The iOS 16 Thread


Mama's lil stinker
Aug 10, 2020
Main Camera
Just got it this morning, still on the fence and not a fan of the new notifications setup nor the logic behind forcing them into a small scrollable section on the home screen. Also not sure about the new clock font, probably configurable but I'll have to look.

What's your experience?
Like the new lock screen with some widgets, how images are presented, message improvements are cool - FYI, as predicted someone on iOS15 or earlier gets both messages (original and edited), and the delete from the iOS16 device shows a small notice about the message not being deleted on the other device.

Oh yeah, and the new subject cut and paste, hahaha ... see Cats :D
Like the new lock screen with some widgets, how images are presented, message improvements are cool - FYI, as predicted someone on iOS15 or earlier gets both messages (original and edited), and the delete from the iOS16 device shows a small notice about the message not being deleted on the other device.

Oh yeah, and the new subject cut and paste, hahaha ... see Cats :D
I think it's smart the way they repurpose areas, like combining the search and pagination menus. I think I'll need to give it a couple days to experience some of the benefits of the new features, plus if you can trim out cats how bad can it really be?
Oh yeah, and the new subject cut and paste, hahaha ... see Cats :D
Tried it and it worked great. Once. It still selects the subject, but wont let me do anything with it anymore.

Time to reboot, I guess.
I'm still trying to understand the point of limiting the space for notifications in overlapping cards at the very bottom of the screen. They've left an entire swath of the center of the screen with negative space, it just seems nonsensical.
Can confirm. Subject copy and paste likes cats.

Can’t comment on notifications yet, will have to wait until I get some. 😁
Just got it this morning, still on the fence and not a fan of the new notifications setup nor the logic behind forcing them into a small scrollable section on the home screen. Also not sure about the new clock font, probably configurable but I'll have to look.

What's your experience?
You can choose the clock font.
Meh. They didn't do a new build to fix the CarPlay bug I reported, so we'll see when it gets sorted.

(I like running beta software...only bit me in the ass once or twice). :D

now, Alpha software on the other hand :o
I love being able to make the clock font BIG AND BOLD. Notifications are crap, and if you’re in an app, they still come in the old way, so there’s not much point. Can’t wait for more apps to offer widgets.
I am not thrilled with the new clock font so promptly checked to see how to change that, and after some trial-and-error did so, but I really wish Apple had just left that alone in the first place, rather than making people who already had a different custom Lock Screen image and a different custom home page wallpaper jump through hoops just to change the stupid clock font. I managed to at least get the Lock Screen image the way I want but have not yet dealt with the need now to change the home page since now my former home page is gone and instead the image is the same as the Lock Screen. Grrrr.....!!

Also did the macOS Monterey software update, and that went fine on the one machine I've done so far, although it took rather a while.
Oh yeah, [my] apps are getting lock screen widget updates pretty quickly:

Waiting for Apple to at least make a widget for the Books app. I've gotten past any hope they'll ever do much to improve the app itself, but it would be nice if they'd at least offer a widget to show current read(s) so you can just flip right back into a book when you have some free time.

B&N widget even shows three current reads which is great if one frequently uses certain reference e-books. The LIbby widget shows %-read, a nice little prod to resume reading borrowed library books before they will expire or need renewal. Apple apparently figures just having an app is good enough.
I like it so far, especially the lock screen widgets. It's handy to be able to see the time my alarm is set for without opening the Clock app.
I just discovered that a few minutes ago and am hopeful but it looks like I'll have to live with it either way. I do not have a previous backup from iOS 15 so I cannot go back unless I want to start from scratch and I'm not willing to do that.

I sure get that.

I'll have to cave at some point and go to 16 without promise of a Books widget, of course.

But I have a lot of downloaded content that doesn't even fall into Apple's idea of what is "backup data," and I'm in the boonies and supposedly grateful even to have DSL rated at 6Mbps.

On unbacked-up content after a restore of what Apple does include in its backups, I'd be looking at reloading content that is maybe 60% of the capacity of a 256GB phone and that's omitting stuff I can live without. Ugh! It went on there painlessly, a few hundred MB at a time over the course of any average week.

So I'm not interested in upgrading and then voluntarily doing a rollback, i'd be reloading too much stuff.
I sure get that.

I'll have to cave at some point and go to 16 without promise of a Books widget, of course.

But I have a lot of downloaded content that doesn't even fall into Apple's idea of what is "backup data," and I'm in the boonies and supposedly grateful even to have DSL rated at 6Mbps.

On unbacked-up content after a restore of what Apple does include in its backups, I'd be looking at reloading content that is maybe 60% of the capacity of a 256GB phone and that's omitting stuff I can live without. Ugh! It went on there painlessly, a few hundred MB at a time over the course of any average week.

So I'm not interested in upgrading and then voluntarily doing a rollback, i'd be reloading too much stuff.
Wise decision IMO, I normally jump in head first with Apple and this is the first time I've felt like they've taken a big step back like this. Ideally, the entire lock screen thing should be optional, the new way helps but still loads it all up at the bottom and seems nonsensical, my guess is they had to make sacrifices for widgets on the lock screen but it's hardly worth it.
When you run the upgrade does it reboot with bluetooth turned out even if you had it turned off? Seems like all the iOS system upgrades have done that for a long time now, not sure when it started. I happen to leave BT turned off except while actively using it on an iOS device, so it's always kind of startling when I notice it's on "for no reason" after an upgrade.