TF Guy! You know what it means


When one group wants something ( CRT ) specifically taught in school because it involves a history they don't care to acknowledge, you know it's about feelings. Feelings that have to be acknowledged over history and current day events, to remind you why they don't want something specifically taught.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1403492157256654851/

This is an escalation of things since a group didn't win an election, it must be because the count was wrong. Now it's if Black kids become valedictorian, it must be because the system was wrong. Because of feelings, the group that mocked 'participation awards' have become the biggest criers for them themselves.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1403528274869903376/
A couple years after my dad married his 2nd wife, they visited with me and my sister and we ate out. At dinner, my stepmother started telling a story. Her sons were in their first year of college at the time and it was the end of the semester, and they were only given a B in some class. Apparently they felt they deserved an A, and got together with their study group to complain to the Dean because the syllabus seemed to say that grades of 80 and above were A, instead of 90 and above.

I was pretty speechless because my dad is a teacher and I knew he saw through this BS immediately… it was clearly just a typo on the syllabus… but he wants to please the new wife, so he was backing her up. I just said nothing… because it was completely entitled BS and I didn’t want to ruin dinner with an argument. I don’t even recall what the outcome was, but stepmom didn’t even have a college degree, and encouraged her kids to be cool and hang out with the right people instead of studying. You want an A? Earn the f-ing grade; don‘t come up with a stupid scheme or hope to sweet-talk the Dean.

I hate it when anybody knowingly tries to cheat like this, and it always brings that story to my mind.

In this case… parents appeal to the superintendent’s white supremacist side and get what they want even though they KNOW the other kids took tougher courses and deserved the honors. And these utter pile of trash parents got it. You thought Alabama was racist? Mississippi says “hold my beer…”

PS - My stepmom’s name literally is Karen.
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Guess what the Washington Post thinks about taxing Billionaires. Seriously, F Jeff Bezos.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1403099938154717184/
A couple years after my dad married his 2nd wife, they visited with me and my sister and we ate out. At dinner, my stepmother started telling a story. Her sons were in their first year of college at the time and it was the end of the semester, and they were only given a B in some class. Apparently they felt they deserved an A, and got together with their study group to complain to the Dean because the syllabus seemed to say that grades of 80 and above were A, instead of 90 and above.

I was pretty speechless because my dad is a teacher and I knew he saw through this BS immediately… it was clearly just a typo on the syllabus… but he wants to please the new wife, so he was backing her up. I just said nothing… because it was completely entitled BS and I didn’t want to ruin dinner with an argument. I don’t even recall what the outcome was, but stepmom didn’t even have a college degree, and encouraged her kids to be cool and hang out with the right people instead of studying. You want an A? Earn the f-ing grade; don‘t come up with a stupid scheme or hope to sweet-talk the Dean.

I hate it when anybody knowingly tries to cheat like this, and it always brings that story to my mind.

In this case… parents appeal to the superintendent’s white supremacist side and get what they want even though they KNOW the other kids took tougher courses and deserved the honors. And these utter pile of trash parents got it. You thought Alabama was racist? Mississippi says “hold my beer…”

PS - My stepmom’s name literally is Karen.
I would like to say, I don't want to think the superintendent is a 'white supremacist'. I think of them as being like your father in your anecdote. Right now it's very important to figures in position to heed 'white tears', for fear of being labelled reverse racist, and have the 45 crowd possibly threatening your life. For all the scariness of ANTIFA & BLM supposedly, I haven't heard much of them threatening the lives of anyone not heeding their feelings, like the current rash of upset people involving race. If the superintendent was a white supremacist I imagine they've channelled Ron Desantis or some William Barr level of obfuscation, instead of trying to please everyone.
When one group wants something ( CRT ) specifically taught in school because it involves a history they don't care to acknowledge, you know it's about feelings. Feelings that have to be acknowledged over history and current day events, to remind you why they don't want something specifically taught.
On the subject of CRT.

It is not taught. It is a theoretical lens. It’s not even taught in graduate school. If you want to use CRT to do research, you research CRT to see how it would apply to your proposed research. Seriously. It is not taught anywhere (especially in K-12).
On the subject of CRT.

It is not taught. It is a theoretical lens. It’s not even taught in graduate school. If you want to use CRT to do research, you research CRT to see how it would apply to your proposed research. Seriously. It is not taught anywhere (especially in K-12).
Tell this guy again

The Florida Board of Education on Thursday approved a rule that Gov. Ron DeSantis advanced in order to ban teaching certain ideas about race and history.

The rule reads: "Instruction on the required topics must be factual and objective and may not suppress or distort significant historical events, such as the Holocaust, and may not define American history as something other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

The rule came as part of a broader push by DeSantis and other Republicans to eliminate what they say are manifestations of critical race theory in schools. DeSantis' office told Fox News that the rule excludes the term "critical race theory" because "CRT isn't the only issue."

"No child should be classified as a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressor’ based on their race or ethnicity," said DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw.
It all seems to be in the wording & creative interpretations.
This F'n guy is reserved for those F'n guys in the past. A past some don't want to reflect on because it's ugly, and they don't like being reminded how ugly we've been. Even though what makes this country great is we can look at our own ugliness towards others, recognize it, and work to fix it. Fix it so it becomes a thing of ultimate beauty, something that our descendants just take for granted & have to hopefully never experience because we fixed it.

Another example of why all this fuss about CRT is more about a group's feelings, than history

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1403887361767903232/

Yes, there's a Loving Day.

It's a day because we're America & we did shameful things. We celebrate things we eventually get right. What may not be important to others can be very important to the rest of us.


When one group wants something ( CRT ) specifically taught in school because it involves a history they don't care to acknowledge, you know it's about feelings. Feelings that have to be acknowledged over history and current day events, to remind you why they don't want something specifically taught.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1403492157256654851/

This is an escalation of things since a group didn't win an election, it must be because the count was wrong. Now it's if Black kids become valedictorian, it must be because the system was wrong. Because of feelings, the group that mocked 'participation awards' have become the biggest criers for them themselves.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1403528274869903376/
When you hear it explained...

It sounds even more shitty.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1404253665767084033/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1404270996379607042/

Wait. Why delete such an honest tweet, that YOU took the time out to write & hit the 'send' button.

Oh right, not a good look. An honest one of you, but NOT a good look AT you.


Sound like any crowd you've read posts of lately? 🤨

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Reminder of one of our bigger TF Guys, as he demonstrates his flexibility with democracy

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1404418501331361799/
Reminder of one of our bigger TF Guys, as he demonstrates his flexibility with democracy

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1404418501331361799/
Um, a majority ... of those in the southern states ... of people who were allowed to vote.... isn’t a majority.

Right after the Civil War, we saw the real majority of people voted for black congressmen. Violent white mobs took care of that, then they got a “majority” and made it essentially illegal for black people to vote.

Rand Paul always presents himself as a “smart” guy, and his devotées eat that up. But things like this show he’s nowhere near as smart as he claims to be.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1404569473357602817/

Obligatory aside to the discussion of CRT

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1404580298751311873/

That woman is what happens when history is hidden from them.
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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1404569473357602817/

Obligatory aside to the discussion of CRT

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1404580298751311873/

That woman is what happens when history is hidden from them.
Thank goodness for the Holocaust museum. Even somebody as crass as MTG can’t help but be affected by seeing direct evidence of what happened.
Don't believe all of this uproar over CRT isn't about feelings?

Try to figure out how God is affected in anyway with telling the truth about the history of African Americans.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1404818346013515777/

I'll wait.


And a church pastor is in his feelings why?

...and to follow up...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1404906126823600128/

See? It isn't all bad. Some people were very much on the right side of history, as there always is. It's only the b--- hurt, who cry about a past they are ashamed of. We're America, we used to try & fix our 💩 & be proud of doing it.
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This evil human being… Attorney General Eric Schmitt of Missouri.


There is copious evidence that Lamar Johnson is innocent of murder, but the AG doesn’t like the prosecutor so he worked with the judge and the state Supreme Court to make sure Lamar stays in prison. Yeah, the cops lied and paid a witness $4,000 to lie, and 2 others actually confessed to the murder. But this AG fought to keep Lamar in jail anyway. I guess you can call the judge and Supreme Court TFGs too.

The state’s theory stretched the physical limits of the human body. Somehow on the night of Oct. 30, 1994, Lamar Johnson left his friend’s apartment, traveled three miles to Marcus Boyd’s front porch with one other man, killed Boyd, fled on foot and arrived back at the apartment to continue socializing with friends — all in “no more than five minutes."

Now, the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office says it knows how prosecutors managed to convince a jury it was true: Police and prosecutors made up the evidence, according to a 67-page motion seeking to vacate Johnson’s first-degree murder conviction and grant him a new trial after 24 years behind bars.

You might remember Eric Schmitt for trying to intervene on behalf of the McCloskey family who are being prosecuted for waving guns at peaceful protesters in June 2020…


In August 2019, Schmitt signed on to a brief before the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that federal law does not protect lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender individuals from workplace discrimination under the 1964 Civil Rights law.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1336506935982624768/
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