What’s With the Black And White, Blue Line Flag?


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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Aug 11, 2020

I‘ve seen several of these in the last few days and have to wonder what the flyers of this flag think it means? On a truck, two equal sized flags, the US flag and the Blue Line Flag. My understanding is that it is supposed to represent support of police, the blue line being the divide between order and anarchy, but these have been seen other places and seems to have been adopted by Right Wing fringe groups including Trump Supporters. What do they think it means? Is this some kind of new America symbology for when the Head Sociopath seizes power?



The Head Sociopath emerges from his hole​
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It's what the police and right wing extremists use to protest against black lives matter. You see, they think that being white, growing up in the suburbs with affluent parents, going to college and choosing to become a police officer is the same as being born black in a poor neighborhood, where graduation rates are poor, unemployment is high. You've never seen more entitled white people pretending to be oppressed. IMO those flying this thing are radicals of the worst kind.
It's what the police and right wing extremists use to protest against black lives matter. You see, they think that being white, growing up in the suburbs with affluent parents, going to college and choosing to become a police officer is the same as being born black in a poor neighborhood, where graduation rates are poor, unemployment is high. You've never seen more entitled white people pretending to be oppressed. IMO those flying this thing are radicals of the worst kind.
And the folks flying this flag have been attacking this Capitol officer relentlessly, including calling him the N word. It is not a pro-police flag. It is a white power flag.

It's what the police and right wing extremists use to protest against black lives matter. You see, they think that being white, growing up in the suburbs with affluent parents, going to college and choosing to become a police officer is the same as being born black in a poor neighborhood, where graduation rates are poor, unemployment is high. You've never seen more entitled white people pretending to be oppressed. IMO those flying this thing are radicals of the worst kind.

I've said this in another thread, but sometimes I feel like people who appear to have a fetish for the normal American flag are radicals of the worst kind. They would also no doubt proudly display this pro-cop version. I wonder how they would feel about a flag with the same layout but using rainbow colors. I'm going to go ahead and say they probably feel that specific recoloring is disrespectful but their pro-cop recoloring is patriotic squared.
I've said this in another thread, but sometimes I feel like people who appear to have a fetish for the normal American flag are radicals of the worst kind. They would also no doubt proudly display this pro-cop version. I wonder how they would feel about a flag with the same layout but using rainbow colors. I'm going to go ahead and say they probably feel that specific recoloring is disrespectful but their pro-cop recoloring is patriotic squared.
Even rainbow colors for them have an "acceptable" level that they will barely tolerate. I think that was one of the weirdest moments in the thread about the new Apple Watch Pride bands. People thought the bands were even uglier when they added the extra colors to the rainbow to represent PoC. It's like they didn't realize they could be more racist, and were surprised they could go that extra mile.

It's what the police and right wing extremists use to protest against black lives matter. You see, they think that being white, growing up in the suburbs with affluent parents, going to college and choosing to become a police officer is the same as being born black in a poor neighborhood, where graduation rates are poor, unemployment is high. You've never seen more entitled white people pretending to be oppressed. IMO those flying this thing are radicals of the worst kind.
I don't think it's just a counter protest anymore to BLM. Those same people believe the police serve THEM. They pay their taxes, they aren't supposed to be stopped or inconvenienced. That thin blue line as @Huntn mentioned isn't the line between chaos & order. It's the line between US & THEM. The police are for the Karen's & Chad's to feel safer from those hordes that live 'over there'. Thus you have to support them as long as they are directed elsewhere. The moment the police are directed at them...

Well, you saw how 1/6 went.

Suddenly those officers are 'traitors'. One of the more telling things to hear from the mouths at the capital, as a police who had every intention of treating them with the kindness & respect that wouldn't be shown BLM, and the crowd still turned on them.
Flag disease is at higher levels in the US than anywhere else I've ever been to. This includes both private and public homes and vehicles. In places like the UK the presence of flags indicates that you have entered an economically-challenged, white-trash neighbourhood. I don't think it's normal to feel the need to display your country's flag at all times, or to have to pledge allegiance to it every morning. It should not be a surprise that decades of indoctrination about American freedom, pride and exceptionalism have resulted in ultra nationalism and radicalism. Then add in the sprinkles of fear that your way of life is being eroded and you end up with Trump cults and a failed insurrection.

I was at an amusement park standing in line before the park opened. Just before they opened the gates they played the national anthem on the loudspeakers. About half the crowd of all ages reflexively scanned to find and face the flag with their hand over their heart. I found it extremely creepy.

People on the right think people on the left hate the country just because they don't blindly worship it. They also like to say it's because people on the left complain about the country, but people on the right do the exact same thing. They just start it with "I love this country" right before they proceed to complain about it at great length. It's actually pretty comical.
I was at an amusement park standing in line before the park opened. Just before they opened the gates they played the national anthem on the loudspeakers. About half the crowd of all ages reflexively scanned to find and face the flag with their hand over their heart. I found it extremely creepy.

People on the right think people on the left hate the country just because they don't blindly worship it. They also like to say it's because people on the left complain about the country, but people on the right do the exact same thing. They just start it with "I love this country" right before they proceed to complain about it at great length. It's actually pretty comical.
On an audio tech forum a 40-some guy who considered himself a patriot (not american) explained it to me condescendingly that criticizing the mainstream art scene in the country is as insensitive as walking to your colleague who has their kid's lame drawing framed on his desk and start telling him how shitty the drawing is. A patriot (ie. right winger) feels unconditional pride over the drawing because it is his own blood's and would take the criticism from leftists to the heart who don't understand this and have no respect. I didn't really understand the emotional part of this then, but as a parent I do and it was truly a fantastic analogy! It's just its a drawing of stick figures made by a 25-year-old not mentally challenged cousin who's is your relative as well. The leftist's basic expectation from the cousin is to make an effort as expected from a perfectly capable adult, while the patriotic colleague's satisfaction really comes from pretending to be a closer relative to the artist.
The uberdevotion conservatives (and others) have to flags has always been concerning. If you remember Trump at his convention and in many of his appearances, for that matter, the background was positively loaded with flags, as if more flags = more patriotism.

Think of where else you've seen this kind of flag fetishism:

Nazi-Party-rally-Nurnberg-Germany-1933.jpg time-100-influential-photos-heinrich-hoffmann-hitler-nazi-party-rally-22.jpg
I confess I haven't been paying that much attention to it lately, but if you recall during the Dubya era (or is that error), every Republican wore a flag lapel pin--and they later criticized Obama for the few times he didn't. Because of course that little talisman is what made you a true American.

Now with regards to this particular "blue line" flag, I noticed, as I assume you did, that you didn't really start seeing a lot of these until...guess what? If you said BLM and increased scrutiny of racist, trigger-happy cops, you are a winner. These flags, then, are not so much support for cops as they are propaganda. I see more of these around my town nowadays, and I can almost guarantee you that if there's one of these flying in front of a house, a conservative (and probably white nationalist) lives there.

It's also kind of ironic because for all the Republicans' bitching about desecrating or dishonoring the flag, this gets a pass. This is allowed...

...but this somehow isn't.

Flag disease is at higher levels in the US than anywhere else I've ever been to. This includes both private and public homes and vehicles. In places like the UK the presence of flags indicates that you have entered an economically-challenged, white-trash neighbourhood. I don't think it's normal to feel the need to display your country's flag at all times, or to have to pledge allegiance to it every morning. It should not be a surprise that decades of indoctrination about American freedom, pride and exceptionalism have resulted in ultra nationalism and radicalism. Then add in the sprinkles of fear that your way of life is being eroded and you end up with Trump cults and a failed insurrection.

I was at an amusement park standing in line before the park opened. Just before they opened the gates they played the national anthem on the loudspeakers. About half the crowd of all ages reflexively scanned to find and face the flag with their hand over their heart. I found it extremely creepy.

People on the right think people on the left hate the country just because they don't blindly worship it. They also like to say it's because people on the left complain about the country, but people on the right do the exact same thing. They just start it with "I love this country" right before they proceed to complain about it at great length. It's actually pretty comical.

The problem with public expressions of honoring the flag/your country is that means something different to everyone and in many cases it’s not “I support my country, let’s work together towards common goals” as a blanket statement, often it’s a political statement…

I support the current Administration who invaded Iraq based on lies, so should you and that’s ok…no, it’s not. Oh and be sure you support the Nationalistic, racist, fascist, America First Fucked Over Agenda by the Head Conman, but we’d never describe it that way because we’re just not that bright and love being bent over and taken by a strong sociopath, who discards us as soon as he has climaxed. Check out any of his group worship-me rallys. The lame brains who support Dipshit Donny bring Confederate Flags so at least we know which America they support.

I wonder how many of the Capitol Insurrectionists feel betrayed by Trump? Are they smart enough to figure this out? Maybe they deserve some pity? Unfortunately not as long as corruption, lawlessness, and stupid on behalf of the GOP and their base threatens the country. 🔥 :unsure:
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For quite some time the guy who lives above me in my condo community had an American Flag/large banner kind of thingy strung across the front of his deck railing..... I don't know what his motivation was, whether regardless of his name or his appearance he was trying to assure others that he is an American, born and bred, loyal to this country to the core -- his heritage is Indian, but why should that even matter??!!! -- or whether he was valiantly trying to support Trump and company, but in any event, a few months ago the condo association board and management company cracked down on people displaying any sort of stuff from their deck railings, patriotic or not, along with putting surveillance cameras on their decks, hanging curtains on their decks (yes, one guy actually did that!), etc., etc. Whatever is displayed on our decks here is clearly visible to the townhouse community across the way and perhaps there was a complaint from there, I really don't know. The bottom line when it comes to living in a condominium community is uniformity when it involves the exterior appearance of one's unit. We can do whatever we want to the inside of our units but we do have to be mindful of what we do when it comes to what is visible on the exterior to people viewing the building and the units from the outside.
On an audio tech forum a 40-some guy who considered himself a patriot (not american) explained it to me condescendingly that criticizing the mainstream art scene in the country is as insensitive as walking to your colleague who has their kid's lame drawing framed on his desk and start telling him how shitty the drawing is. A patriot (ie. right winger) feels unconditional pride over the drawing because it is his own blood's and would take the criticism from leftists to the heart who don't understand this and have no respect. I didn't really understand the emotional part of this then, but as a parent I do and it was truly a fantastic analogy! It's just its a drawing of stick figures made by a 25-year-old not mentally challenged cousin who's is your relative as well. The leftist's basic expectation from the cousin is to make an effort as expected from a perfectly capable adult, while the patriotic colleague's satisfaction really comes from pretending to be a closer relative to the artist.

Country hating liberal: “ We have the means and wealth to provide a better outcome for more people.”

Country loving conservative. “I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!! There are just too many non-whites, immigrants, atheists, gays, gay adjacents, perverts, pedophiles, drug addicts, fitness and nutrition nazis, violence, threats against my favorite tool of violence, taxes, regulations, wage stagnation, corrupt politicians, government waste, minorities on welfare, immigrants doing better than me, elites, loud mouth celebrities, demands for personal responsibility on what I say and do, facts that counter my opinions, and “science”. Other than those things we live in a goddamn utopia of which I am proud to be a patriot. If YOU don’t like it then go move to another country.”
Blue lives matter is synonymous with preserving systemic injustice our black brothers and sisters face in America. We have a neighbor a few doors down displayed "Protect our Police" sign. I knew there and then who they are. Sure enough, Trump signs went up by Election Day.
There are people who felt displaying a sign or sticker in support of police gave you a free pass on things like speeding or got you extra customer service if you needed help. That’s not where we are now. That now shows you that they are giving a free pass to police abuse and misconduct and it’s quite blatant. You can support the police and not post up signs, flags, and stickers announcing it to everybody in eyesight. They know what they are doing.