Trump down by 16 in post-COVID diagnosis poll


Mama's lil stinker
Aug 10, 2020
Main Camera
For those wondering how this would play out, we're starting to see some numbers and they're not good for Trump.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's lead over President Donald Trump grew slightly in one of the first national polls conducted since the president announced he tested positive for COVID-19.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll released Sunday found Biden ahead of Trump by 10 percentage points (51%-41%) among likely voters, a 1-point jump from a poll Sept. 30. That increase falls within the survey's margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted before Trump became ill found Biden had surged to a 14-point lead among registered voters, a 6-point jump from a NBC/WSJ survey Sept. 20.

Stand by…

Trump's usual state of mind is DEFCON 3… now with this news, high on god only knows what cocktail of drugs, tax skeletons seriously rattling under his bed, former allies with shed loads of dirt to publish, faced with losing his "safe house" in the election, this is going to take him up to DEFCON 2.

ALL CAPS TWEETS only get him so far.

This is where POTUS45 climbs through windows if they try to lock him in and away from his fan base.
He would burn rubber over anyone just to break cover and "campaign", no matter how many people he endangers.

As has been said by many and far better commentators, this would be funny if it weren't so scary.

What times we live in.
For those wondering how this would play out, we're starting to see some numbers and they're not good for Trump

Per the cited piece,

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted before Trump became ill found Biden had surged to a 14-point lead among registered voters, a 6-point jump from a NBC/WSJ survey Sept. 20.

And it's not like people generally thought Trump's behavior was stellar, in the time of his hospitalization and his apparent demand for a quick release from Walter Reed.

Also I'm not sure the general tone of Trump and his administration towards "blue states" and towards ordinary Americans who don't share the GOP's apparent values in the Trump era are all that helpful in terms of attracting badly needed new voters to their base.

keepin' it simple 2020.jpg
He’s going to lose more now that he’s put a stop to negotiations for another stimulus package.

That one surprises me, unless it is a bizarre bid for political suicide, or the sort of catastrophic misjudgment that wildly over-weening confidence (fuelled by the sort of cocktail that Mr Trump is on) - a classic case of hubris - has prompted.

I cannot see how he thinks that this will go down well with his base, or increase his support, and would be flabbergasted if the GOP actually pushed for it (in advance of the election).

Afterwards, of course, for reasons of punitive application of ideology and pursuit of profit, anything goes, as long as they can claim electoral victory first.

But, barely a month before polling? This is insane.
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That one surprises me, unless it is a bizarre bid for political suicide, or the sort of catastrophic misjudgment that wildly over-weening confidence (fuelled by the sort of cocktail that Mr Trump is on) - a classic case of hubris - has prompted.

I cannot see how he thinks that this will go down well with his base, or increase his support, and would be flabbergasted if the GOP actually pushed for it (in advance f the election).

Afterwards, of course, for reasons of punitive application of ideology and pursuit of profit, anything goes, as long as they can claim electoral victory first.

But, barely a month before polling? This is insane.

This is pure Trump in narcissistic rage mode. Mnuchin and Pelosi have been getting all the attention from media lately on actual Washington DC business, nosing around about "How are the stimulus negotiations going?" and I even saw one puff piece somewhere about how Mnuchin is the only Cabinet member worth a damn in Trump's current collection of grifters. That right there is enough to blow Trump's cork. The mirror on the wall (the media) has declared someone else nearly as fair as Trump himself? The horror!
This is pure Trump in narcissistic rage mode. Mnuchin and Pelosi have been getting all the attention from media lately on actual Washington DC business, nosing around about "How are the stimulus negotiations going?" and I even saw one puff piece somewhere about how Mnuchin is the only Cabinet member worth a damn in Trump's current collection of grifters. That right there is enough to blow Trump's cork. The mirror on the wall (the media) has declared someone else nearly as fair as Trump himself? The horror!
Narcissistic rage sounds about right.

I cannot see how this will end well.
He’s going to lose more now that he’s put a stop to negotiations for another stimulus package.

@Alli @Scepticalscribe yes.
the guy's completely unethical (and in times of a pandemic immoral) and showing how unfit for service he actually is.
he thinks that USAmericans would vote for him for this? he's also clearly stupid. it will just make them more mad at him.

it reminds me of when i lived in Singapore and the People's Action Party (Spore's dominant party) threatened to not hook up a new sewage system to a district if its candidate was not elected.

trump is a dictator. L'etat c'est moi.
Another poll out looks at the gender division regarding Trump:


While the gender divide was always pretty marked, just now, it seems to have become even more so.

Candidly, I really cannot envisage any woman being enamoured of that pathetic spittle spewing performance, bullying, bombastic, incoherent, unhinged, - that was the ghastly Mr Trump unchained at the first presidential debate, and his monstrous self-regard, catastrophic misjudgment, and callous disregard for his staff since he contracted Covid-19 would seem to me to alienate women even more.

In 2016, the only female demographic where Mr Trump had any sort of majority was among white women, and, even then, college educated white women voted (by a narrow majority) for Secretary Clinton.

In 2018, it seems clear that some suburban non-college educated white women, or the sort of suburban college educated white women who had previously cast a ballot for Mr Trump, changed their minds and their votes, casting ballots for the Democrats.

My only surprise is that the divide isn't even more pronounced, because I cannot see women of colour supporting Trump in any circumstances; in fact, I cannot understand why any woman, anywhere, would favour this man with a glance, never mind a vote.
Spite. Malice.
He's punishing his minions.
Daddy's showing them the whip — or so he thinks…

“I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business,” Trump wrote on Twitter a day after emerging from a hospital stay for Covid-19 treatment.
Or is it just a transparent attempt at bribery?
Make sure I win or you get nothing!

it reminds me of when i lived in Singapore and the People's Action Party (Spore's dominant party) threatened to not hook up a new sewage system to a district if its candidate was not elected.
The control of the PAP was/is total.

Off topic, so apologies.

When I worked in Singapore in the 90s our offices were in a large black and white bungalow off Telok Blangah Road… I lived on Oxley Rise, just around the corner from… Oxley Road where Lee Kuan Yew lived.

The fastest way to the office was to cut through Oxley Road… Every morning the amount of convincing it took to get the cab driver to just drive down that road.
Some would break into a sweat.
Argue vehemently.
Drive by fast and pretend they missed the turn off.
I even had one rather let me get out of the cab before he would drive down that road…
One or two I must admit took it like a challenge. Almost as if they were giving Senior/First Minister (or whatever his title was) the finger.

Still, the best collection of food in Asia. 🙂
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That one surprises me, unless it is a bizarre bid for political suicide, or the sort of catastrophic misjudgment that wildly over-weening confidence (fuelled by the sort of cocktail that Mr Trump is on) - a classic case of hubris - has prompted.

I cannot see how he thinks that this will go down well with his base, or increase his support, and would be flabbergasted if the GOP actually pushed for it (in advance of the election).

Afterwards, of course, for reasons of punitive application of ideology and pursuit of profit, anything goes, as long as they can claim electoral victory first.

But, barely a month before polling? This is insane.
The dealmaker-in-chief is all about leverage. It could be a get me elected and you get relief approach. Ill considered and hasty, which would fit.
Spite. Malice.
He's punishing his minions.
Daddy's showing them the whip — or so he thinks…


Or is it just a transparent attempt at bribery?
Make sure I win or you get nothing!

The control of the PAP was/is total.

Off topic, so apologies.

When I worked in Singapore in the 90s our offices were in a large black and white bungalow off Telok Blangah Road… I lived on Oxley Rise, just around the corner from… Oxley Road where Lee Kuan Yew lived.

The fastest way to the office was to cut through Oxley Road… Every morning the amount of convincing it took to get the cab driver to just drive down that road.
Some would break into a sweat.
Argue vehemently.
Drive by fast and pretend they missed the turn off.
I even had one rather let me get out of the cab before he would drive down that road…
One or two I must admit took it like a challenge. Almost as if they were giving Senior/First Minister (or whatever his title was) the finger.

Still, the best collection of food in Asia. 🙂
i lived there in 1987 and 1988, on Grange Road.
we used to say at that time:
People's Action Party PAP Pay and Pay Party
Worker's Party WP Why Pay Party
Social Democratic Party SDP So Don't Pay Party

its funny you mention food.
I've been moving house over the last month and this, and i just tossed out a hawker centre paper that listed its chili crab.
I’m kind of enjoying watching the wheels fall off the Trump corruption bus.

I think I’ll go with extortion on this one. “No stimulus until you vote for me”. (As if Biden or Congress won’t be able to do anything with Trump out of office). Wait, no, I think I’ll go with bribery. “Congress must pass my personal stimulus ideas, and only mine. That way you have to vote for me.”

Stand by…

Trump's usual state of mind is DEFCON 3… now with this news, high on god only knows what cocktail of drugs, tax skeletons seriously rattling under his bed, former allies with shed loads of dirt to publish, faced with losing his "safe house" in the election, this is going to take him up to DEFCON 2.

ALL CAPS TWEETS only get him so far.

This is where POTUS45 climbs through windows if they try to lock him in and away from his fan base.
He would burn rubber over anyone just to break cover and "campaign", no matter how many people he endangers.

As has been said by many and far better commentators, this would be funny if it weren't so scary.

What times we live in.
I’m not surprised if most of Europe is looking across the Pond muttering WTFs with those lunatics??!
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I’m kind of enjoying watching the wheels fall off the Trump corruption bus.

I think I’ll go with extortion on this one. “No stimulus until you vote for me”. (As if Biden or Congress won’t be able to do anything with Trump out of office). Wait, no, I think I’ll go with bribery. “Congress must pass my personal stimulus ideas, and only mine. That way you have to vote for me.”

I’ll add Shit Head (Rump not you :)).