TF Guy! You know what it means

Should get some stickers made with XCVII ...
Wait. What?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1422606313205424137/

First, FUCK THAT GUY for touching the flight crew, punching someone, then causing more of hassle on what's already become far to stressful. Second, KUDOS for the crew having duct tape & just restraining the guy. As opposed to not justifiably beating the shit out of that guy.

I seriously hope they reinstate the crew ...

... and give them a raise :D
First, FUCK THAT GUY for touching the flight crew, punching someone, then causing more of hassle on what's already become far to stressful. Second, KUDOS for the crew having duct tape & just restraining the guy. As opposed to not justifiably beating the shit out of that guy.

I seriously hope they reinstate the crew ...

... and give them a raise :D

A raise, a promotion, a parade, and maybe even a statue erected in their home airport.
I seriously hope they reinstate the crew ...

... and give them a raise :D
A raise, a promotion, a parade, and maybe even a statue erected in their home airport.
If it was me, I would have duct taped the person to the seat, and told anyone on the plane free shots on the asshole who's holding up you're probably already delayed flight.

Score some points with your already frustrated travelers at the expense of a willing volunteer, and teach others not to make air travel even more difficult by F' ing with an already stressed crew.
Oh yeah, this governor is still so FUCKING THAT GUY...

Gov. Mike Parson could still choose to pardon Strickland, which would be exceedingly rare, but Strickland's legal team is pursuing other options for release and exoneration.​

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson passed on an opportunity to release a Kansas City man who has spent 43 years behind bars for a crime prosecutors say he did not commit. Parson left Kevin Strickland off the latest list of pardons.

The move leaves Kevin Strickland and his attorneys disappointed, and with fewer options for his exoneration.

"It's hard to imagine how everyone can know someone's innocent and he's still there," said Tricia Rojo Bushnell, director of the Midwest Innocence Project. "At this point, no one with power has done the things to let him out."

Earlier this week the Missouri Supreme Court declined to consider Strickland's innocence conviction and, in the process, left unanswered questions about whether innocence is enough to exonerate a non-death penalty conviction in the state.

But the governor found time for THESE pardons

FUCK THAT guy!!!
I love Michael Steele. He’s a traditional Republican. He’s sharp and adorable.
He didn't always come across that way. When he was RNC chairman he was groveling before "El Rushbo".

I remember when the RNC introduced its new website, and everybody made fun of it...part of the reason was because when you went to the page, an animated Michael Steele walked across it to greet you. He took a lot of mockery for that.

But yes, since then he's become a lot more critical of the hate group the Republican party has become. He and Steve Schmidt are two Republicans I like watching on the talk shows. (I don't think Schmidt is even a Republican anymore.)
And now, you're regular average TFG

The Colorado Rockies are investigating an incident in the ninth inning of their game Sunday during which an unidentified fan directed two racial slurs at Miami Marlins outfielder Lewis Brinson during Brinson’s at-bat.

The epithets were audible, the second louder than the first, as Brinson batted before a sparse crowd that remained at the finish of the Rockies’ 13-8 victory.

While the fan apparently was not pointed out to or flagged by stadium security, the Rockies said Sunday they vowed to identify him.

“The Colorado Rockies are disgusted at the racist slur by a fan directed at the Marlins’ Lewis Brinson during the ninth inning of today’s game,” the team said in the hours after video clips from the Marlins' Bally Sports broadcast circulated on social media. “Although the subject was not identified prior to the end of the game, the Rockies are still investigating the incident.

“The Rockies have zero tolerance for any form of racism or discrimination, and any fan using derogatory language of any kind will be ejected and banned from Coors Field.”

Really they haven't ID'ed the guy yet? Really?

I'm waiting to hear the fan is an Aurora police officer.

I'm waiting to hear the fan is an Aurora police officer.

For years I said if I ever have to leave Oregon, Denver would be my second choice, and Aurora CO specifically. I spent two weeks there about 20 years ago and absolutely loved it. I know there's bad cops everywhere, but the Elijah McClain incident really took a lot of the wind out of those sails. I could still go to Denver, but now I think I'd want to check out some other suburbs in the Denver area.

Thankfully Antifa hasn't burned me out of Portland just yet, so my first choice is still valid.
Is anybody surprised that TF Guy ignores ethics rules in the Senate?

Sen. Rand Paul revealed Wednesday that his wife bought stock in Gilead Sciences — which makes an antiviral drug used to treat covid-19 — on Feb. 26, 2020, before the threat from the coronavirus was fully understood by the public and before it was classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization.

The disclosure, in a filing with the Senate, came 16 months after the 45-day reporting deadline set forth in the Stock Act, which is designed to combat insider trading.

A new THIS F'N guy, on an old source for TFGs

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1426200665861328896/

Thought the guy seemed like an asshole on his own show, so I didn't watch.

Good call.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy purchased up to $305,000 in bonds from an investment firm whose managing partner also chairs the U.S. Postal Service’s governing board, the independent body responsible for evaluating DeJoy’s performance.

Between October and April, DeJoy purchased 11 bonds from Brookfield Asset Management each worth between $1,000 and $15,000, or $15,000 and $50,000, according to DeJoy’s financial disclosure paperwork. Ron Bloom, a Brookfield senior executive who manages the firm’s private equity division, has served on the postal board since 2019 and was elected its chairman in February.

DeJoy’s financial adviser purchased the bonds on the open market, Postal Service spokesman Jeffrey Adams said, and Bloom manages a division of Brookfield separate from the one that sells public securities.

In case you were wondering who'd back this asshole on the board.

Two ethics experts interviewed about the transaction disagreed over whether the bond purchases could cause conflict-of-interest issues in the agency’s top ranks. One argued that the transactions raise questions about oversight and governance at the nation’s mail service, which has taken on newfound prominence during the coronavirus pandemic and after the November election, in which nearly half of all voters cast their ballots through the mail. The other said financial connections between government officials could give off the appearance of conflicts without necessarily causing ethics problems.

Other elements of DeJoy’s financial ties have drawn close examination from ethics watchdogs. DeJoy-controlled companies lease four office buildings to global shipping behemoth XPO Logistics, DeJoy’s former company. XPO pays DeJoy more than $2 million annually in rent, The Washington Post previously reported. Brookfield also owns more than $500,000 in shares of XPO, according to its securities filings.

“I’m stuck on DeJoy’s purchase of bonds from the company in which his quasi-boss is a managing partner,” said Kathleen Clark, a law professor who studies government ethics at Washington University in St. Louis, “because I wonder whether it affects Bloom’s ability to protect the public interest in his assessment of DeJoy’s performance as postmaster general.”

In case you were wondering who'd back this asshole on the board.
This guy should be in prison. But instead, people are distracted and we have entire threads about shoplifting gangs in San Francisco that cumulatively probably don’t even reach to the level of theft from this ONE fucking guy. By the way, he is a government official, protected by other government officials.
You don't appreciate the silence of others, until they feel the need to add their unnecessary hot takes...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1427416578103070727/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1427419238587904002/


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1427426645732888576/
Seriously now Congressman Mo Brooks wants us to know he personally was safe and in Alabama today, not up in DC during the angst over a guy who was livestreaming himself threatening to blow up some government buildings.

And Mo also ran his mouth on Twitter wanting us to know he's understanding of "citizenry anger directed at dictatorial Socialism and its threat to liberty, freedom and the very fabric of American society." And some other stuff, about how to be patriotic and fight back in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Now on that he could mean that he hopes people will vote. Not entirely sure about that though, which is also what Mo probably wanted.

Anyway compare and contrast all that to your own chances of skating on a big mouth if you're addressing say an officer of the law while Black and breathing. Doesn't even have to be a officer of the law in Alabama, you better be able to pass for Mo Brooks you gonna talk like that out loud. He must have a gold plated pass from the FBI to say just any old thing he wants.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428454130683502593/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428541606391582728/

I guess blaming the migrants thing was NOT sticking anymore so it's back to something more reliable & uncreative.

Next week it will be unvaccinated Antifa operatives caravanning in from Portland funded by the DNC. They’re trying to make Abbott’s "I don’t give a fuck" strategy look bad which was working out great before they arrived.
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