The official Florida man thread

Florida Governor:

DeSantis wants to be the thought police:

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation requiring students, faculty and staff at Florida's public universities and colleges to register their political views with the state as a way to encourage "intellectual diversity."

The state will require taxpayer-funded colleges and universities to issue surveys to determine "the extent to which competing ideas and perspectives are presented" on campus and whether students, faculty and staff "feel free to express [their] beliefs and viewpoints," although it's not clear what will be done with the poll results, reported the Tampa Bay Times.

DeSantis and the bill's sponsor, state Sen. Ray Rodrigues (R-Estero), suggested funding could be cut as punishment for colleges and universities found to be "indoctrinating" students under the measure, which goes into effect July 1.

So, if your university doesn’t teach points of view that the Trump-ists believe in, you can lose your state funding. Were I still a kid, I’d look at such a survey and get all the other students together and put a bunch of wacky beliefs on the surveys to troll the government.
well I hope they get the surveys they deserve.I can imagine the amount of shit people are going to put on these. its going to be epic. I wonder how many FSM and devli worshiping will be reported. why is it the republicans way to spy on everyone. this has got to be challenged big and hard.
All I know is I am (still) attending a Florida university. Can’t wait for my survey.
Another fail by DeSantis. FEMA was ready to roll pronto re Surfside condo collapse. DeSantis waited a day to accept...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1408855547852513289/
My google-fu tells me “Surfside, FL is Leaning liberal“. Shocking.
Florida Governor:

DeSantis wants to be the thought police:

So, if your university doesn’t teach points of view that the Trump-ists believe in, you can lose your state funding. Were I still a kid, I’d look at such a survey and get all the other students together and put a bunch of wacky beliefs on the surveys to troll the government.

From your linked story:
"We have decided that one ideological standard will win the day, but the thing is we're losing because we're not having real conversations."

Or…you’re losing because your views suck.
Wow. He’s convinced his point of view is the only correct one and the only reason people don’t agree with him is that the conversation isn’t happening. That’s delusional. This guy is Trump 1.1.
I doubt he believes in any of this bullshit. He's a cynic with an agenda revolving around 2024.
From your linked story:

Or…you’re losing because your views suck.

This reminds me of this article:

They deny the existence of everything that is like not happening immediately on eye level scale in front of them...Except for God. And then push it until it becomes a threat to their viability (like COVID).
Thanks for this thread. My sister informed me yesterday (during our 115 degree heat wave) that she wants to move to Florida. I started to point out that Florida is where all the dumb people live. Then caught myself. I learned during the pandemic and election that my sister would actually feel right at home in Florida. So that joke might have hit a little too close to home. She's a fan of the previous president, believes in election fraud, fought to keep her school open last year, never thought Covid was as big a deal as they're making it out to be, is against masks, etc.

Then I woke up this morning and sent the "Florida Man breaks into jail to visit his friends". I couldn't help myself. :ROFLMAO:
*Looks in mirror*

Yeah, you pretty much got that right ...

It's Florida, I'm not touching that one.

But I WILL say I've learned this past year that no state has the monopoly on dumb. For example: my sister.

Not only did she fight mask and closing the schools, her husband infected my mother with Covid the day before Mother's Day. We visited the next day. And they got around to telling us... maybe 10 days later? But it was no big deal. Like having a cold! Yeah, my uncle, died of Covid 3 days before Christmas, but this Covid is no big deal! Thankfully we're all vaccinated in this household (as is my sister since she works for the school) and it did the job and everyone is still fine. But the stupidity!!! 😞

So yeah, there's dummies everywhere.
It's Florida, I'm not touching that one.

But I WILL say I've learned this past year that no state has the monopoly on dumb. For example: my sister.

Not only did she fight mask and closing the schools, her husband infected my mother with Covid the day before Mother's Day. We visited the next day. And they got around to telling us... maybe 10 days later? But it was no big deal. Like having a cold! Yeah, my uncle, died of Covid 3 days before Christmas, but this Covid is no big deal! Thankfully we're all vaccinated in this household (as is my sister since she works for the school) and it did the job and everyone is still fine. But the stupidity!!! 😞

So yeah, there's dummies everywhere.
ya my sister and brother wont vaccinate and a few people at work. we all work in the basement of this old building we have separate shops. one of the guys who isa vaccinated thought he had covid and came in to work. so the unvaccinated guy I told him the guy had a special surprise for him and go see him to get it.
florida man florida ex wife all kinds of crazy

The Ocala Fire Chief, who filed a restraining order against his ex-wife before she went on a naked rampage at a local Outback earlier this month, has been fired from his position.

Shane Alexander was relieved of his duties by the city of Ocala on Friday. An official with the city of Ocala confirmed the firing to on Sunday and provided a letter explaining the city’s decision on Monday.

According to a termination of employment letter issued by Assistant City Manager Ken Whitehead, Alexander was fired for his alleged “unprofessional conduct on several occasions” and a general erosion of “trust in the organization by creating a counter-productive and uncomfortable work environment for City staff.”
Florida man goes off like a firework. to protest fireworks he becomes a firework classic florida man.
CAPE CORAL, Fla. (WBBH) - A man apparently protesting pyrotechnics was caught screaming and pretending to be a firework on a Florida security system in the early morning hours.
