Welcome new members!

(though the latter is also a moderation casualty ...)

(hah, well I'm tempted to put the eggs benedict pun meme into this thread as well)

OK OK but even from this thread you can see I'm not who started the fad of using puns to destroy perfectly fine threads. :p Still I half-apologize to @Cmaier for having joined in to blow up a tech thread earlier...
Absolutely agree. They are most welcome here, fine additions. Let’s “borrow” even more users of quality to further boost tech discourse! Really looking forward to potential @Cmaier CPU stuff and much more.

I bet additional tech posters are feeling the heat now that PRSI is gone. The mods need to get their fix somehow, and plenty of the asshats are still around to post nonsense and provoke people.
And if you look at the reasoning it was pretty trivial, the sort of thing that would've just passed on its own without moderator intervention, as is the case with 99.9% of their penalizations. When they start doing it to good contributors in the tech forums they're just shooting themselves in the foot as far as I'm concerned, but we're happy to have them contribute here where such bullshit petty rules don't exist.
Hi everyone, sorry for the late introduction, was a busy week. I am part of the MacRumors semi-exile(?) crew and I am here since I was politely suggested to join by a mysterious individual. Somehow I feel that I already know most of you :D
You probably do know all of us. We haven’t had many outsiders stick around. Maybe because we really don’t take things too seriously?
If I can post the wrong quarter all the time, the Weaselbot can use rolls out of context. It stands!
You do post the wrong quarter, but nobody said you were getting away with it. You’d better watch it, buster.
Go eat one in the barn so that you can say you had a roll in the hay.
You probably do know all of us. We haven’t had many outsiders stick around. Maybe because we really don’t take things too seriously?
Hey now, I think nobody takes things more seriously than I do, maybe in the history of the world. Nobody takes things more seriously. I'm like the king. I love serious. There's nobody bigger or better at serious than I am!
Hey now, I think nobody takes things more seriously than I do, maybe in the history of the world. Nobody takes things more seriously. I'm like the king. I love serious. There's nobody bigger or better at serious than I am!

Maybe there’s a moderator seat available at some -serious- forums? [emoji846]
I just noticed a new name in the Recent Members Online widget: @Jorbanead

Welcome to our little corner of the world...however belatedly.
Hey wow thanks so much for the mention. I came here because I was really valuing the insight @Cmaier brought to the MR forums and I gotta say I this place feels like a breath of fresh air compared to MR.