
Yeah, I'm in a party mood for sure. But further upstate and west of here they certainly got hammered by snowfall. As usual my niece's dog has proved extremely helpful during snow removal from their driveway, and has left hilarious tracks in the snow as evidence.

ever so helpful.jpg
One problem I had with my “Riddler” outfit.

As I mentioned, I wore safety glasses because the wind kept whipping snow back in my face. I also wore a balaclava.

However, pulled up over my nose, the balaclava caused me to steam up the glasses so I could hardly see anything. Has anyone ever tried spraying them with one of those anti-fogging sprays? You know, the kind you can use on windshields and bathroom mirrors?
Yeah, I'm in a party mood for sure. But further upstate and west of here they certainly got hammered by snowfall. As usual my niece's dog has proved extremely helpful during snow removal from their driveway, and has left hilarious tracks in the snow as evidence.

Awe, upstate New York, not only are you used it as a normal condition , you stand outside in a blizzard naked, and dare it to snow harder. 😅 (I graduated from Syracuse.) :)

Meanwhile in weak constitution Texas, woke up to 29F! Thank God the power stayed on,
One problem I had with my “Riddler” outfit.

As I mentioned, I wore safety glasses because the wind kept whipping snow back in my face. I also wore a balaclava.

However, pulled up over my nose, the balaclava caused me to steam up the glasses so I could hardly see anything. Has anyone ever tried spraying them with one of those anti-fogging sprays? You know, the kind you can use on windshields and bathroom mirrors?
Ski goggles is what I used when I was in my “clear the driveway Minnesota days” when it was cold enough. The thing is it’s been so long I don’t remember them fogging up. On the most adverse flesh freezing days I wore ski goggles when I went running too, but never had any anti-fog spray. You might want to try Spit, but my guess is because of the cold, you’d have to prepped that before hand and let it dry completely. Spray some on, smear it around with your finger, and then run some light water over it momentarily and let it dry.

]Awe, upstate New York, not only are you used it as a normal condition , you stand outside in a blizzard naked, and dare it to snow harder. 😅 (I graduated from Syracuse.) :)

Meanwhile in weak constitution Texas, woke up to 29F! Thank God the power stayed on,

Ah yeah, speaking of Syracuse... your old stomping ground hasn't changed that much, still capable of those huge snowdumps.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1489711161826287616/
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Thanks for the suggestions about eyewear and anti-fogging treatments. I've got choices. (y)

It does remind me of when I would wear standard gloves in the dead of winter and my hands would still freeze. Someone on a forum suggested I forget the Isotoners and try ski gloves, and darn it they weren't a lot better. So I'm kind of anxious to try the ski goggles idea. They're not that expensive, and ones that I see on Amazon claim they resist fogging.

(Love the name Cat Crap, though.)
As USA skies clear for a bit, imaginations briefly get free rein at the National Weather Service out in Seattle.. 🤩

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1490417929711587328/
Record-breaking warm temperatures coming to the Bay Area soon. Some areas could hit 80 by the middle of the week.

I fear a very early start to the wildfire season this year.

Man. Way to kill the buzz.
I've got a few scapegoats lying around for just such an occasion.

News flash: dogs make far better scapegoats than cats do. But then you knew that, right?

{ For those not in the know: cats look over a shoulder and give a few quick licks as if to brush off dandruff whenever you try to blame them for something. And then, deeply offended at your allegations, they stalk off, tails held high with a little twitching action at the top... ]

Edit: oh yeah, the weather. We're having a thaw. So it can freeze solid like a rink by the weekend again.