What are you doing today?


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Echo Chamber
No rice yesterday. I forgot to pick up a mango while running errands. Oh well.

I made ribs yesterday which turned out normally. I’ve made them so much they don’t taste delicious anymore. I continue making them because I like the semi-long cook and the kids 🐶 🐶 likes them.

Steaks are in the refrigerator for today. I must make them or I fear they'll go to waste. And if I do make them they’ll go to waist. 😱 What a dilemma.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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Another gloriously sunny, warm day with low humidity, blue skies and loads of sunshine, just delightful! I'm loving this unusual spell of great weather that we are having and I wish it would stay with us all winter, but I know that's unrealistic. In the meantime, I'll continue to enjoy it, with windows and sliding door open...... Looks again at the calendar. Yes, this IS November.....!!!


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Bath, United Kingdom
Today I cooked our Christmas pudding
Now it is wrapped up and hidden under the bed until we steam it for another 3 hours on Christmas Day.
A whopper of 2.2kg…


Some prep photos… it started 5 days ago with the soaking of the fruits in a whole 500ml bottle of Dark Stout. (Local Bath Ale)







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Today I cooked our Christmas pudding
Now it is wrapped up and hidden under the bed until we steam it for another 3 hours on Christmas Day.
A whopper of 2.2kg…

View attachment 1272

Some prep photos… it started 5 days ago with the soaking of the fruits in a whole 500ml bottle of Dark Stout. (Local Bath Ale)

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That brings back warm memories of my mother doing the very same (I seem to recall Guinness being used for that very purpose); thanks for sharing, and do enjoy.

For my part, I took a gentle winter stroll this afternoon, before sundown.

Quiet, contemplative, more than exceptionally pleased, and yes, very enjoyable.


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I slept in this morning. Finally! I think it was the best rest I’ve gotten in a long time. I sat out on the deck until it was too hot to stay any longer. Now I’m catching up on all the entertaining shows I missed this week like the Mandalorian and Supernatural.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I slept in this morning. Finally! I think it was the best rest I’ve gotten in a long time. I sat out on the deck until it was too hot to stay any longer. Now I’m catching up on all the entertaining shows I missed this week like the Mandalorian and Supernatural.

Wow that reminds me I completely left in the dust my pre-election distraction of binge-watching The Americans.

Oh well. I'm sure there will be days during the Trump-to-Biden transition when it will seem desperately right to fetch the next couple episodes of that series onto my laptop for an afternoon. It will be down to that or else run screaming into the backyard "I don't GAF who you pick for Secretary of WHaTEvEr !!!"


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Enjoyed a very pleasant chat of around an hour with my brother, Decent Brother.

No prizes for guessing the main topic of conversation, but we were both very impressed by Mr Biden yesterday evening - an empathetic, mature, responsible, responsive, intelligent and impressive speech, as we have both been impressed by his conduct since Tuesday, and how he has not put a foot wrong, displaying impeccable and sure-footed judgment, and a calm, collected, and responsible demeanour.

So much for "Sleepy Joe", or "Senile Joe"; on this showing so far, he could do very well indeed, in very trying and testing and challenging circumstances.

Character matters, and character matters above all, when in power, when power puts character under a sometimes harsh and unforgiving spotlight, amplifying virtues and vices both and showing them etched in stark relief.

And we both referred back to John McCain's speech - which I had been very impressed by in 2008; a textbook example of how to concede with class and grace, dignity and decency and decorum; but then, as is more than abundantly clear, Mr McCain is - or was - a bigger man, a braver man, and a better man than Mr Trump ever was, or ever could be.
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Thomas Veil

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The weather has been so beautiful here that I chose today to put up my mom’s Christmas light, and I’m sure it’ll come as no surprise that as I drove through various neighborhoods quite a few other people were doing theirs. You’d have to be an idiot not to take advantage of this weather. Plus, the Browns are on a bye week, so we in Ohio have NO excuse.

I laughed when I came home and told my wife that this was the first time ever that I worked up a sweat putting up Christmas lights in November.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
The weather has been so beautiful here that I chose today to put up my mom’s Christmas light, and I’m sure it’ll come as no surprise that as I drove through various neighborhoods quite a few other people were doing theirs. You’d have to be an idiot not to take advantage of this weather. Plus, the Browns are on a bye week, so we in Ohio have NO excuse.

I laughed when I came home and told my wife that this was the first time ever that I worked up a sweat putting up Christmas lights in November.

It really is more sensible and simpler to get that stuff done without a harsh northwest wind urging completion. I felt the same way last year about getting the storm windows on. Now I'm playing a dangerous game still enjoying the balmy week or so of this extended Indian Summer... still putting sliding windowscreens in during sunny afternoons.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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This weather has been just heavenly, hasn't it??!!! So glorious!! The trees, too, are celebrating, as many of them have suddenly burst into beautiful colors too, and while the leaves are falling pretty quickly, there are still a lot of trees which are just now showing off their colors.

I spent a lot of the afternoon outdoors, and then this evening bit the bullet and finally downloaded and installed Zoom so that I could attend the annual meeting of our homeowners' association. It was kind of fun, actually, and certainly rather different and a whole lot safer than all of us gathered together in the complex's clubhouse, breathing each other's germs, even when wearing masks! Now that I'm more familiar with how it works I probably will go back to attending the regular monthly meetings as well. I'd been hesitating about that and kept thinking that surely they'd be returning to the usual in-person format soon, but it is looking more and more as though that isn't going to happen for a while now......

One woman's cat jumped up on her table and strolled casually past the camera on her computer, which gave all of us a chuckle. I was reminded of some of the funny videos I've seen where someone's child or a pet has photo-bombed and interrupted whatever they were doing online in a video meeting. Another person was drinking something in a glass and I wonder if she realized we could all hear her swallowing? I was relieved that I only showed up displayed in a small thumbnail and since I didn't say anything the screen didn't go to full size displaying me at any time, which was just fine. I had taken the precaution of tidying the room and dimming the chandelier lights plus running a comb through my hair prior to the start of the meeting. Overall, it really was kind of a neat experience this evening, but I will say that I am glad that I don't need to do this on a regular basis for work or any other purpose!

Apple fanboy

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This weather has been just heavenly, hasn't it??!!! So glorious!! The trees, too, are celebrating, as many of them have suddenly burst into beautiful colors too, and while the leaves are falling pretty quickly, there are still a lot of trees which are just now showing off their colors.

I spent a lot of the afternoon outdoors, and then this evening bit the bullet and finally downloaded and installed Zoom so that I could attend the annual meeting of our homeowners' association. It was kind of fun, actually, and certainly rather different and a whole lot safer than all of us gathered together in the complex's clubhouse, breathing each other's germs, even when wearing masks! Now that I'm more familiar with how it works I probably will go back to attending the regular monthly meetings as well. I'd been hesitating about that and kept thinking that surely they'd be returning to the usual in-person format soon, but it is looking more and more as though that isn't going to happen for a while now......

One woman's cat jumped up on her table and strolled casually past the camera on her computer, which gave all of us a chuckle. I was reminded of some of the funny videos I've seen where someone's child or a pet has photo-bombed and interrupted whatever they were doing online in a video meeting. Another person was drinking something in a glass and I wonder if she realized we could all hear her swallowing? I was relieved that I only showed up displayed in a small thumbnail and since I didn't say anything the screen didn't go to full size displaying me at any time, which was just fine. I had taken the precaution of tidying the room and dimming the chandelier lights plus running a comb through my hair prior to the start of the meeting. Overall, it really was kind of a neat experience this evening, but I will say that I am glad that I don't need to do this on a regular basis for work or any other purpose!
If you like rain, you'd be in your element here! Not great TBH.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
Main Camera
Nope, not a lover of rain here! That said, yes, we do need it, as it's been rather a while since we've had any and the trees, bushes and grass all need some moisture....

Oh, I'd quite forgotten that tomorrow is Veterans' Day! Not from a military family here, and while my uncle was in WW II, my father wasn't, instead he worked in a War Plant, and so the whole veteran/military thing has been kind of distant from my experience. One of my best friends during childhood, though, never knew her father, as he was killed during WW II. By the time I first met her, around the time we were eight years old, her mother had remarried and she had a little stepbrother, soon to be joined by another stepbrother and eventually a little stepsister as well. She always wondered about the father she'd never gotten to know....

No shooting today, as I first spent some time watching the Apple Event, and then since rain actually is predicted for tomorrow, breaking our streak of glorious weather, decided it would be a good idea to go out to the grocery store today, so did that, hopping into Celeste (I've now named my new car!) and tootling on over there. Although Apple's new M1 computers will undoubtedly be appealing to some people, I am not in the market currently and will wait for the first-adopters to test all the ins-and-outs and find all the glitches, and for Apple to resolve those before they release the more powerful machines, the ones in which I really would be interested, come next spring or next autumn....


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Fortunately, I love rain. Fortunate, since this is the rainiest city in the US most years. It rained last night and I missed it. I had the window unit on cause I was burning up, so I didn’t even get the advantage of hearing it. But it’s made it livable this morning.


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Fortunately, I love rain. Fortunate, since this is the rainiest city in the US most years. It rained last night and I missed it. I had the window unit on cause I was burning up, so I didn’t even get the advantage of hearing it. But it’s made it livable this morning.

I love rain as well. Bummed that I missed it earlier. Stupid me slept on buying a new M1 MacBook Air. Now I have to wait till end of this month or early December. Hoping my current 2014 machine doesn't up and die before delivery.

Felt good about a conversation with a Civil Rights couple. They've been married 60+ and are still fighters. They're finishing up an OpEd they'll send out later this week. And are in conversation with voting rights groups (a couple they co-founded decades ago) in hopes of winning both Georgia Senate runoffs.

Was planning on starting an audiobook today and just relaxing. Anxiety has the better of me so I'm heading out shortly for a long-ish power walk. May even go beyond the cemetery finally. And if it rains more, even better.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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As predicted, it is pouring buckets out there today. I shouldn't complain, as we had such a lovely streak of wonderful, beautiful days. It's still warm here, too, unseasonably so, and I am NOT complaining about that!

Have some things I should be doing today, having told myself during the nice weather that I could put off doing this, doing that, doing the other, until a rainy day..... So here we are with the rainy day and I still haven't gotten started on doing anything remotely productive!!! LOL!


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As predicted, it is pouring buckets out there today. I shouldn't complain, as we had such a lovely streak of wonderful, beautiful days. It's still warm here, too, unseasonably so, and I am NOT complaining about that!

Have some things I should be doing today, having told myself during the nice weather that I could put off doing this, doing that, doing the other, until a rainy day..... So here we are with the rainy day and I still haven't gotten started on doing anything remotely productive!!! LOL!

Pouring buckets here, too, fairly chucking down.

By the way, @Clix Pix - I wanted to say that I love your new avatar; I spotted it earlier today.

Is that another one of your own shots?
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