscriptions anyway, so I can go back to using bookmarks to the homepage for that purpose!
I don’t know who these people are. I don’t really care. I don’t understand why so many people are talking about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and think it is being taught in public schools. Hello! CRT is a lens through which to do research. CRT isn’t being taught in school any more than Motivation Theory, Expectancy Value Theory, of any of the other theories researchers use.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398657225888079875/
As anyone from MR knows I started a thread there with specific intent, because of SOME of the audience there. I haven't felt the need for it here, because THAT audience isn't over here. I just thought I'd clarify to @Alli why I added the Gaines to the TF guy thread, when they wouldn't be considered such most anywhere else. In the meantime I thought I'd also do a slight bit on Critical Race Theory after @SuperMatt post above.

You'll hear every now & then from the more conspiracy minded that schools don't teach certain things. Of course with any conspiracy there's a small bit of truth behind it based on fact. A large part of that is some of the more offensive things this country has done. We've got an idea of what happened to the original people of this country, but we don't get it all & certainly NOT what's still being done. The obvious case of this in recent memory though is the discovery of Black Wall Street as touched off by The Watchmen TV series. Problem? It wasn't isolated. Know what's worse? There were Asian massacres also, not taught.

There was also sadly more than just Black Wall Street


Here are five race massacres you should be aware of.

Despite some people claiming America was “great” for Black people seven years after the Civil War, Black men and women were being massacred in plain sight during Reconstruction. One of the most horrific incidents -- that we know of -- was April of 1873 in Colfax, Louisiana. Approximately 150 Black men were murdered by white men with guns and cannons for trying to freely assemble at a courthouse.

Sadly, the exact number of deaths is unknown because many Black bodies were thrown into what was called the Red River.


By 1898, Wilmington, North Carolina, was a thriving area with a majority Black population. There were also several Black elected public officials, forcing whites to share power. Of course, “the threat of Negro rule” created illogical white racial resentment.

The media frequently reported, erroneously, that "white womanhood" was threatened by Black men. A white Wilmington newspaper printed a speech by a Georgia feminist that read, "If it requires lynching to protect woman's dearest possession from ravening, drunken human beasts, then I say lynch a thousand negroes a week ... if it is necessary."

By the election of 1898, Black men were prevented from voting to push out the Black elected officials. However, white supremacists could not stop the economic power that Blacks had already created. Therefore, they destroyed Black Wilmington with terrorism.

The day after the 1898 election, whites announced the “white declaration of independence.” They overthrew the Wilmington government, destroyed the printing press, forced out the mayor, and a mob of white men attacked Black residents.

There were reportedly 60 to 300 Black people killed by this act of domestic terrorism. For over 100 years, the powers that be in Wilmington tried to erase the massacre from its history. Until 2000, when “the General Assembly established the 1898 Wilmington Race Riot Commission to develop a historical record of the event and to assess the economic impact of the riot on African Americans locally and across the region and state,” according to the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.

The massacre is now in the state’s historical record.


Like many race massacres, the violence in Atlanta at the turn of the century began with white women accusing Black men of rape. On September 22, 1906, Atlanta newspapers reported that four white women alleged they were assaulted by Black men — a claim that was completely unfounded.

In reality, whites were threatened by upwardly mobile Black communities in Atlanta, which they believed were taking away their jobs. This bogus report of sexual assault drove as many as 2,000 white men to the streets. The terrorists went into Black communities to beat, stab and shoot any Black people in sight. PBS reports “a disabled man was chased down and beaten to death.”

Communities were destroyed and the unofficial death toll was up to 100.


The Encyclopedia of Arkansas calls the Elaine Massacre “by far the deadliest racial confrontation in Arkansas history and possibly the bloodiest racial conflict in the history of the United States.”

Blacks outnumbered whites 10 to 1 and were demanding economic justice, as many of them were forced into sharecropping. A union was created to protect sharecroppers and whites were outraged at even the smallest move toward equality.

In September of 1919, there was a union meeting among Black workers, and whites showed up to riot. As a result, one white man was shot and killed. Whites convinced themselves there was a threat of a "Black insurrection” and, as usual, reacted with violence.

Hundreds of white men attacked Black residents but many fought back -- including Black veterans. Sadly, there were reports of over 200 Black people, including children, were killed.

Many who weren’t killed were arrested and tortured while in custody. They were forced to “confess” about an insurrection with 12 men receiving the death penalty. They eventually became known as the Elaine 12. With the help of the NAACP, their case went to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1923, and they were exonerated.

This was one of the first times the NAACP won a case in front of the Supreme Court.

An important part of the reaction that Critical Race Theory is based on is for a group of individuals to NOT want to hear about this country's very ugly past. A past that they want to pretend doesn't exist, because it's been an important of this country to do so, and convince themselves that they have always been the hero of the story & NEVER the villain. The problem of course is that an important part of the foundation & start of this country is based on villainy. It doesn't matter that other places had slaves or who they enslaved. It's the fact that those people recognize slavery is bad, but since others did it isn't so bad.

It's bad.

What's worse? Denying it. Especially when you've built this country on a large part of that denial to further profit off of those formerly enslaved, and then hate hearing that those practices have been systemically sustained to make sure that other group of people remains a second class citizenry. The sad part is it's not like the whole country feels this way. There's just a large part that goes, "Yeah we did some fucked up shit in the past". If it's a celebrity there would be an apologia tour and attempts to make amends. For the group that gets so upset hearing about the country's past, that's a non starter. So while a part of country can accept what we did & want amends for Native Americans, acknowledged what happened to Japanese with internment camps, crap done to Chinese Americans in the old west, and still done to those coming from south of border, another only wants to hear about in that one or two movies a year & that is it.

Those individuals are so into their feelings about our past, they've put great effort into actively trying to wipe parts of other races involvement with this country. An instance I posted elsewhere...

Sometimes history has to be presented differently as to not offend those who don't want to know the crappier part of their history.

Which finally brings me to the Gaines. They seem like nice wholesome Christian God loving family oriented people. It's what their image is based on that made them stars on HGTV, that barreled into getting them their own Magnolia Network. It's all about helping other good people get the homes they deserve or need in Texas, and it's heartwarming. It's an image that's been gobbled up for all of it's warm goodness. If you're a person of color though if you've watched more than a handful of episodes ever, you'd notice something missing. I certainly don't believe it's anything intentional or done with genuine malice, but in their world there just may not be much in the way of PoC.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398744390462578688/

As I said, I don't believe it's anything malicious. I believe it's an understanding of one's audience, and focusing on one group with the very rare instances of others on the show occasionally avoids issues. It's just not something some want to deal with, because it may have or will ever affect them. So to have the Gaines who've built their image on love of God & Family, supporting the idea of preventing teaching of "critical race theory", when their show itself is an example of presentation of one specific slice of America it just feels like that good ol' hypocritical kick in the dick. It's all about God & love, until it's about our shared past when we didn't practice much love or acted in the way God would want us to.

The thing I still don't get about people triggered about 'critical race theory'. So many others have the understanding that no one is blaming them for the past, but instead wanting to recognize the past & stop telling others THEY should get over it. But if it's a shared experience that they are part of the suffering ( 9/11, Pearl Harbor, etc ) WE can NEVER forget that. Everyone loves the story where they are the victim that picks themselves back up. The stories where they were villains though? Those are stories that don't need to be told, we should just get over it & move on.
Seriously? As if enough hasn't already been endured.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398386138348359681/



Fucking fuckety fuck fuck is this shit from any human being?!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398372966640013315/

People like this need to have henna tattoo numbers [ @$$#01E ] put on their forehead for a week just to get a clue.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398378372707848198/

After Stetson informed the world they will NOT allow that store to sell their products, along with I'm sure some other wonderful press, we get the expected...

When the consequences of your stupidity finally dawn on you...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398839427317784576/

You made a f'n adhesive stick on patch of a religious symbol & a message about your f'n feelings, TO SELL!! I'd say that's about as disrespectful & trivializing as you can get. Absolutely ZERO F's given for another religion for laughs & maybe some profit.

It's "never who they are", even though their actions showed it clearly is. It's only when it's clearly something those outside your bubble won't laugh with you & tolerate, it's suddenly no longer who you are. Casually using such a thing for your own amusement & profit, without the slightest bit of concern for whom those it has such meaning, shows it's exactly who you are.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398724936919883778/

The very same people that fetishize a flag that symbolize a civil war over slavery, are some of the same ones butt hurt over critical racy theory.
As anyone from MR knows I started a thread there with specific intent, because of SOME of the audience there. I haven't felt the need for it here, because THAT audience isn't over here. I just thought I'd clarify to @Alli why I added the Gaines to the TF guy thread, when they wouldn't be considered such most anywhere else. In the meantime I thought I'd also do a slight bit on Critical Race Theory after @SuperMatt post above.

You'll hear every now & then from the more conspiracy minded that schools don't teach certain things. Of course with any conspiracy there's a small bit of truth behind it based on fact. A large part of that is some of the more offensive things this country has done. We've got an idea of what happened to the original people of this country, but we don't get it all & certainly NOT what's still being done. The obvious case of this in recent memory though is the discovery of Black Wall Street as touched off by The Watchmen TV series. Problem? It wasn't isolated. Know what's worse? There were Asian massacres also, not taught.

There was also sadly more than just Black Wall Street


An important part of the reaction that Critical Race Theory is based on is for a group of individuals to NOT want to hear about this country's very ugly past. A past that they want to pretend doesn't exist, because it's been an important of this country to do so, and convince themselves that they have always been the hero of the story & NEVER the villain. The problem of course is that an important part of the foundation & start of this country is based on villainy. It doesn't matter that other places had slaves or who they enslaved. It's the fact that those people recognize slavery is bad, but since others did it isn't so bad.

It's bad.

What's worse? Denying it. Especially when you've built this country on a large part of that denial to further profit off of those formerly enslaved, and then hate hearing that those practices have been systemically sustained to make sure that other group of people remains a second class citizenry. The sad part is it's not like the whole country feels this way. There's just a large part that goes, "Yeah we did some fucked up shit in the past". If it's a celebrity there would be an apologia tour and attempts to make amends. For the group that gets so upset hearing about the country's past, that's a non starter. So while a part of country can accept what we did & want amends for Native Americans, acknowledged what happened to Japanese with internment camps, crap done to Chinese Americans in the old west, and still done to those coming from south of border, another only wants to hear about in that one or two movies a year & that is it.

Those individuals are so into their feelings about our past, they've put great effort into actively trying to wipe parts of other races involvement with this country. An instance I posted elsewhere...

Sometimes history has to be presented differently as to not offend those who don't want to know the crappier part of their history.

Which finally brings me to the Gaines. They seem like nice wholesome Christian God loving family oriented people. It's what their image is based on that made them stars on HGTV, that barreled into getting them their own Magnolia Network. It's all about helping other good people get the homes they deserve or need in Texas, and it's heartwarming. It's an image that's been gobbled up for all of it's warm goodness. If you're a person of color though if you've watched more than a handful of episodes ever, you'd notice something missing. I certainly don't believe it's anything intentional or done with genuine malice, but in their world there just may not be much in the way of PoC.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1398744390462578688/

As I said, I don't believe it's anything malicious. I believe it's an understanding of one's audience, and focusing on one group with the very rare instances of others on the show occasionally avoids issues. It's just not something some want to deal with, because it may have or will ever affect them. So to have the Gaines who've built their image on love of God & Family, supporting the idea of preventing teaching of "critical race theory", when their show itself is an example of presentation of one specific slice of America it just feels like that good ol' hypocritical kick in the dick. It's all about God & love, until it's about our shared past when we didn't practice much love or acted in the way God would want us to.

The thing I still don't get about people triggered about 'critical race theory'. So many others have the understanding that no one is blaming them for the past, but instead wanting to recognize the past & stop telling others THEY should get over it. But if it's a shared experience that they are part of the suffering ( 9/11, Pearl Harbor, etc ) WE can NEVER forget that. Everyone loves the story where they are the victim that picks themselves back up. The stories where they were villains though? Those are stories that don't need to be told, we should just get over it & move on.
Just imagine if the Germans said, "we won't teach about the Holocaust anymore".

Former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley calls Vice President Kamala Harris ‘unprofessional and unfit’ after the VP told people to ‘enjoy the long weekend’ on Memorial Day, which honors those who died while serving in the US military

Yes. Fox News got into their feelings about a tweet the VP made telling Americans to enjoy the long weekend. It seems Fox & friends believe that same tweet should have mentioned the troops

My question? Did anyone tell Faux News that?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1399001696144007169/

Meanwhile as far as hypocrite Haley is concerned
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1399130514372579333/

Twitter has receipts
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1399088915030720516/
These F'n guys = the people in charge of the French Open. Again.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1397665030015959040/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1399319749499273218/

Naomi Osaka withdraws from the French Open

Naomi Osaka announced on Monday that she has withdrawn from the French Open and is going to "take some time away from the court.” Earlier, organizers said that the tennis player could face expulsion from the tournament and future Grand Slams if she continues to not speak to the media. Last week, Osaka said she would not participate in any news conferences during Roland Garros to protect her mental health. She was fined $15,000 USD (£10,570) "in the wake of her infringement of mandatory media interviews."

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1399020813605605378/

Uh, wha? 👀

She was willing to pay the fines, to avoid the media out of concern for her own mental health, but evidently that wasn't good enough. I'm guessing since she's the most well paid athlete there, so they threatened her with expulsion, since the monetary fee wasn't going to make her change her mind.

Then the Open talks about the mental well being of players. 🤨

So they want the best players available to draw for the open, one of them will still show just doesn't want to do the press, willingly accepts the fines she knows is coming, so they threaten her not being allowed to other events, so she withdraws.

How is that a win any regard? 🤷‍♀️

For F sake, it's not like she wore a cat suit. :rolleyes: