Miserably hot here in Oklahoma today
Thunder storms abound. I am enjoying just sitting on the patio and watching the rain. Hubby had a mini-meltdown over the pool, but he’s learned a thing or two so he was able to empty some water. I will not be swimming today.
Thunder storms abound.
This is a time of the year I really miss my hometown…Not to rub it in for those experiencing a horribly hot summer, but here in NYS even in areas outside the Catskills it has been a mostly great summer for weather... with far fewer "heat advisory" days than one might expect this year.
In this piece a Texan visiting relatives in his former hangouts near Niagara Falls remarks on the pleasure of turning off the A/C and letting the cool breeze run through the car. Imagine that...
As U.S. swelters, some turn to Buffalo for the weather: 'You can actually go outdoors'
You don't have to look far to find people doing what at other times of the year sounds unthinkable: coming to Buffalo because of the weather.buffalonews.com
Of course Buffalo is known for fierce winters drummed up by Lake Erie, so the guy might have had good reason to exit upstate NY for Texas, after one of those wicked lakeside blizzards. But this year apparently brought him back looking for summer fun in some natural A/C.
Holy shit, it's crazy right now ...
Our flag blew off the tree
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