
Just went to Florida for a week. The entire time it was low 90's and high humidity punctuated by random thunderstorms. Every time we left a building with AC it felt like getting a bearhug from a volcano. The locals said you get used to it but I'd argue Florida's weather greatly contributes to the proliferation of Florida Man.
Just went to Florida for a week. The entire time it was low 90's and high humidity punctuated by random thunderstorms. Every time we left a building with AC it felt like getting a bearhug from a volcano. The locals said you get used to it but I'd argue Florida's weather greatly contributes to the proliferation of Florida Man.

Yah I lived in Florida as an infant during WWII while my dad was stationed in South America helping build infrastructure for petrol supply to US military and our allies. There are hilarious pix of me hugging backyard palm trees and sitting on the screened porch shaking maracas he brought me from Venezuela. Air conditioning was screened windows (and I remember mosquito nets in the bedrooms). In almost all of the pix I am stark naked except for a diaper. From the smile on my face, it would seem that that was a great way to dress in Florida even back then.
Got this forming (at the X):


1. Central Tropical Atlantic:

A tropical wave located a few hundred miles east of the Windward Islands continues to show signs of organization. Additional development is expected, and a tropical depression is likely to form within the next few days as the system moves westward to west-northwestward at 15 to 20 mph across the eastern and central Caribbean Sea. Interests in the Windward Islands should closely monitor the progress of this system as heavy rainfall and gusty winds could affect these islands beginning on Wednesday.

* Formation chance through 48 hours...medium...60 percent.
* Formation chance through 5 days...high...80 percent.
Ventu Sky projections:

Week from today, 09/27


Friday, 09/30

It looked for a few it (now Ian ...) ws going to go way west through the Gulf, but it looks like that early model is still holding true - this is Thursday:


We'll be on the other side, so much lower concern level vs. the west coast.

Ian does keep the models wondering... hope you all can batten down the hatches if in its path.

Depends on the day and the time of day. This thing has more jogs than a health nut. I figure if nothing else, we’re gonna get wet - which is good, cause we’ve been in a weird dry spell for some time now.
My daughter (in St. Pete) texted this morning to let us know she won’t be joining us for our weekly family FaceTime as she’s trying to get everything fully charged. We’re just in the outer bands now so should only be getting some rain, which will be a nice change.
Just heard on the tv that Tampa through Ocama (sp?) is getting 15+ inches of rain when Ian hits.
I can't even imagine 15" rainfall in a short period of time. We had 4"-8" once back in summer of 2006 inside of 24 hours, so in the next 24. the downslope from the mountains to the Susquehanna and Delaware rivers proper created the worst floods a few of the southern tier counties of NY had seen since sometime in the 1930s. Some of the town roads never re-opened...

The problem for poor Florida ahead though is just the opposite, i.e., that the terrain is so flat. We must hold a good thought for a quick storm passage, to "spread the wealth" of so much rainfall.
And there we go, the children are released, time for some games, movies, etc., depending on power :D

All St. Johns County Schools will be closed on Wednesday, September 28; Thursday, September 29 and Friday, September 30 due to Hurricane Ian. All St. Johns County Schools will be closed on Wednesday, September 28; Thursday, September 29 and Friday, September 30 due to Hurricane Ian.

Speaking of power ...

My daughter (in St. Pete) texted this morning to let us know she won’t be joining us for our weekly family FaceTime as she’s trying to get everything fully charged. We’re just in the outer bands now so should only be getting some rain, which will be a nice change.

Yeah, I'm making sure the Tesla is charged up to at least about 85%, that's a 82,000 watt battery so it can provide recharges (and AC and entertainment :D)
You have the wind-power generator set up yet?

Hah, if he has one that can process hurricane force winds, the US Dept of Energy would like him to come give a PowerPoint presentation on its materials and construction real soon now!
Welp, it's official. Tornado briefly touched down around not far from here on Sunday night during a round of t'storms. A rare event in the Catskills, although it does happen now and then. This one tore up mostly trees along a 2.5 mile meander through some forests and open land. Started out as an E0 but max winds by the end of rotation were 95mph so finished as an E1 level event lasting less than four minutes. No one was hurt, whole lotta big trees now being turned into lumber or toothpicks. I always take those warnings seriously even if I'm not a fan of sitting in the cellar for a little while with a bunch of scared spiders.

This is nothing compared to what's happening now in Florida. Hope all those urged to evacuate the area did so,
You have the wind-power generator set up yet?

A neighbor had a weather station setup, and the last big storm it reported in various readings until the wind speed stopped, it had an anemometer like this:


When he got home, it was nowhere to be found. I always kind of figured, some kid playing in their yard in Georgia somewhere found it in a tree ... :LOL:
Hurricane Ian is no joke! Check out these downed power lines in Naples, FL. :eek:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1575165507480985601/
For Floridians and others affected by the hurricane, NPR does have text format "news you can maybe use" if you need to save power and data in aftermath of the storm.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1575132908595150852/

I usually just head for the NWS "Forecaster's Discussion" section of my regional National Weather Service site because that's just text too, and all I really care about when the weather has become the one big local story.
Naples seems to have born the brunt of Ian. My daughter in St. Pete got nothing. The wind here is still hateful, but we didn’t even get the promised rain. I’m kinda bummed about that.
Look at the gorgeous sunset yesterday in Key West during the surge. Video taken with an iPhone 13Pro.
(ignore the first video showing where the dogs do their business, lol).

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1575267750200709123/
Naples seems to have born the brunt of Ian. My daughter in St. Pete got nothing. The wind here is still hateful, but we didn’t even get the promised rain. I’m kinda bummed about that.

My family has friends who winter in Naples; not sure if they had headed down there yet. Of course we're happy for them if they're still up north and safe, but it must be nerve-wracking to wonder from such a distance about a second home undergoing the onslaught of a hurricane.