The "Wordle" thread

Wordle 557 4/6


This is a strange word to me. My brain knew it existed and the meaning somehow but not one I’d use. I would opt for “compel”. Looked it up and found this on Webster:


Did you know?​

Impel vs Compel
Impel is very similar in meaning to compel, and often a perfect synonym, though it tends to suggest even more strongly an inner drive to do something and a greater urgency to act, especially for moral reasons. But when impel takes its noun and adjective forms, it changes slightly. So an impulse—such as "impulse buying", when you suddenly see something cool and know you've got to have it—often isn't based on anything very serious. And impulsive behavior in general, such as blurting out something stupid on the spur of the moment, is the kind of thing you're supposed to get over when you grow up.
Wordle 557 4/6


This is a strange word to me. My brain knew it existed and the meaning somehow but not one I’d use. I would opt for “compel”. Looked it up and found this on Webster:


Did you know?​

Impel vs Compel
Impel is very similar in meaning to compel, and often a perfect synonym, though it tends to suggest even more strongly an inner drive to do something and a greater urgency to act, especially for moral reasons. But when impel takes its noun and adjective forms, it changes slightly. So an impulse—such as "impulse buying", when you suddenly see something cool and know you've got to have it—often isn't based on anything very serious. And impulsive behavior in general, such as blurting out something stupid on the spur of the moment, is the kind of thing you're supposed to get over when you grow up.
Not previously in my vocabulary, thankfully was not left with many options after four guesses. 🥳

Wordle 557 5/6*

Yay! Symmetry!

Weird. I suddenly feel the urge to rewatch Stargate…

Wordle 558 3/6*

I tried a new starter word and a new second word and hit the jackpot so then the third line was easy!

Wordle 558 3/6

Had to take a little coffee break after the third go... think the extra caffeine paid off.

Wordle 558 5/6

Wordle 559 3/6


Lady Luck stopped by my place today. Good thing too, I'm long on chores, short on playtime.
0/5, 2.5/5, 5/5. Thanks, now I have a certain theme song stuck in my head. 😭
Wordle 560 3/6*

This one I really wrestled with! In the second line I thought, "oh, hey, this'll be easy!" and tried a word...well, ok, maybe it wasn't going to be so easy.. Then I belatedly realized that I'd forgotten one of the valid letters I could've -- should've -- been using. Oops! Tried that and it didn't help either. Took a break, refreshed my coffee, waited for the brain cells to perk up, then I tackled this once more. Finally managed to get the answer only because I couldn't think of any other solution!

Wordle 560 5/6
