
Oh my sweet Jesus.gif
That's Rad.gif
First tropical event of the season. Not much, but it did dampen all the events scheduled for the weekend.
Back to normal conditions here, looks like the half a week or sunny weather we had will be it for now.
Ah, lucky one!

Here we’re expected to get around 30°C/86°F for a few more days, then a fortnight of more reasonable 25°C/77°F. Not that the long-term forecast tends to be reliable…
We’re in the midst of record breaking heat. It’s 104 right now, expecting 105 for today’s high.
Now that is hot weather.

Look after yourself brother (sister?)

Yes. Yes it is. I remember only one time it got that hot around here. It was one summer day, probably around 7 or so years ago, that the temp spiked out at 107, with 80% humidity. My family had a outdoor fish bake planned that day, which we actually managed to successfully throw. one ate anything though. Everyone was too busy trying to breathe.
Yes. Yes it is. I remember only one time it got that hot around here. It was one summer day, probably around 7 or so years ago, that the temp spiked out at 107, with 80% humidity. My family had a outdoor fish bake planned that day, which we actually managed to successfully throw. one ate anything though. Everyone was too busy trying to breathe.
~high-30s and even low 40s C (~99f - 107f) are relatively common here during the hot+dry season, but most of the rest of the year is ~36c (-97f) daytime and 26-27c (~80f) overnight, quite consistently, and generally with ~80% humidity too (we only really have three seasons and the predominant one is described as “hot + wet” lol)

when we first moved here we were coming and going on flights every 3 months or so, and every time we arrived, I’d step out of the air conditioned airport into the outside air and it was like stepping into a sauna or a ridiculously hot/humid bathroom every time for the first two years or so. I think the first time I didn’t have that sudden drained feeling I didn’t even realise it until I was half way home in the car and clicked that I’d finally adjusted somewhat to the ridiculous humidity.

I saw that in the news, that you're really going to be hit by a massive heat wave. I hope you have A/C in your home and in your shop!
I saw that in the news, that you're really going to be hit by a massive heat wave. I hope you have A/C in your home and in your shop!
just in our bedroom have it on now and it is still 78. my shop is I the basement of a big building so it will not get about 75 or so. for once I will have to drink while I ride my bike. wife and I will ride to the river and go wading.
the high temp is in front with blacktop right in front of our place. the back porch is in shade then the inside of our place. its only 3 pm
Bad idea even a short ride some places the roads were 117 according to my Garmin. The bike path is cooler but still Waiting in the river right now.

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crap should not have ridden it was 102 but we were going on a bike path surrounded by plants that's usually cooler. but it was bad getting to ig my garmin got to 118 we went to the river and soaked for awhile got wet can came home not a bad coming home but not great. almost overheated.
our porch by the black top is the high temp the back porch is in the shade.

Screenshot 2021-06-26 at 5.39.52 PM.jpg
crap should not have ridden it was 102 but we were going on a bike path surrounded by plants that's usually cooler. but it was bad getting to ig my garmin got to 118 we went to the river and soaked for awhile got wet can came home not a bad coming home but not great. almost overheated.
Some days you should just stay home.