OK, so now we know where Tom stands with Logan, and his play was glorious.
Here's my discussion point - first to set up the scenario:
KSR are headed to their Dad's place intended to pull the supermajority card, Shiv calls Tom, and we know Tom contacts Logan.
Do you think that:
Version 1
At the point Tom calls Logan is when Logan starts the process of changing the divorce settlement.
= or =
Version 2
Tom calls Logan who simply prepares for their arrival, because as shrewd as he is, there's no way he'd leave that potential blocker on the table.
= or =
Version 3
This is sort of a hybrid version, and kind of my "in head" canon. Logan, aware of the potential supermajority override, had already done the necessary, up front preparation, though assumed he wouldn't need it, since he'd assume that like always, Ken would be inert and Rom would be easily swayed to his side. But Tom's call was to inform him that KSR sound incredibly unified, that this time is different and with that information, Logan pulled the trigger on an already loaded gun.
It's also a little bit of timing, i.e., how long to contact Caroline, modify the document, do a lawyer readthrough, sign, etc. The episode did make the rather length drive to Logan's place pretty conspicuous (it went from day to night), so maybe that was intended to show he'd have plenty of time if it was V1 (he had no advanced intent to change the divorce agreement).
Shiv's comment was also nicely ambiguous, she said, "How did he know we were coming?", that could be taken as either, 1) He expected us to show up, or 2) He knew we were coming as a unified group with the intent of taking over.
Again, it doesn't change the final outcome, it just changes how pivotal Tom was in the process.