TF Guy! You know what it means


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428541606391582728/

I guess blaming the migrants thing was NOT sticking anymore so it's back to something more reliable & uncreative.
Get well soon, Governor Abbott… no matter how bad a starting GOP politician is, it seems like the ones on the bench are even crazier.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428541606391582728/

I guess blaming the migrants thing was NOT sticking anymore so it's back to something more reliable & uncreative.
What is possibly more upsetting is that the host didn’t challenge his assertion in any way. If the same claim was made on any other network with an actual journalist, there would have been immediate pushback... and if not, the person who refused to push back might lose their job.

Anybody who thinks Fox is “fair and balanced” is seriously deluded.
What is possibly more upsetting is that the host didn’t challenge his assertion in any way. If the same claim was made on any other network with an actual journalist, there would have been immediate pushback... and if not, the person who refused to push back might lose their job.

Anybody who thinks Fox is “fair and balanced” is seriously deluded.
There's a reason for not challenging.

Because it doesn't take much to figure out for yourself they are full of it.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428715908994895880/

What the Lt Gov leaves out of course, how a population that is little more than 15% of the state, can somehow account for almost half the cases. When the largest part of the population is just as if not more vaccine resistant.

The latest data from the Texas Department of State Health Services shows that the African American population there is not driving the increase in cases. Black residents in Texas accounted for 16.4 percent of the state’s cases and 10.2 percent of deaths as of Aug. 13. Black people make up about 13 percent of the state’s population, according to census data.

While vaccination rates are low among Black Texans, the highest coronavirus case rates are among Whites and Hispanics. Non-Hispanic White people, who make up about 41 percent of the state’s population, make up 34.9 percent of covid cases, according to the latest data. Hispanics, who account for almost 40 percent of the Texas population, make up 35.8 percent of the state’s cases.
“Making a statement that casts blame on a racial or ethnic minority for the spread of disease is a well-known racist trope that predates most of us,” Jorge Caballero, a former instructor at the Stanford University School of Medicine who is now working as health data scientist, told The Washington Post. “People are already getting hurt by this virus, and it makes absolutely no sense for us to add insult to injury.”
On Thursday night, Caballero cast doubt on Patrick’s claims on Twitter, referencing U.S. Census Bureau data collected in July and August that suggests unvaccinated White Texans outnumber unvaccinated Black Texans roughly 3 to 1. Texas’s vaccination and case numbers are so stark, he said, “there’s just no room for misinterpretation.”

About 46 percent of Texans are fully vaccinated, according to The Post’s tracking. The nationwide rate is about 51 percent.
Save the date.

Hilariously, at this rally he was also pushing his pillows at a big discount.


About Trump’s fictitious reinstatement…Lindell just keeps moving the goalpost. First it’s in the bleachers, then it’s outside the stadium, then it’s on the expressway…

So now I’m off to the App Store. I want to see if Lindell has an .ics I can subscribe to which will let me easily import all the reinstatement dates for Individual 1 into my calendar.

Unless, of course, Trump isn’t reinstated…in which case I won’t need to worry about 2022 because there won’t be any.
How about this one?

A candidate for Congress from Wisconsin goes to the library, sees a Pride book display, and has a meltdown right there, frightening the staff by demanding to know who would do such a thing.

His complaint? The books were “inaccurate”. Exhibit A for him was “A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo”. Yes, that book. About a fictitious rabbit. Which he found to be “historically inaccurate”.

To top it off, after scaring the staff he decides to take out every one of the books that was on display, except for one book that a patron had in his possession—so that no one could read them while he had them.

Just another example of the bullies feeling empowered. 😡

It's been awhile for me, but this guy truly is THAT FUCKING GUY

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1431084618468450304/
There's TFG and then there is TLB

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432448825868918785/

Everyone knows TLB will be the first to rile up others to do what he claims, without even considering the consequences of the shit he's stirring.
I thought of putting this in the COVID stupid thread, but this f-ing guy really is that f-ing guy:

I really don't get these people. A year ago, this story would have made sense. But now? Has he been urinating on other counters during this thing? If not, what made him decide over a YEAR later that enough is enough and dammit, it's past time someone has their counter soiled? It just makes no sense. I don't get super mad very often. But when I do, I can't say it ever crossed my mind to reach for my zipper.

I guess we can take comfort in the fact that going forward, he won't be known as the man who stuck it to Dairy Queen, but as the pee-pee man. At least in saner circles. That's going to be a hard one to live down.
A reminder about this F'N guy...


This is a genuine letter from Chase Bank informing a member of the Flynn family (the first name has been redacted) that their credit cards would be canceled due to "reputational risk." Chase told us that this letter was sent in error.

It's believed the letter was sent to Flynn's wife. Which Chase has since said was some kind of error.

So how did Flynn respond to all of this, since it had to be leaked since he's off of Twitter?


To whine about cancel culture & invoke the lives lost recently in Afghanistan, as if he has any ties to those tragically lost.

GTFO!!! 🤬
Bill Belichick, famous for cheating to win, is an anti-vaxxer too.

Also, both seasons Bill coached the Pats without Tom Brady, they missed the playoffs... just saying. Cheating + having the best QB in the league works. Cheating on its own isn’t enough.
An old favorite back here, because fear makes you make shit up... Kevin McCarthy everyone!!!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435254786190938119/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435254787268878337/
This is F'N hilarious coming from someone who worked in an administration that fired people & leaned on "serves at the pleasure of"...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435721107361996803/

"Don't let the door hit ya..."

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435773636347006977/
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It's a day ending in 'y', so it must be time for TFG

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435774734994599936/

Guess ol' Joe is going to try to ban a bunch of guns like he did when that other president he was hanging with did?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435623803220942851/
Someone needs a hug, a tummy rub, and an older female to tell them they are special.