TF Guy! You know what it means

I know elsewhere there's discussion how some others have made come coin from crypto. Me personally because I lump it also with the NFTs, I'm NOT the biggest fan. Especially with what crypto's been used for as of late.

I'm just lumping "crypto bros" along with TFGs. If that's unfair... 🤷‍♂️
I know elsewhere there's discussion how some others have made come coin from crypto. Me personally because I lump it also with the NFTs, I'm NOT the biggest fan. Especially with what crypto's been used for as of late.

I'm just lumping "crypto bros" along with TFGs. If that's unfair... 🤷‍♂️
Daring fireball has had a few articles about the grift of NFT and crypto. One may as well bet on horses if they want to gamble.
Today's TFG, Neil Gorsuch

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1483434822580244481/


Welcome to our supreme court now

Runner up:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1483461597398024192/
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Today's TFG, Neil Gorsuch

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1483434822580244481/


Welcome to our supreme court now

Runner up:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1483461597398024192/
Gorsuch had a high bar to jump in order to be the biggest turd on the court (Thomas and Alito) but he has proven up to the task. That’s just plain being a bad human being.
Dig the spin

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1483841138079453188/

Justice Sotomayor did NOT ask Gorsuch to wear a mask, Roberts did.

FFS. Even their spin is bad legal word play.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1480957841389371393/

Of course @$$holes lament the loss of civility, ONLY if it's directed at them.
Muscomitch is back for his place amongst TFGs...

When you say the quiet part out loud, ...accidentally?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1484018631063138304/

In musco's world perhaps White Americans are the default Americans, and everyone else born or "invited" here is...?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1484030615666233345/

When you think of it like this ☝️, it really drives it home.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1484121602883268611/
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In fairness, I think we should share musco's side in of all of this...

Following a speech Friday at an annual conference in Louisville, the Republican leader said he misspoke Wednesday when he made the comment during a Washington news conference.

“I’ve never been accused of this sort of thing before, and it’s hurtful and offensive,” he said. “And I think some of the critics know it’s totally nonsense.”

McConnell on Wednesday had said that “African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans.” McConnell explained on Friday that he should have said the word “all” before “Americans.”

He also defended his record on race by noting that he attended the Rev. Martin Luther King’s March on Washington in 1963. He also said he helped organize a civil rights march at Kentucky’s state Capitol and was present when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

Never? Really? Really?! You mean you've NEVER acknowledged all the times someone's said you're racist.

He did everything but go & look for the one Black guy he's sure they employ somewhere.

When asked what he would say to those who had been offended by his words, McConnell said he would discuss his record relating to voting rights, and brought up his role as a mentor to Kentucky’s Attorney General Daniel Cameron, who is Black and one of many Republicans who came to the minority leader’s defense this week.

“I think he would confirm with you that I recruited him to run. I’ve supported him, and I’m proud of him,” McConnell said. “I have had African American speechwriters, schedulers, office managers over the years.”

Wait! AG Cameron 'the sellout' is who he wants to try & trot out?

FTFG!! 🤬
Wait! AG Cameron 'the sellout' is who he wants to try & trot out?

FTFG!! 🤬

Wow, McConnell claiming to have hired "African American speechwriters, schedulers, office managers over the years" is surely a step or two up from merely claiming to have had African American friends over to the house for dinner now and then. Or is hiring them in lieu of even having any for friends? Inquiring minds may be tempted to let God sort McConnell out at this point.

Still I'm almost sure we should revise our estimation of McConnell after hearing that bit.

On the other hand, one EXPECTS public officials to observe anti-discrimination laws in their hiring practices, so what does he want, a gold medal for law abiding behavior?​

OK, I revised, just to be charitable. Now I think Mitch is just a blankety-blank instead of a f'g blankety-blank. However, this might be in part due to my effort to rein in my dockside parts of speech in 2022, who knows.

And yeah if the best McConnell can do is haul out his appointment of Cameron, he'd have done better just to ignore all the pushback on his original remark. Anyone can make a gaffe... but sometimes a gaffe can be intentional.
Gosh it has been sooooo long since Susan ( Lucy Van Pelt ) Collins got her time to shine here in TFG.

But a supreme court nomination that Biden certainly gets to pick dragged her ass back in the light.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1486888857077440514/


“My fervent hope is that Brett Kavanaugh will work to lessen the divisions in the Supreme Court so we have far fewer 5-4 decisions and so that public confidence in our judiciary and our highest court is restored,” Collins said, before delivering the final line of her about 45-minute floor speech: “Mr. President, I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”

Bonus points for musco to have the gall to demand what kind of individual Biden should pick, after frat boy Kav & little to no qualifications Barrett.

This supreme court nomination is going to bring out the :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: in many republicans.
Wow, McConnell claiming to have hired "African American speechwriters, schedulers, office managers over the years" is surely a step or two up from merely claiming to have had African American friends over to the house for dinner now and then.

At least he had the good sense to not mention that he occasionally lets them plow his fields for free.
At least he had the good sense to not mention that he occasionally lets them plow his fields for free.

Yeah, or at least not yet. Well, he doesn't want to peak too soon...

That's apparently a real concern on the part of the GOP: fear that they're unloading everything way too soon on the Biden admin, and their base will have processed it all and moved on way before time to turn up at the polls this year. Attention spans are no longer figured at six weeks in politics. More like six days max for even an egregious misstep by political opposition, and emphasis on it after that only draws a shrug. Pot stirrers have to come with fresh material every week. It might as well be a reality show for all the distinction some onlookers make.
Glenn Youngkin’s Thought Police Hot Line is now up and running. Operators are standing by to take your calls!

On Monday,he told conservative radio host John Fredericks that his administration plans to set up an email address where parents will be able to report teachers or schools for “any instances where they feel that their fundamental rights are being violated, where their children are not being respected, where there are inherently divisive practices in their schools.”

Be sure to call the Hillbilly Gestapo if someone is trying to teach your child anything resembling real history or sociology. 😡
Ben Shapiro tries to tell kids that taxation is theft. They tell him he’s wrong, and in response he cannot even debate 8-year olds. This is the mental giant of the conservative movement?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1487645904291176448/

Also, who would trust their kids around this creep? I guess since they outnumber him, they are safe... but to imagine that you want Shapiro teaching children...?
Heh. It's not the same age level, but I remember once in...oh, maybe 8th grade, in the interest of teaching us political diversity, they brought in a guy from the John Birch Society.

We thought he was off his rocker.
Ryan Zinke, former Secretary of the Interior (under Trump), committed multiple ethics violations when in that position.

Zinke and his wife did not agree to the investigator's request for an interview, but Interior Department Inspector General Mark Greenblatt issued subpoenas to the developers for emails and text messages associated with the project, according to the report.

A review of the communications "showed that Secretary Zinke continued to be involved in Foundation matters while he was Secretary of the Interior, even after resigning from the Foundation and committing in required documentation to relevant Federal officials that he would no longer manage or provide services to the Foundation," the report said.

"Specifically, the communications showed that Secretary Zinke repeatedly communicated with the developers of the 95 Karrow project and negotiated with them on behalf of the Foundation by discussing the use of Foundation property for the project, specific design aspects of the project, and the development of a microbrewery on the property," the report added.

The report said that he also misused his position by having his staff help him with the development project, AP reported.
In August 2021, Finchem shared a story riddled with misinformation on the coronavirus and vaccine on the platform Gab -- a social media network popular with conservatives, the alt-right and some extremists -- writing, "It ain't a vaccine!!! Call it what it is, a crime against humanity."
In July 2021, Finchem shared an article from a conspiracy website frequented by the far right that falsely says "the life expectancy of all who have taken the [vaccine] is only 2 years," because it alters human blood cells, claims that have been thoroughly debunked.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1498675363613978625/

To tell about one of those though...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1394470243544838151/

When you so divorce yourself from reality intentionally, it's easy to not give a shit about others who maybe affected.