Welcome new members!

Greetings folks!
Wanted to give this forum a try for a while as I saw so many well known MR posters here.

Hope you don’t mind yet another Eric.

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Oh god, there's two of you now?

Careful how you answer that on this forum! ;)

Yeah people get suspended here all the time for posting memes and swearing 😆
Hi, There. I’m the same cmaier as from the other place.
The rules here seem to be mostly make them up as we go along. We prefer limited dickishness, but you can use profanity and directly insult other posters. So far as I can tell, no one has been banned or suspended by the mods, but a few posters (e.g., @member 199) have self-banned.
Put another way, we don't have a bunch of uptight and arbitrarily applied rules. We're all adults, sometimes adults spat but for the most part everyone treats each other with respect. Something MR will never allow people to do.

And for those who have been penalized, banned or scolded in one form or another, you are not alone, nearly every one of us has been through it. Consider it a badge of honor.
My fault? We had a full barrel of the acid, then you took that corner too fast.


Seriously, man. We had a body in the back of the van that was already smelling even before you killed it, an APB out on us, and you're all like "HEY, LET'S GO 3000 FREAKING MILES TO YELLOWSTONE! IT'LL BE NEAT! WE CAN DISSOLVE THE CORPSE IN THE SULFUR SPRINGS, AND MAYBE GET A SNACK!"

We had a job to do, and a very, VERY limited amount of time to rid ourselves of that body. We couldn't AFFORD a road trip!
Ah. Fresh meat. Welcome, welcome to all our newest members!

Be sure and study up.

The Admins & Mods here have a very tricky beginner member quiz y'all need to pass before you can enter the sky bar lounge. :mrgreen:
Ah. Fresh meat. Welcome, welcome to all our newest members!

Be sure and study up.

The Admins & Mods here have a very tricky beginner member quiz y'all need to pass before you can enter the sky bar lounge. :mrgreen:

Yes, extensive.
I just did.

(It’s very meta).

Good to see you. I’m still poking around the nooks and crannies here, looking for a place where I can discuss the intricacies of CPU design.

If I refer to the “1/6 insurrection” here will I be suspended? Because that’s another thing that happened at MR. (After all, it’s a matter of opinion, weaselboy says).
If I refer to the “1/6 insurrection” here will I be suspended? Because that’s another thing that happened at MR. (After all, it’s a matter of opinion, weaselboy says).

No. Not at all.

After all, we discuss - and have discussed, at length - the disgusting and disgraceful attempted coup d'etat - aka insurrection - of January 6 in the political sections here (which occasionally, seep or leach out, elsewhere).

Anyway, informed and intelligent opinion thinks that this was an insurrection (and why were you penalised for your "opinion", if, as WB had stated, one's interpretation of this is merely a matter of (subjective) opinion)?

Besides, this very week, I attended an online talk where Martin Wolf (chief economics commentator of the Financial Times) made very clear his emphatic view that what happened on January 6 was an attempted coup d'etat.

I just did.

(It’s very meta).

Good to see you. I’m still poking around the nooks and crannies here, looking for a place where I can discuss the intricacies of CPU design.
Why not start your own threads in the relevant section (there is a tech space somewhere on the forum); or, better still, we are open to suggestions for further sections, so feel free to come up with ideas and suggestions.
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I’m still poking around the nooks and crannies here, looking for a place where I can discuss the intricacies of CPU design.

You need a place to get a break from that. Just hang out and enjoy not talking about those things, lest you run into a crazy person with goofy ideas that make you go "gaah!"
I can prove it by insulting you without you knowing that you’ve been insulted, if you’d like :)

If only :D

I was telling some of the regulars, your name came up on another Apple related site (9to5 or Insider), where someone was bummed over you being banned (at the time), right in the middle of some conversation about some Apple hardware (might have been Apple Silicon), I was irked too, since you were one of the few contributors that had a clue ...

Like several members here, I completely abandoned spending any cycles contributing to MR, I've spent way too many decades deep in the dumpster, now I prefer my online time to be a little less frustrating, I mean, the pinheads populating the country give me all the negative mojo I can take :p

Oh yeah, recently, some of us were getting a chuckle out of your "conversation" with MaFlynn over CSAM :ROFLMAO:
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Besides, this very week, I attended an online talk where Martin Wolf (chief economics commentator of the Financial Times) made very clear his emphatic view that what happened on January 6 was an attempted coup d'etat.

I see a lot of people quote the FBI's findings that Trump had no prior knowledge of the attempt coup as proof that it wasn't a coup at all. The way I see it, an impromptu insurrection is still an insurrection, and that it a spur of the moment event, not carefully planned out beforehand, doesn't change the impetus behind it.

The crowd there had every intention of overthrowing the election. If they managed to reach congress before they were evacuated, we would have seen, at the VERY least, a hostage situation, with demands being bandied about using the lives of our country's leadership as leverage. That it wasn't the end result of a long discussed conspiracy doesn't change the intent behind it.