TF Guy! You know what it means

Been watching the MSNBC special on the former WH photographer Pete Souza, "The Way I see it".

It hurts.

It's very much ANTI - 45, but it's also a very rose colored view on the Obama presidency.

It's made to pull the heart strings, and it does it by showing how much things have changed in such a short time.

It hurts, because when you think for some, those 8 years were too much to bear, we swung in our current direction.

One thing gets hammered throughout, what the presidency as Pete Souza sees it was, and what he sees it as now.

3:00 = "This is not so bad"

The part that really hits home is the day that Obama goes to do the eulogy for Reverend Clementa Pinckeney, then returns to the WH lit up in rainbow colored lights, because the same sex ruling had passed. When has the current president eulogized any victims or done a thing for the LGBTQ community?
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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317480488366387200/

Completely unrelated, but it made me laugh
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317022418515513344/
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When has the current president eulogized any victims or done a thing for the LGBTQ community?
Never mind for the LGBTQ community. When has he eulogized anyone. Ever. When has he ever done a thing for anyone other than his wealthy hangers-on (I won’t call them his friends, cause they’ll forget him the instant he’s out of office).
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317480488366387200/

Completely unrelated, but it made me laugh
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317022418515513344/
Is this not illegal???
Never mind for the LGBTQ community. When has he eulogized anyone. Ever. When has he ever done a thing for anyone other than his wealthy hangers-on (I won’t call them his friends, cause they’ll forget him the instant he’s out of office).

Is this not illegal???
Evidently not.

If you put in perspective with other businesses that emulate adulate 45, that's about usual. Make bid, promise big, get money, drop ball.
We need less of these guys
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317623940148129792/


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317686707584667648/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317247745514704896/

Yeah... the backlash promptly set off a hashtag in Twitter called #MyNameIs -- in which people of color (and others) schooled the planet on their names and what they mean and why their parents named them that and so forth.

I can never quite decide which of the two (related) Perdues currently in federal offices are more repulsive and unfit... this f'g guy David Perdue (formerly CEO of Dollar General), the senior of the two current Republican Senators of Georgia, or his cousin Sonny Perdue, Trump's Secretary of Agriculture, who entered service under an ethical cloud but is still serving.

Says something when major chicken processor Perdue Farms has to make a point that these guys are not on their roster.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317459203406106624/
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And a never ending consistent "Fuck These Guys" who go zealot
Crowds gathered throughout France on Sunday to pay tribute to Samuel Paty, the 47-year-old history teacher who was beheaded after he reportedly showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad during a civics lesson.
France is reeling from the killing, which took place in the Paris suburb of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine on Friday.

According to police, an 18-year-old Chechen refugee attacked Paty near the school and cut his throat, before posting a graphic claim of responsibility on social media. Police fatally shot the attacker after he acted threateningly and did not respond to commands to disarm, authorities said.

Shortly after, President Emmanuel Macron characterized it as "an Islamist terrorist attack" and said the teacher was targeted because he "taught freedom of expression."
And for one of the slimiest of the bunch, this FUCKING GUY!!!!!

As Republicans rush to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court ahead of next month’s election, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and several of his GOP colleagues will reportedly unveil a plan aimed at preventing Democrats from adding any additional justices to the bench, a process known as “court-packing.” Cruz claimed last week that seeking to manipulate the size of the court constituted “an abuse of power”; he quoted the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in defending the sanctity of the current nine-justice bench. He didn’t always believe that to be the case.

Under Cruz’s plan two-pronged plan, which will be publicly released Tuesday and was first reported by The Washington Post, he and five other Republicans will first propose a constitutional amendment “barring the contraction or expansion of the number of seats on the Supreme Court.” A second proposal would “bar any proposals to change the size of the Supreme Court from even being considered in the Senate unless two-thirds of its members agree.”
“Make no mistake, if Democrats win the election, they will end the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court, expanding the number of justices to advance their radical political agenda, entrenching their power for generations, and destroying the foundations of our democratic system,” Cruz said in a statement describing his proposals.
Translation: "Make no mistake, if Democrats win which is what we fear, they will do the very shit we would do if in their shoes. We can't that happen, as any kind of equitability we canNOT abide! If things are not stacked in our favor, it is NOT fair, it is NOT right, and it is NOT acceptable!"
Insert tantrum here

Insert tantrum here

No kiddin'...

[ scrabbles around in the sugar bowl in the back of a kitchen cabinet for $5 more to give to Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ]

I keep forgetting how much I really loathe Ted Cruz. I bet I dislike him even more than ol' Mitch does deep in his reptilian heart. Cruz once called Mitch McConnell a liar from the floor of the Senate, which is a breach of the Senate's protocol for courtly behavior....

Remember that t-shirt photo I had up in some thread the one that said


Thinking we need one that tacks on "LoseCruz" even though he's not up for re-election in this class of the Senate. Just for a warm-up ahead of his 2024 effort. Heck he only won over O'Rourke in 2018 by a couple points, 50.9% to 48.3% --and Texas is going more blue by the hour these days.
There's all sorts of fuckery that can be pointed out here, that I am not sure where to start.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1318596060403683329/

Is it as a supposed ( when on duty ) law enforcement official, when clearly states their political position AT A POLLING PLACE!! 🤬

Or because of being emboldened like a moron, exposes himself, and risks his livelihood.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1318579324723789825/

What the Fuck is THIS guy thinking? Or not...
There's all sorts of fuckery that can be pointed out here, that I am not sure where to start.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1318596060403683329/

Is it as a supposed ( when on duty ) law enforcement official, when clearly states their political position AT A POLLING PLACE!! 🤬

Or because of being emboldened like a moron, exposes himself, and risks his livelihood.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1318579324723789825/

What the Fuck is THIS guy thinking? Or not...

You know, when I am abroad, observing an election as an international election observer, this is one of the really serious boxes we are supposed to tick (or not, as the case is), and are required to report on: Do law enforcement intimidate voters inside or outside the precinct or polling station? Are they partisan? Are they flagrantly supportive of one side or another?

Good grief: Even in outright autocracies, or dictatorships, (I'm looking at you, Belarus) law enforcement goes out of its way to appear to be (whatever about the actually deeply depressing reality) impartial, objective, and above the fray.

What on Earth has happened to the United States?

The Russians (and all of their fellow travellers) will wet themselves with helpless, delighted, laughter. And then, the old imitation is the sincerest form of flattery stuff - will proceed to shamelessly copy this trick, next time out, whereupon they will say to someone like me - when I remonstrate with them - "but you lot did it first; we do nothing that you haven't done."
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I usually don't cut & paste my posts from the other place, but I can't find better words.

Don't be THIS guy.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1318294974283214848/
I mean literally for 🤬 sake don't be this guy!

What the hell?!! What is wrong with pants? Is that the new culture war thing after masks?!
Meanwhile in Georgia some messing around with voters' minds and their rights as well:

There's a special primary election in the 39th state senate district in Georgia, and for reasons --possibly just fiscal-- known only to Georgia's Republican governor and secretary of state, the date of that primary election is the same as that of the general election.

About 170,000 voters are eligible to vote in that district.

The Georgia Secretary of State, when asked about the balloting issue and why it wasn't just included on the general election ballot as an add on election option, said "It's a Democratic primary so why would you want Republicans voting in it".

However, Georgia's primary system is open so no party enrollment is required. Republicans could have been on that primary ballot but none applied. There are three Democrats competing in the primary. The seat is vacant now due to a Democrat having vacated it to run for Congress in the 5th CD.

As it happens during early voting, 39th SD Georgia voters may have to ask for a ballot for that primary election to appear on the screen menu for their options along with the option to vote a ballot for the general election.

Poll workers are supposed to ask if you want to vote in both elections when you've checked into the polling place as a registered voter in that 39th district.

If they don't ask, and a pollworker doesn't ask if the voter wants to vote in the primary, they never see the option to fill out both ballots.

Some pollworkers have been saying they don't know anything about that special election. So some voters in that district are ending up in hour-long arguments... and some of those voters are apparently leaving without even voting in the general election. --->>>"ah, I get it."
The OSCE/ODIHR has what is termed a "limited election observation mission" in the US at the moment (limited, on account of Covid as many governments decided not to nominate observers; they did not receive anything like the number of observers that they had requested from seconding states).

However, normally, they publish a number of reports during (and after) the election; I checked their site today seeking the "interim report", which would usually be published around two to three weeks before the election that they are observing is held.

And, perhaps unsurprisingly, given various constraints, there is no "interim report" to be found.
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Please understand IF Joe Biden is elected as our next President, everything you do and have to pay for will change completely.

Everything will be increased. Like paying ALOT (sic) more in taxes, utilities, gasoline, groceries, new permits, fees and regulations…everything! This also means YOUR RENT will be increased to cover these expenses. Most likely, rent would DOUBLE in price!

IF the current President is re-elected, WE WILL NOT RAISE THE RENT FOR AT LEAST 2 YEARS!

Voting is your choice and we are not telling you how to vote. We are just informing our tenants what WE will do according to the election results.

If Trump wins, we all win. If Biden wins, we all lose.

VOTE on November 3, 2020.”
Marquez, who’s lived in the trailer park for 20 years, said that nothing like this has ever happened with prior landlords. She’s understandably concerned about the ability of her and her neighbors to stay in their homes should rent be increased.

“Our family lives paycheck to paycheck and right now we barely make things out with what we get,” she told 9News.

An investigation by the state Attorney General’s office is currently ongoing. Hopefully, it’ll be in favor of the tenants as, again, I’m no legal scholar, but if it looks like voter suppression, and sounds like voter suppression, it just might be voter suppression.