I believe Chewtoy's point was not an indictment of democracy, per se, but suggesting that it is what got us here to begin with, and so, should not be the rallying cry.
Fact is, there are some serious problems with the fundamental concept of democracy, and of democratic-republicanism (a better approximation of the American system). Voting generally devolves to self-interest – what's good for me – which can lead to ill-advised choices, especially in an environment of widespread manipulation, deceit and ignorance. There may be better ways to run a country, but they seem to be difficult implement and sustain, at least for as long as we allow caste hierarchies to persist.
Yeah, well, they are counting on that. Get angry, get motivated, get fighting (but never actually go into the fight until you have your anger under control).
The problem is democracy, if the populace is lazy that is, or if it does not serve enough of them well.
This probably sounds like a lecture, but I don’t intend it as such.
Trump is where he is because of the self destructive nature of Capitalism, racism, and xenophobia. The mother of all storms. Post WWII the US developed and had the largest, wealthiest, middle class in the world. That’s because this was the land of plenty, Europe was in shambles, times were good. I acknowledge they weren’t wonderful for African-Americans but I’m focused on why Trump was able to get 70 million votes.
Ever since then, the middle class has chipped away by capitalism. The first company that moved its manufacturing east signaled the beginning of the end. To stay competitive the rest of them had to to follow suit, and it’s been downhill ever since for workers.
The goal is profits, in the 80s it became max profits, and there was zero concern from corporate America about the overall health and stability of our society. And because this pressure was applied to the middle class because of capitalism, immigrants became targets in the competition for jobs. Throw in some racism, xenophobia, religious fervor, and intolerance, and we find ourselves where we are today.
And don’t you know the goal of capitalism is to get rid of workers via automation and now AI? Workers are a pain in the arse, they have expectations, they want time off and to be happy. Machines and soon AI workers will be there 24 seven no complaints. The heads of corporations either don’t think about it, or they feel trapped by it. Gotta have profits. What can we monetize? Everything.
If you look at Trump supporters, they’re mostly white and they feel like they’ve lost something, something has been stolen from them, their’re struggling. Why it’s gotta be immigrant stealing my job. Wrong it’s capitalism robbing you blind and you’re just too stupid to see the forest for the trees. Their perception is giving stuff to minorities takes away from me. NO, it’s capitalism taking away from you. And frankly, it’s unbelievable that such a large group of people would support a known mentally ill criminal, because he’s white and I don’t like all the shirt they’re pushing on me about being tolerant, because the bottom line is it hurts, my wallet
If they live in reality, they know he’s a crook. If they live in their fantasy, he really cares about them. In any case the “system” is not working for them, and they choose to vest themselves in a con artist who’s either lying to them or he’s going to tear the system down, and they hope when the dust settles they’ll be in a better place than they are now. Somehow their calculation does not include things becoming God awful as lawfulness is extinguished replaced by chaos, warlords, and/or oppression.
White privilege plays a part.. Somehow they think by virtue of Trump and themselves being white, they’ll end up being a L3 peon instead of a L-1 peon, in other words in the new order they’ll be favorite status, the King’s favorite color.
I finally get to democracy. The saddest aspect of this scenario is that 20% of the country voted for a positive agenda, 20% of the country voted to tear down the federal government and turn it into some kind of chaos or a monarchy, whether they were smart enough to know that or not remains to be seen. And the rest, those old enough to vote, sat out the election, based on some excuse, I don’t care, to much of an inconvenience, I’m mad about Gaza, my vote doesn’t count anyway, whatever. The fact is democracy is fragile and if enough don’t participate, it’s gonna fail, which it’s doing and things are gonna get pretty shirtty around here