
crap should not have ridden it was 102 but we were going on a bike path surrounded by plants that's usually cooler. but it was bad getting to ig my garmin got to 118 we went to the river and soaked for awhile got wet can came home not a bad coming home but not great. almost overheated.
our porch by the black top is the high temp the back porch is in the shade.
I grew up in Eugene and Portland and it's never hit 115 there (the predicted high) many homes there still do not have air conditioning and they are not acclimated to these sorts of temperatures, it's like Arizona heat. Global warming seems to be happening a lot quicker than anyone anticipated.
We're expecting another high of 115 today. Then we're back to double digits. 97 tomorrow, 88 on Wednesday. 70 or less is my happy place, but I'll take it.

I'm excited for the end of this. The only thing really bugging me at this point is my mother is planning to head out in this for a funeral across town and she doesn't drive, so I presume she'll be riding public transportation. I'm hoping she has the good sense to just stay home and enjoy the AC I setup for her last week. At least she had a friend get sent to the ER with heat stroke Saturday, so that might make her think twice.
11:30am and my phone is saying 106. o_O If I wanted that kind of heat, I wouldn't be living in the NORTHwest!

Still, I'll take 106 with 24% humidity over 95 degrees with 95% humid. I had enough of that nonsense as child living back in Ohio.

Now they're saying 95 tomorrow. This might be the first time in my entire life I've looked forward to temperatures in the '90s!!!
@MEJHarrison If you don't mind sharing, where are you located? Sorry if you already mentioned it, I looked but didn't see anything.
In Southern Oregon, my home area, they are being hit hard with the heat.

@MEJHarrison If you don't mind sharing, where are you located? Sorry if you already mentioned it, I looked but didn't see anything.

Portland OR is the quick answer.

Beaverton OR is the accurate answer if you're familiar with Portland. About 3 miles down the road from the Nike headquarters.
man its noon and 104 I need to leave work soon or it will be too hot to ride around 3 the sun is killer. or I stay at work till 7 or so. well the ride home was bad my bike computer got 120 degrees. the air temp in the shade at 1pm was 110 I drunk from right before I left to right before I got home 1.5 quarts of water and I had already had more then that this morning.


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man its noon and 104 I need to leave work soon or it will be too hot to ride around 3 the sun is killer. or I stay at work till 7 or so. well the ride home was bad my bike computer got 120 degrees. the air temp in the shade at 1pm was 110 I drunk from right before I left to right before I got home 1.5 quarts of water and I had already had more then that this morning.

I just can't wrap my head around biking in this weather!
Seriously, Fooferdoggie, you should not be biking in this kind of extremely hot weather. Take a cab to work and back home again..... Or, since this is your own business and you're the boss, just don't go into work at all, close the shop to walk-in business (in that kind of heat there won't be any anyway) and simply answer the phone at home to deal with any business calls which come in. My guess is that there isn't going to be anything really urgent coming up for a while as your whole area is suffering and even the rest of us around the country are aware of it. Stay home, stay safe, especially if there is nothing pressing right now to work on. You do NOT want to have an episode of heat stroke or worse trying to bike either to or from work, winding up in the hospital!
I just can't wrap my head around biking in this weather!
the bus would have been worse waiting 10 minutes in that heat on a hot sidewalk. at least could hit tree shade and such plus I have a e bike so I cranked up the assist to turbo and did not work too hard. but even then my average heart rate was 122 pretty high for as easy as I was working. my shop is I the basement of a told building it is cooler then home. believe me I was careful I drank a lot fo water on the way home. it was only a 30 minute ride. Now I am living on our bedroom with the ac.
That is why I mentioned a cab rather than the bus...... Figured that standing around waiting for the bus to arrive, plus the probable lack of comfortable temperature on the thing would have been almost as bad as biking in the first place! Cabs are more expensive, but they can get you where you need to go a lot faster and hopefully are somewhat cooler as well. Seriously, "e-bike" or not, you really should NOT be trying to bike in this kind of extreme weather! "Only a 30-minute ride....." AIEEEEEE!!!!!

It is good that you were mindful of hydration all the way, though -- excellent! Not sure of how old you are or what your general overall health status is but in extreme weather such as Portland is experiencing right now you truly do need to be very careful. Mrs Fooferdoggie does, too.
That is why I mentioned a cab rather than the bus...... Figured that standing around waiting for the bus to arrive, plus the probable lack of comfortable temperature on the thing would have been almost as bad as biking in the first place! Cabs are more expensive, but they can get you where you need to go a lot faster and hopefully are somewhat cooler as well. Seriously, "e-bike" or not, you really should NOT be trying to bike in this kind of extreme weather! "Only a 30-minute ride....." AIEEEEEE!!!!!

It is good that you were mindful of hydration all the way, though -- excellent!
ya never really thought of taking the Lyft. only when I am injured (G) Also if I waited till 3 or so it would have been really bad. I drank 20 oz right before I left then hit a quick shop I the middle of the ride for cold water and some gum as my mouth was so dry and cooled off. hit the shady roads the rest of the way Kept track of my heart rate as thats a good indication of how its going. it ws not really high like the first time we tried it when it was a little cooler. if it got too bad there were stores I could go into and cool down
Using a Lyft or Uber service is an option, too, but I tend to not think of those, as I've never tried them and still just automatically think about calling a taxi when I need to get from Place A to Place B and for whatever reason am not using my own car.

At any rate the bottom line here is, please just be careful and mindful of your health and the kind of impact an unusual spell of extremely hot weather such as your area is now experiencing can put more stress on your body than you may realize.......
I learned that lesson Saturday and now know what watch for. most stores will let you cool off and the buses will even let you without a fair. but it sure takes the fun out of riding for sure. Plus I would not make it a regular thing its too stressing.
It would be even more stressful if you were out there riding in extreme heat and wound up in the hospital due to collapse somewhere along the way......
I learned that lesson Saturday and now know what watch for. most stores will let you cool off and the buses will even let you without a fair. but it sure takes the fun out of riding for sure. Plus I would not make it a regular thing its too stressing.

Well, tomorrow we're supposed to be back to just hot. And back to the '80s on Wednesday. Glad to hear you're at least being smart about things.
Well, tomorrow we're supposed to be back to just hot. And back to the '80s on Wednesday. Glad to hear you're at least being smart about things.

Ya I don’t want to suffer. I should have thought of the Lyft then I could ache worked longer today.

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