The 2020 Democratic National Convention thread

I was reading a few takes on how some would have liked if the Clintons passed.

Hah yeah, for sure... but the Dems were going to take flak one way or the other on that and Blll was a prez and Hill was FLOTUS and a Senator and SoS, so... for the Ds not even to have them in the program ? the Rs would have gone about making some kind of hay off that.

Since both Clintons were there, the Rs may comment on that however they like and even haul out old memes because it's just what they do, but there was no reason for the Dems to hide the Clintons' lights under a bushel so to speak.

The Clintons have had their downsides for the Democrats and yet they've made some strong contributions to where the party is today in all its diversity... and by that I include strengthening the party's draw in the south and midwest in 1992. And on policy gains under their separate watches, they both do still have followings amongst various parts of the Democrats' base.

YMMV... and I'm in general a fan of the Clintons maintaining a low profile. For the rest of 2020 I hope they stick to private fundraisers.... I was relieved their part in the 2020 convention was pretty pro forma and just respectful, but not elevated enough to alienate some of the progressives who have been having to work hard just to accept the Biden-Harris ticket.

Sigh. Big tent can mean big management issues sometimes. We're like a large family squabbling over which movie to watch. In the end it's fun, but while 17 kids are pitching their favorites, maybe not so much.
Watched Obama’s speech in full this morning. He’s a brilliant orator and he delivered the message effectively. But, it bummed me out that he had to do this. That we are in this position is unacceptable. Trump must pay. McConnell must pay.

As Jack Burton says, “Son of a bitch must pay.”
More good news for Biden. Under the circumstances the convention seemed to go really well.

I guess it varies on who did the polling. Elsewhere I saw that it was only half a point.

I agree the convention went as well as I think it possibly could, outside of one or two technical glitches. The biggest problem, and one we saw frequently? People just standing there missing their "cue", either because of transmission delay or lousy on-site direction.

That, and some of Julia Louis Dreyfus' jokes falling flat.
Night 2, Whoppers Galore. Are You Fool’d Yet? 😓
Liars, Liars, Pants on fires. Read more at the link. Maybe behind a pay wall.

“Biden has pledged to defund the police.”
— Eric Trump

“Joe Biden voted for the Iraq War, which President Trump has long called the worst geopolitical mistake of our generation.”
— Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)
Biden did vote to authorize an invasion of Iraq, which starting in 2005 he said was a mistake. Paul here tries to avoid saying that Trump was also a supporter of the Iraq War and misleadingly suggests he was against it from the start.

“The president lowered the temperature and, against all odds, got North Korean leadership to the table. No nuclear tests, no long-range missile tests, and Americans held captive in North Korea came home to their families, as did the precious remains of scores of our heroes who fought in Korea.”
— Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
It was not difficult for Trump to convince the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un, to attend a summit. Previous presidents would not allow such a meeting, legitimizing the Stalinist government, unless Pyongyang gave up its nuclear weapons programs. Trump imposed no such conditions but made no progress despite participating in three summits

“Today, because of the president’s determination and leadership, the ISIS caliphate is wiped out, its evil leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is dead, and our brave soldiers are on their way home.”
— Pompeo
The caliphate built by the Islamic State has been dismantled, but President Trump cannot take all of the credit for its demise. President Barack Obama set up virtually all the structures that did the key fighting against the Islamic State under Trump, and more fighters were trained and munitions dropped under Obama than under Trump
Nice production, love showing off the physicality, hahaha, that's got to really get to chubs ...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1299000837264379911/
This ran in the NYT :D

That commercial gets off to a great start, but the second half is going to lose some independent voters. Hardly a white person in that whole section. For us it's inspirational, but to the Joe Lunchpail types it will look like Biden cares more about minorities than he does about them.

They also need one with statistics. "President Trump. 20,000 lies and counting. 180,000 Americans dead, more than World War I, Korea and Vietnam combined."

They need hopeful ads but also (legitimately argued) scary ones.