TF Guy! You know what it means

Shitty judges week ends on characteristic low note...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1462554181982580738/

Don't let anyone fool you, 'privilege' is a wonderful thing.
Oh yeah, obligatory for TFG

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1462458581358424073/

Chris Christie was on Bill Maher, and Bill Maher called him out, but not harshly enough. Christie is afraid of Trump, its so obvious. Maher told him that to his face, but Christie danced around the issue. If he was talking about Obama or Biden, Christie would pull his tough-guy attitude, but because he's toeing the cult line, he can criticize Trump, but not denounce him. The only people in the entire GOP with an actual set are Kinzinger and Cheney, and you see how they've been exiled. Christie is still trying to woo the cult.
Can we finally say 'goodbye' to TFG?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1464358475010482179/

Thank you.

This petty ass MFer, trying to pretend he's a new man, when he's still the shameless opportunistic bucket of fetid goo he's always been.

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Couldn't happen nicer to a 'TFG'.

He once had a lot of potential, was a straight shooter and openly hit both sides but after the whole bridge thing and closing the beach, then taking his family there he was ruined. Looks like the only thing he's got going for him now is being a partisan contributor on cable news.
According to Fox, Dr. Fauci is a Nazi.

And not just any Nazi.

Lara Logan compares top US infectious diseases expert to Dr Josef Mengele who experimented on Jews in concentration camps

In a discussion with hosts Peter Hegseth and Will Cain, Logan said:

“You just have to look at Africa. They didn’t have the death rates from Covid that were predicted. And what is happening over time, is that the entire response to Covid and everything that we were told about it from the beginning, is being exposed and it’s falling apart, the lies are coming apart.
“And really now there’s no justification for putting people out of their jobs or forcing vaccine mandates for a disease that ultimately is very treatable … and has death rates that compare very much to seasonal flu.
“And so in that moment, what you see on Dr Fauci, this is what people say to me, that he doesn’t represent science to them. He represents Josef Mengele, Dr Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the second world war and in the concentration camps, and I am talking about people all across the world are saying this.”

Notice the very Trumpian trait of spinning “I am saying this revolting thing” to “Many people are saying this.”

Wryly, the article concludes with this:

Her show on Fox Nation is called Lara Logan Has No Agenda.

It doesn't matter what they change their name to, FB established themselves for what they are...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1466219583229079553/

The elder TFG of social media
IF true... 👀

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1466779830456922123/

HOUSTON – You may remember hundreds of thousands of dollars that were stolen from a safe at Lakewood Church. It was a big headline back in 2014.

Now, all these years later, another bombshell has dropped.

A plumber says he found money in a wall while he was doing work at the church on Nov. 10, 2021. The news came to light during the radio morning show at 100.3 The Bull.

“It was just unbelievable!” morning show host for the “Morning Bullpen” George Lindsey said. “The things he was telling us that they found in the walls.”

Lindsey was shocked when he listened to viewers Thursday morning, but says this one caller really took the segment over the edge.

“There was a loose toilet in the wall, and we removed the tile,” the caller said. “We went to go remove the toilet, and I moved some insulation away and about 500 envelopes fell out of the wall, and I was like ‘Oh wow!’”

The caller said the envelopes were full of cash and checks.

“I went ahead and contacted the maintenance supervisor that was there, and I turned it all in,” he added.

Lindsey couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

“We were like, ‘What are you talking about?’” Lindsey said. “So, then he relayed to us that in 2014 there was a big story about money being stolen from Lakewood Church that they never recovered.”
An old "favorite" TFG is back in the news for more of her disingenuous shit EVERYONE knew back then...

Yes, I’m talking about Brett Kavanaugh and Susan Collins (R-Maine). Collins reportedly greenlit Kavanaugh before President Donald Trump announced him as a nominee and made a long-winded speech on the Senate floor proclaiming that she believed Kavanaugh would uphold precedent, including Roe, before voting for him.

And yet Justice Beer Bong doesn’t seem too eager to uphold Roe. The New York Times explained Kavanaugh’s posture in the hearing:

Assuming the three most conservative members of the court — Justices Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil M. Gorsuch — are prepared to overrule Roe entirely, Chief Justice Roberts would need to attract at least two votes for a narrower opinion, one upholding the Mississippi law but not overruling Roe in so many words, to be controlling. But the most likely candidates, Justices Brett M. Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, said little to suggest that they were inclined toward that narrower approach.
In fact, Kavanaugh said some things that made it seem like he supported the Court overturning Roe:

...Justice Kavanaugh said that some precedents deserved to be overruled.

“If you think about some of the most important cases, the most consequential cases in this court’s history, there’s a string of them where the cases overruled precedent,” he said, listing several, notably Brown v. Board of Education, which barred segregation in public schools.

“Why then doesn’t the history of this court’s practice with respect to those cases tell us that the right answer is actually a return to the position of neutrality?” he asked.
Arguments ended just before noon eastern time. At 2pm, when reporters asked Collins about Kavanaugh’s statements, she said she hadn’t listened to the arguments and would reserve comment until she had, which is kind of like when Republican Senators said they hadn’t seen Trump’s tweets threatening to invade another country.

Then around 6pm, Collins said that she now supports enshrining the holdings of Roe into federal law rather than in Supreme Court opinions. A spokesperson told NBC News: “Senator Collins supports the right to an abortion and believes that the protections in the Roe and Casey decisions should be passed into law. She has had some conversations with her colleagues about this and is open to further discussions.” The House passed a bill that does this, the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), but Collins said she opposed it in late September because it “goes too far.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said after the hearing that WHPA would get a floor vote.

Collins’ statement, like much of the rest of her career, is cravenness shrouded in performative concern. The Women’s Health Protection Act needs 60 votes to pass the Senate, which it doesn’t have, or 50 Senators would need to be willing to change the filibuster to pass the bill with a simple majority, and there aren’t enough votes to do that either. Collins herself doesn’t support changing the filibuster, so saying she supports a bill to protect abortion rights which can’t pass without the changes is totally meaningless and she knows it. But here she is getting headlines saying she wants to codify abortion in federal law.

Taking this woman at her word is still one of the stupidest fucking thing people do in congress to this day.

Maine, own your shit!
We could probably have a thread that's just TFG, but holy fucking hell, this is a new level of derangement, the design, the message, TFG needs to be under clinical supervision.


I am reading this is real, this was circulated from this official account.
I'm going to miss Cheez it's, ...but FUCK 'em!
That's the only thing on the list that I may miss. Haven't had any in ages.

Kellogg's keeps repeating mantra-like "But we gave them hefty wage increases in the proposal!" They failed to inform that the contract proposal keeps in place a two-tier system where newer workers are shafted: lower wages, less benefits (if they're even available to the lower tier) and no pathway to permanent status till they've worked at least four years, the very definition of perma-temps. And it paves the way for older, veteran workers to be pushed out with mandatory overtime and onerous shift changes at the company's whim.