Ok, about 3 months ago I was clearing brush behind the house tripped on the underbrush, and managed to fall on a stick that stabbed the underside of my arm near the wrist. My hand felt numb. I went to urgent care where they cleaned my wound and the doctor advised me I likely had nerve damage, either impact or it was cut, which may or may it heal on its own. Three months later and my middle finger remains fairly numb, my index finger less numb, my hand is functional but it’s annoying. I have a 3/4” scar. I’ve seen an orthopedic surgeon, who says the same, the nerve may heal and could take 6 months to heal, but has sent me to a hand, plastic surgeon, who does micro repair for a second opinion, who I‘ll see on Thursday.
As far as nerve repair, I had no clue. The orthopedic surgeon say they slice in, clean up the area, if there’s a separation, they bring the ends together, staple them and then wrap it with a dissolvable sleeve. It appears to me that they are encouraging the nerve to heal properly. On Thursday I’ll see the guy who works with a microscope if needed.
Of note, with my secondary insurance this would be $100 out patient surgery.