Trump Organization Indicted (June 2021)


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The Misty Mountains
Fingers crossed this is the beginning of the end of the malignancy.

Trump Organization and Top Executive Are Indicted in Tax Investigation​


Thomas Veil

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Oy vey. Allen Weisselberg’s former daughter-in-law Jennifer, who provided testimony to the government, was interviewed at the top of the 3:00 hour on MSNBC, and trying to get information out of her was like pulling teeth. I hate to say it, but she came across like a Real Housewife operating on her tenth glass of wine.


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It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Also, these guys are morons, considering that state and federal tax are separate matters and the IRS may pursue their own investigation.

Futerfas also said that the charges were “unprecendented,” and typically would not have been brought by the IRS or other authorities. He said he believed the indictment was filed because of political reasons.

There's no way the IRS would accept renting a primary residence for an executive as a valid business expense, since it's something normally paid for in post tax dollars. The IRS can actually disallow writing off a lot of things that aren't directly incurred as business related expenses. For example, they may disallow writing off mileage that is just part of your normal commute to and from the office. A primary phone line is considered a necessity, so you can't necessarily write off your first phone line.

(Not intended as tax advice, I am not a tax professional.)


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Maybe it’s let’s make a deal time for the CFO. :unsure:

Trump Organization Is Charged With Running 15-Year Employee Tax Scheme​

The company was accused of helping its executives evade taxes on compensation by hiding luxury perks and bonuses.



Maybe it’s let’s make a deal time for the CFO. :unsure:

Trump Organization Is Charged With Running 15-Year Employee Tax Scheme​

The company was accused of helping its executives evade taxes on compensation by hiding luxury perks and bonuses.

That I feel is the plan. I'm expecting many more small scale legal investigations, each one pulling in Trump's closest until they start spilling the beans.

Sooner or later Trump Jr will rat on daddy because if there's one lesson Eric learned from Donnie, it's "always look out for yourself".

Eventually I hope the whole family will turn on itself.

Thomas Veil

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Maybe it’s let’s make a deal time for the CFO. :unsure:

Trump Organization Is Charged With Running 15-Year Employee Tax Scheme​

The company was accused of helping its executives evade taxes on compensation by hiding luxury perks and bonuses.

That I feel is the plan. I'm expecting many more small scale legal investigations, each one pulling in Trump's closest until they start spilling the beans.

Sooner or later Trump Jr will rat on daddy because if there's one lesson Eric learned from Donnie, it's "always look out for yourself".

Eventually I hope the whole family will turn on itself.

I dunno, folks. Weisselboy…er, I mean -berg…has said he will not flip on anyone. And the Trumps pride themselves on being domineering. Rather than throwing each other under the bus, I’m inclined to think they’ll pull up the drawbridge and deploy their legal knights to drop boiling oil on their attackers.


I dunno, folks. Weisselboy…er, I mean -berg…has said he will not flip on anyone. And the Trumps pride themselves on being domineering. Rather than throwing each other under the bus, I’m inclined to think they’ll pull up the drawbridge and deploy their legal knights to drop boiling oil on their attackers.
They may give the appearance of that, but Jr definitely comes over as someone who, given the choice of loosing money and his freedom, or throwing Daddy under the bus, would probably ask which seat he should be in.

And Donnie would be more than happy, if pushed, to sacrifice a kid or two.

That entire family is totally and utterly devoid if any morals whatsoever. This is why he's happy to rip the country apart.


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I dunno, folks. Weisselboy…er, I mean -berg…has said he will not flip on anyone. And the Trumps pride themselves on being domineering. Rather than throwing each other under the bus, I’m inclined to think they’ll pull up the drawbridge and deploy their legal knights to drop boiling oil on their attackers.
well they kinda ran out of oil by not paying for the oil deliveries.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
They may give the appearance of that, but Jr definitely comes over as someone who, given the choice of loosing money and his freedom, or throwing Daddy under the bus…

And Donnie would be more than happy, if pushed, to sacrifice a kid or two.

That entire family is totally and utterly devoid if any morals whatsoever.
I suspect The Donald expects Jr to serve his time if push comes to shove. However, Jr was raised in an ethically devoid universe where all relationships are transactional. Its tough to predict what’ll happen beyond all parties saving their own skin.

To get The Donald, his support system must be removed, one pillar at a time. It needs to happen sooner than later 🤞

Thomas Veil

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Wow. This sounds…very very good.

Also damning is that the indictment said the company kept two sets of books - a private one that counted Weisselberg's apartment and cars as part of his $940,000-a-year compensation, and another that didn't, allowing him to pay taxes on less income. "I don't see how you don't charge this," Shaviro said.
…He said that the "two sets of books is a classic indication of an overt act of evasion," and that prosecutors' claim that Weisselberg falsely claimed to be living in Long Island to avoid paying taxes in New York City looks almost like "a slam dunk case." "There's no doubt they know where he was living," Namorato said.




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Weisselberg will be happy to go to prison. He’s had a great life, and his family is well taken care of. Raised in that kind of mob environment, his family will expect him to go to jail to protect the don. It’s not like he’ll go to some kind of prison where he’ll have to worry about his safety. He’ll be in some kind of white collar institution with all the amenities.

Frankly, if someone offered me a million dollars so I could take care of my family in exchange for prison, I’d be tempted to go to prison.


Weisselberg will be happy to go to prison. He’s had a great life, and his family is well taken care of. Raised in that kind of mob environment, his family will expect him to go to jail to protect the don. It’s not like he’ll go to some kind of prison where he’ll have to worry about his safety. He’ll be in some kind of white collar institution with all the amenities.

Frankly, if someone offered me a million dollars so I could take care of my family in exchange for prison, I’d be tempted to go to prison.
I think the difference is, that the Trump family have zero honor, unlike the mob.

The mob survives because of this honor - and even then we've seen multiple times how that honor is broken.

The Trump clan are a bunch of vicious nasty inhuman shitheads who wouldn't know Honor - even if she gave Daddy a blowjob.

That's why I think Trump Inc. will crumble.


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I think the difference is, that the Trump family have zero honor, unlike the mob.

The mob survives because of this honor - and even then we've seen multiple times how that honor is broken.

The Trump clan are a bunch of vicious nasty inhuman shitheads who wouldn't know Honor - even if she gave Daddy a blowjob.

That's why I think Trump Inc. will crumble.
Yes, but we have to get through the traditional mob mentality honorable members and get to the actual family. I have no doubt that they will eat their own.

Chew Toy McCoy

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As I said in another thread if Trump himself doesn't go to prison then all this isn't going to mean shit and will just embolden him and his supporters. Many of them won't change their tune even if he does go to prison but he won't be in a position to do any more meaningful political damage.

Nothing is going to change Trump supporter's minds. They see him as a hero of sticking it to the establishment even when by illegal means. They aren't mad if he dodged taxes. They wish they could get away with it themselves.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
I said on this board a long time ago that ex-presidents simply do not go to prison in this country. Maybe a house arrest situation is what we’ll have to settle for. That Trump breaks laws is not in doubt. A guilty verdict with a conviction very much is.
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