
Well, a little more than 1/10th of an inch of rain fell last night, which is more than we've received in the past two months combined. :( Still, it's nice to see everything wet for the first time since December. Maybe this could be a year of spring rain? I'll hold out hope.
Send it to us :(

Sierra snowpack is at 60% of normal for this time of year. Let's get it to 100%!
Battening down the hatches. A heat wave in March is not without its drawbacks. Big t-storms coming thru..,

so that's why the lights are flickering.jpg
We're having a park and dump event here. Winter weather advisory 7am to 7pm. Started here at noon and in three hours we've had five inches of snow. "Well, it's only March..."

Someone find me that woodchuck and drag him into Spring. His damn six weeks of extra hibernation are nearly up and I wouldn't mind if he skipped out on the end of it. Let him have to scrounge around in a snowdrift for grass like the rabbits and deer are struggling to do right now!
Dreary, drizzly and rainy today.....and a mere 43° so not a nice day for being outdoors. I'm happy as long as the white stuff stays away!
Dreary, drizzly and rainy today.....and a mere 43° so not a nice day for being outdoors. I'm happy as long as the white stuff stays away!

I try to remain grateful that we haven't had a drought in a long time... and the snowfall contributes to keeping the water table topped off. Still as calendar spring approaches, each snow dump in March can seem more of an annoyance than a blessing. I'm ready to put the snow shovel and snow boots away by about now, and find myself thinking about salads for lunch instead of soup... but here come the snow plows again...
The GFS and Euro do not agree. So we are going to get between 6-11" of snow on Saturday.

Six to nine forecast for here... but we just HAD a six-inch snowdump yesterday. I'm glad the guy bothered to show up and clear that away, with this latest forecast starting to shape up as it is.

My problem with these back-to-back snowdumps this time of year is the week of 50º-65ºF that usually follows, with cold nights welcome to slow the flood potential, but still a pain in the neck. Spring's almost here. The air smells of it sometimes by mid-morning. You know it's beckoning the crocus and daffodils...

So it's time for that damn woodchuck to wake up, go make some babies out in the meadows, quit summoning snow storms from Canada.

And baseball spring training is just around the corner. Time to put away snow shovels, fetch the bats and gloves.
Ever the optimist. ;)
I was an optimist until I noticed they've changed the snow forecast here, now they say 8-12 inches.

That will top off the water table for sure. Problem is the ground is still frozen. Skating rinks ahoy!
I was an optimist until I noticed they've changed the snow forecast here, now they say 8-12 inches.

That will top off the water table for sure. Problem is the ground is still frozen. Skating rinks ahoy!

We are supposed to get a brief shot of rain before the front moves through, which will cool the warm ground allowing more snow to stick. Models are still calling for 12+ but most local forecasters are saying 4-8.

Snowblower is out and ready. :)
30-40mph wind forecasts will mean big snowdrifts. What a joke that we "Spring Ahead" to daylight saving time Sunday. We'll have an extra hour of daylight in which to build snow sculptures...
30-40mph wind forecasts will mean big snowdrifts.

Wife and I were taking a walk in between rain cells and had just commented that the winds had picked up and all of a sudden everything went dark. Power was out. We then turned down our street and saw our post lights on in the distance.

That generator was worth every penny. :)

Then had to go over to the neighbor's because they are out of town, their generator didn't start and their MIL is there watching the kids. So I had to go over and ended up having to jump start their generator. The battery was dead. Oh well.

Hope everyone in the path of the storm makes it out OK.
We're supposed to get about an hour of sleet between 2- 3am, then 12 hours of snow, the total snowdump here still forecast at 8-12" by midday Saturday.

Right now it's 42ºF and barely cloudy, wind from just a few degrees east of south, and nothing in the way of precipitation. Hope the plowing crews are sleeping now, before all hell breaks loose during the wee hours.
Our weather has been rather springlike this past week. It is not until late May/early June that we (nomally) get hit by the cold weather. It will be in the mid-50s, but it will somehow chill to the bone. Right now, 45° is quite comfortable, so it is kind of hard to suss. I suspect it is just my body, saying, "Hey! This ain't right!"
Awoke to a Winter Wonderland scene, which is pretty but now I am worried about the newly budding flowers and trees. We haven't gotten much accumulation -- I think maybe less than an inch and while the grass and cars are covered, the sidewalk still remains bare as does the road coming into the complex.

Hard to believe that they are still saying that the peak of DC's annual Cherry Blossom arrival will be around March 23rd. I suspect that unless we get nothing but warm weather from this point on that the blossoms won't come until until the end of the month.