
Our weather has been rather springlike this past week. It is not until late May/early June that we (nomally) get hit by the cold weather. It will be in the mid-50s, but it will somehow chill to the bone. Right now, 45° is quite comfortable, so it is kind of hard to suss. I suspect it is just my body, saying, "Hey! This ain't right!"

I understand exactly what you're saying. So weird to feel 35ºF here now as a spring day but when a 50º day pops up in June, I'm whining about having put away my parka. I may like the change of seasons, but my body seems a bit less of a fan.
Our weather has been rather springlike this past week. It is not until late May/early June that we (nomally) get hit by the cold weather. It will be in the mid-50s, but it will somehow chill to the bone. Right now, 45° is quite comfortable, so it is kind of hard to suss. I suspect it is just my body, saying, "Hey! This ain't right!"
March has been joyful this year (Houston) , cool mornings and temps in the 60-70s.
We're getting from March this year the same rollercoaster we had in February, just the whole graph of temperatures have shifted up a tad, i.e. highs are above normal, lows below normal but now we don't' get down below zero any more. Even so, after this week of pretty spring-like weather, our overnights will pop back down to around 15-18ºF starting next week, probably through end of the month. No wonder we don't see robins around here any more in March, even in flocks, never mind claiming turf and mates.

Oh well. There are only so many more snowstorms Canada can throw at us in the next 11 days, one can hope. Another year of carpenters who plow snow in winter going bust over no snow to speak of... I think i will end up having had driveways plowed only five or six times all season.
I must be getting old as these past 2 days have shown. Mostly sunny in the low 60's. But for some reason I felt cold, then hot. There was a nice breeze, but when the sun was out, it was too hot in a long sleeve, but when the clouds moved in, it was too cold for the long sleeves. Ten years ago I would have been out there in shorts and a t-shirt washing the car.

So I figured I would take my SXS over to the shop and do some work on it. Got there and one of employees already had his truck up on the rack. Oh well. I helped him for a while and came home and piddled in the heated garage.

Tomorrow and Tuesday are supposed to be in the 70's. Maybe I won't get cold.
Tomorrow and Tuesday are supposed to be in the 70's. Maybe I won't get cold.

For me the trick is to remember that 70s and sun are all just chance and not really "a thing" during this time of year. So tempting on those days to think I could set out some early peas. Did that one year and we got a blizzard on April 11. My sister's FIL lived next door then and was laughing at me when I was sowing the peas. "They can take a joke," he said, "but they can't fetch a parka to help laugh off a major mistake." Didn't take me long to learn to find other things to do around the yard in April. 🤪
I remember the first time I went to San Francisco. It was the summer of 2006 and I heard some guy walking down the street talking about how they were in the middle of a heat wave. It was like 90 lol It felt fine to me.
Woo! We had a non-stop line of storms and they finally cleared out, looks like a few days of some pretty tasty weather:

Woo! We had a non-stop line of storms and they finally cleared out, looks like a few days of some pretty tasty weather

We're going in the other direction I guess. All the snow, even the driveway glaciers, have melted away and I've seen one robin and finally heard a red-winged blackbird. But they're gonna be sorry they showed up. Our weather is headed to another really cold snap.

Gonna snow here on Sunday, then get windy and drop down to 11ºF for two nights. At the end of March?! People are already out raking up the debris from their depleted woodpiles and now they'll be trying to burn it instead of tossing it over the stone wall to let it become nesting material for birds and other critters.

People are trying to find Punxatawney Phil and teach him how long is six more weeks of winter, on account of he seems to have different ideas on how long is either a week or a winter. Ugh!
People are trying to find Punxatawney Phil and teach him how long is six more weeks of winter, on account of he seems to have different ideas on how long is either a week or a winter. Ugh!

He definitely needs a good flogging. ;)

But what in the #cornbreadhell is going on today? It is snowing. It was 80 earlier in the week, and will be 80 this coming week.
Just rain here, thank goodness, but yep, a lot colder than it has been recently. Old Man Winter seems to keep staging repeat "grand finale" exits!
Just rain here, thank goodness, but yep, a lot colder than it has been recently. Old Man Winter seems to keep staging repeat "grand finale" exits!

We just had a ten minute hailstorm. Yeah. Grape sized hail. Geez. Supposed to snow for 13 hours late tonight into tomorrow afternoon. Honest to God, that woodchuck better have a good hiding place because I'm ready to get real about hunting him down and shipping him to Siberia.
The rain we had the previous week has been saving us from the __insane__ pollen levels around here, and it's the early spring double whammy of both tree and grass pollens.


That big deep into the green was the rain last week ... :cautious:

What we're having in the Catskills is a serious test of our tolerance of lingering winter.

Mid-teens in the overnights this late into March is insane. Think my robin has flown 40 miles south again for awhile....

Don't blink, spring will be Thursday.jpg

The weather’s crazy again here. 77 degrees, but the wind is so strong it doesn’t matter. Yesterday I came out of the pool because of the wind.
Summer tonight, then more winter? T-storms now but snow on the weekend. Gee.