TF Guy! You know what it means

I was just posting that overTHERE.

It's fitting that this party of 45, seems to attract so many grifters.
This really is NOT THIS F'N guy, but he is THAT Guy for being so stupid... "BF3K"?

Judge Jeffrey Middleton, a rising YouTube star who hosts a live chat during Zoom court, brusquely dismissed a ding dong who showed up to an arraignment with the name “Buttfucker 3000.” Thank you, Twitter, for bringing the masterful performance to our attention.

Sadly, the official video was just removed, but Gizmodo viewed it this morning and a tweet memorializing the exchange is embedded below. “Bring this fool in,” Middleton told the camera, as a person monikered “Buttfucker 3000” entered the chat.

“Good morning sir, what’s your name?” asks Middleton.
“Me?” replied Buttfucker 3000.
“Yeah you, yes.”
“Nathaniel Saxaon, sir.”
“Your name’s not Buttfucker 3000, you yoho,” Middleton says dryly. “Logging into my court with that as your screen name. What kind of idiot logs into court like that?”

Saxaon muttered that he never typed anything like that and apologized, and Middleton put him in waiting room jail to think about what he’s done. Saxaon later pleaded guilty to possession of drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum of 90 days of jail and a $500 fine.

Middleton, who started his YouTube channel in April 2020, has since amassed nearly 13,000 subscribers. Other now-Middleton classics include pointing out that you shouldn’t Zoom to court from the driver’s seat of a car when you’re on trial for several traffic violations. (This video has also been removed.) Also, (not at all humorously) adjourning a hearing after learning that a defendant accused of abuse appeared in the same apartment as the plaintiff.
I myself have to count on being within walking distance of a grocery store & such.

I was caught flat footed when the panic buying started.

Leaving enough in the car in case of emergencies.

I'll have to admit that after learning of the current gasoline availability crisis I decided not to run an errand or two over in another area, and decided instead that this could wait until the gas situation is resolved, and I also put off going with my camera gear to a botanical garden that, while within my local area, is still somewhat of a drive......again, that can wait for another day and when I won't need to be concerned about how much fuel my car has or how quickly and conveniently I can obtain more. I'll just keep my car relaxing in the condo parking lot with the gasoline she's got in her so that in case I DO need to drive somewhere beyond just the mile or two to the grocery store, the library and other nearby places, that I can do so without concern.

Hang in there, hopefully this situation will be resolved sooner rather than later and things at our local gas stations will be back to normal shortly!
Have you seen the photos/videos of the idiots filling PLASTIC BAGS with gasoline and loading them into their cars?! WHAT THE FUCK?!

Meanwhile the whole thing is supposed to be over by tomorrow with all service restored. No problem here since there's an unaffected regional refinery here. I will top off in the morning before heading (finally!) over to see my family in FL.
Have you seen the photos/videos of the idiots filling PLASTIC BAGS with gasoline and loading them into their cars?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1392482092823502849/

Meanwhile the whole thing is supposed to be over by tomorrow with all service restored. No problem here since there's an unaffected regional refinery here. I will top off in the morning before heading (finally!) over to see my family in FL.
Shouldn’t have been a problem over there either. It’s the toilet paper all over again. Except for toilet paper having far better shelf life… TF People!

Hope you have a great trip, and stay safe!
Oh, and THIS gutless Fucking guy needs some charges to help him tell the truth

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1392501746174464014/

Yeah but he should get in line, and the line is long, and growing. Some of these guys are dispensing with matters of truth or falsehood entirely and attempting to say who cares it was all so long ago and anyway didn't amount to anything.

too soon?.jpg

Just a normal day on Capitol Hill, right. Does this guy Clyde realize the enormity of the incursion into the Capitol while Congress was sitting in joint session to perform a required, official completion of our presidential election certification?

Rep. Andrew S. Clyde (R-Ga.) downplayed the events of Jan. 6 as “acts of vandalism” and suggested it was a “boldfaced lie” to call what happened that day an “insurrection.”

“Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes, taking videos, pictures,” Clyde said. “You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

Tragically ludicrous!! Clyde and his like minded peers could trot that BS out for a hundred years and history will still call it what it was, which was an insurrection. Some things you just can't stuff back in the bottle. Word's out. And yeah there's tape galore. Shameful day in American history and a whole slew of shameful attempts to recast it as something else ever since. The GOP are making a bottomless pit for themselves now... and should stop before Australia or China phones up to tell them about their laws related to "call before you dig".
As a followup, there's now a video clip contrasting what Clyde was saying side by side with video footage of the insurrection

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1392572716323049474/
As a followup, there's now a video clip contrasting what Clyde was saying side by side with video footage of the insurrection

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1392572716323049474/

It's like... Sicknick may not have died as a direct result of assault, but he did die because of a medical emergency due to the Jan 6 events. (The thrombus that killed him doesn't just develop ad hoc, it take hours and travels until it hit's the top of the basilar artery; i.e. when he collapsed at ~10PM that night). Or the 2 cop suicides that happened after the events. Blue Lives stops mattering the moment it's inconvenient.

It's like... Sicknick may not have died as a direct result of assault, but he did die because of a medical emergency due to the Jan 6 events. (The thrombus that killed him doesn't just develop ad hoc, it take hours and travels until it hit's the top of the basilar artery; i.e. when he collapsed at ~10PM that night). Or the 2 cop suicides that happened after the events. Blue Lives stops mattering the moment it's inconvenient.

Even recently I've seen commenters on Fox say "Only 1 person was killed on Jan 6th and they were a Qanon nut not complying with police orders" as if that makes it acceptable and is the only thing that happened that entire day.

But hey, if just one illegal kills somebody in the US then we should Gestapo style deport all brown people by the millions.
As a followup, there's now a video clip contrasting what Clyde was saying side by side with video footage of the insurrection

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1392572716323049474/
Meanwhile, in the real world, this summary from The Washington Post today:

More than 2,000 criminal charges have been filed against 411 suspects, including hundreds of felonies such as assaulting officers and trespassing with a weapon.
Some notable charges:
Allegedly attached a Confederate flag to a lacrosse stick and hit an officer with it
NYPD retiree accused of beating an MPD officer with a flagpole
WV State legislator who live-streamed his crimes...
Meanwhile, in the real world, this summary from The Washington Post today:

Some notable charges:

I still say that unless the liars and inciters go down too, even if the participants get stiff sentences, it will just inspire the true believers to kick it up a notch even further. If you're going to get 20 years for taking selfies while vandalizing then you might as well kill a couple people in the process and maybe this time get your demands met.
I still say that unless the liars and inciters go down too, even if the participants get stiff sentences, it will just inspire the true believers to kick it up a notch even further. If you're going to get 20 years for taking selfies while vandalizing then you might as well kill a couple people in the process and maybe this time get your demands met.

So many in that segment of Trump's base seem not to think they do (or must) operate in the same planes of reality as the rest of the world. They really do seem cult-like. How did we get here in this century? I guess we are seeing the downside of the internet, social media, and the godforsaken Murdoch news outlets along with a monumental failure to educate people to think critically for themselves.
So many in that segment of Trump's base seem not to think they do (or must) operate in the same planes of reality as the rest of the world. They really do seem cult-like. How did we get here in this century? I guess we are seeing the downside of the internet, social media, and the godforsaken Murdoch news outlets along with a monumental failure to educate people to think critically for themselves.

i think part of the problem is people on the right remained blindly loyal to Republicans for way too long while thier reality got increasingly worse, especially compared to blue regions. The left is typically more cynical of their politicians. As an example there’s been a quite vocal opposition to Pelosi on the left for a long time while you haven‘t really heard any dissenters against Mitch except from extremists Trump supporters. Meanwhile his obstruct everything policy hurts the right’s voters too. So on the left there’s been kind of a constant steady anger, especially from progressives. On the right it was more like they were in a political trance and they finally snapped out of it and now they are flashpoint pissed, and Trump and Trumpism is the only thing that’s offered on the right that isn’t the status quo.

I sometimes wonder if Trump would be more popular in general if a major part of his tactic wasn’t demonizing half the country, a nationalist approach mins the “fuck you, blue states!" One could argue part of it is because of the attacks on Trump from the left, but all presidents get heat from the opposing side. Most Presidents ignore it for the most part. Trump turned firing back into his favorite most time consuming activity.
i think part of the problem is people on the right remained blindly loyal to Republicans for way too long while thier reality got increasingly worse, especially compared to blue regions. The left is typically more cynical of their politicians. As an example there’s been a quite vocal opposition to Pelosi on the left for a long time while you haven‘t really heard any dissenters against Mitch except from extremists Trump supporters. Meanwhile his obstruct everything policy hurts the right’s voters too. So on the left there’s been kind of a constant steady anger, especially from progressives. On the right it was more like they were in a political trance and they finally snapped out of it and now they are flashpoint pissed, and Trump and Trumpism is the only thing that’s offered on the right that isn’t the status quo.

I sometimes wonder if Trump would be more popular in general if a major part of his tactic wasn’t demonizing half the country, a nationalist approach mins the “fuck you, blue states!" One could argue part of it is because of the attacks on Trump from the left, but all presidents get heat from the opposing side. Most Presidents ignore it for the most part. Trump turned firing back into his favorite most time consuming activity.

The former prez Trump seems never to have given thought to the fact that half the country voted for not-him in 2016. Once he had won that election, he seemed to assume it meant that he alone had control over American policymaking, legislation and legal interpretation of our laws. In fact he campaigned that he alone could fix what was wrong with America. The precursor to that idea was his assumption that he alone would define what was wrong...

Trump wouldn't even take direction from his own hijacked party during his 2016 campaign. The weird thing is that the RNC leadership in 2016 was fully aware of that. They had to threaten to withdraw financial support mid-campaign after Trump had managed deep public insult of Senator McCain, then then House leader Paul Ryan and now former Senator Kelly Ayotte of NH, all inside of a week. They made him go out and read a scripted apology, which he did in his usual petulant manner when he'd gone too far even for his supporters.

That to me was a turning point. It was one of the USA's first glimpses of Trump doing a wink and nod to his rally base, while walking back from something a vast majority of the American public had found totally unacceptable. Yet the Republicans tried to paper that over and make excuses for why Trump had disrespected those officials.

Bottom line they KNEW that Trump was big trouble ahead, and yet they went for the fake-gold of his draw of new blood to their base electorate.

As for that new blood, wow. Trump and the GOP have essentially capitalized on how passive-reactive that crowd really is.

You're right, they were in a trance and when they snap out of it in a rage from time to time, it's still just to take direction from him and do the equivalent of chanting "two legs good, four legs better" straight out of Orwell's Animal Farm.

Those voters are angry at their own situation but are easily guided to point their anger wherever Trump's GOP has decided to project that anger for a given day. No insight into the fact that the GOP's actual if unadvertised policy and lawmaking (or law blocking) do nothing to improve their lot in life. Some argue that Trump kept his promises to appoint conservative judges and Supreme Court justices, but what does that really mean? Those voters have helped fashion the federal courts into a machine nearly ready to step on the necks of everyone but billionaires for decades. Oligarchs' paradise. "Money talks, all others walk." And the talk is scripted by dark money in large part. Dark money running constant psy-ops on American voters...

What else should we have expected after electing an amoral billionaire with no sense of American government to our highest office in 2016?

But this is where populism (and McConnell's obstructionist use of the USA's racist backlash against Obama ) finally took us in 2016. Everyone was unhappy by 2016. Trump was a Pied Piper who came along at a vulnerable moment in our celebrity-crazed modern history. The voters were forced to choose between two aging if well known candidates, each with a truckload of decades-old baggage. Trump was a more entertaining candidate...

A valid concern is that the next one like him won't be such an ignoramus about how to run a fascist government. That's the (belated) focus also of the anti-Trump Republicans now hoping to defang him and any wannabe successors of like mind.

I'm hoping Jaime Harrison will be able to shake up the DNC and make it more able to enlist activists across the board at state levels in Democratic politics. The Rs managed to hang on or expand their control of a lot of state legislatures in 2020. The Dems have been playing at superstar levels of federal contests for far too long and I remain unhappy that they wrested the next-gen baton back out of Obama's hand in 2016. The DNC really need to take a cue from progressives running for more offices at state and lower levels since 2016. Harrison is aware of that and their fundraising letters are starting to reflect that focus.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1393961772927922176/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1394028296791216134/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1393961772927922176/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1394028296791216134/
Lies and misrepresentations aside — Funny how he’s trying to pin it on the “Biden Administration“. Who were in control of the US government when it supposedly funded this creation of Covid-19? 😅