Tucker Carlson’s Depiction of 1/6

I don't want my children or grandchildren to live on a planet that is out of options, or where the only solutions are risky and/or expensive geo-engineering proposals that reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth.

That's exactly what it boils down to for the climate science/change deniers. People putting fingers in their ears and passing the buck and adverse consequences down to their children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren.

As an aside, the United States Navy is on board with the science behind climate change and its impact on force effectiveness and other resulting issues, and is planning accordingly.
Are you willing to apply that same reasoning to Climate Change?
Actuallly, no. Aside from the extreme minority that the "skeptics" amount to, the reality appears that they (who are otherwise well-respected in the field of climate science) are getting their nests deeply feathered with petrodollars.

Is there something wrong with that?

Well, no, it is like giving equal creedence to Mayo doctors and medical researchers paid by Phillip Morris when discussing the health effects of tobacco.

In other words, the skeptic response must be weighted according to their patronage. And if they can show that they are not being funded by fossil fuel companies, it is because they have gotten really good at obfuscating where their money is sourced.

But, the fossil fuel industry is being shut out of the conversation.

Yeah. Good.
One would have to be blind to believe it was anything less than a violent attempt at a takeover. Nobody at Fox News nor from the Republican party can ever convince any sane person of that.

Yes, then it wouldn't have looked like a sham partisan attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of everyone. The footage that matters is already out there.

These actions are impossible to defend in the normal court of public opinion, they'll only server to placate a base that will never take their partisan blinders off no matter what the evidence shows.
Yeah we minions broke into the Capitol, smashing windows and bludgeoning Capitol Hill Police because we were doing our Patriotic Duty to allow Nuevo-Furer to steal the election like any true Patriot would. :unsure:
Politicians have always bent the truth to some extent, at least that's the reputation they seemed to have deserved. What Trump has shown, however, is that you can make the most outrageous, easily disproved lies and a large minority of people will believe you. It all started with claims about his inauguration crowd ("larger than Obama's") despite photographic evidence and carries through to now with him claiming that his speech to CPAC was before a "packed" crowd when the room was half empty.

Based on revealed communications that showed Tucker Carlson didn't believe the Big Lie about the 2020 election, I have no doubt that he knows exactly what happened on Jan. 6 but he is again catering to his audience and giving them what they want to hear. And laughing all the way to the bank.