Trump Assassination Attempt


Mama's lil stinker
Aug 10, 2020
Main Camera
Trump rushed off stage after gunfire, just now being reported on Citizen app, someone mentioned blood and he was injured. :oops:

Edit: We will not be condoning this act in any way at this site, I ask everyone to please refrain from any form of that.

Update: Image from Reddit

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He was probably ducked down quickly and injured. I don’t think he was shot. Looked like he may have smacked his face or head. Hope he’s ok, if only so his lunatics don’t become unhinged.
He was probably ducked down quickly and injured. I don’t think he was shot. Looked like he may have smacked his face or head. Hope he’s ok, if only so his lunatics don’t become unhinged.
Agreed, we want to be him at the polls, there's no place for violence anywhere with this. Hoping he is okay too.
You already know the far-right conspiratorial machines are gearing up…

Looked borderline staged to make Trump have a Rambo moment, he was vigorously fist-bumping. I’d be brave with a small army around me too.

He’s fomenting this violence, nobody is safe from it at that point, why don’t these warmongers see that?
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Hoping cooler heads will prevail. Every Democrat should be denouncing this and coming to his defense. We should all condemn violence.
Looked borderline staged to make Trump have a Rambo moment, he was cigorously fist-bumping. I’d be brave with a small army around me too.

It was interesting that the moment you hear the shots, trump raises his right hand and swipes his face as he ducks. If that was indeed a bullet grazing him, you'd think someone standing behind him would have been hit. Just speculation.
You'd think that everyone attending that rally would have been scanned for weapons - and having a perimeter that's even wider. Something's feeling a little strange.
You'd think that everyone attending that rally would have been scanned for weapons - and having a perimeter that's even wider. Something's feeling a little strange.
Sounds like they believe it may have come from outside the event.
You already know the far-right conspiratorial machines are gearing up…

Looked borderline staged to make Trump have a Rambo moment, he was cigorously fist-bumping. I’d be brave with a small army around me too.

He’s fomenting this violence, nobody is safe from it at that point, why don’t these warmongers see that?
except this would be something trump would do for attention.
You'd think that everyone attending that rally would have been scanned for weapons - and having a perimeter that's even wider. Something's feeling a little strange.
I could see trump planning this out for the attention imagine how much it will net him?
Shooter is in custody, sounds like they may have shot him too.
Sounds like they believe it may have come from outside the event.

If true,
I could see trump planning this out for the attention imagine how much it will net him?

That crossed my mind. If so he's incredibly lucky, assuming the shooter was at a distance that exceed the security perimeter. If trump moved his head a couple inches to the right, or the shooter's aim was off, that would have been it.

Seems far-fetched. But weirder things have happened, I suppose.
Shooter is in custody, sounds like they may have shot him too.


Saw a story where there may be two dead including the shooter. It was a local story from a PA outlet, just can't find it right now.

Saw a story where there may be two dead including the shooter. It was a local story from a PA outlet, just can't find it right now.
Yes, just learned that the shooter is dead, nothing about a second person. 🤷‍♂️
If true,

That crossed my mind. If so he's incredibly lucky, assuming the shooter was at a distance that exceed the security perimeter. If trump moved his head a couple inches to the right, or the shooter's aim was off, that would have been it.

Seems far-fetched. But weirder things have happened, I suppose.
yes, but we are talking Trump and we have seen the lengths he has gone to stay elected.