What are you doing today?

No words needed. Am I right?
Today we were in Roatan. Visited the Sloths, monkeys, and iguanas. My second tour with this company, and the rest of the family loved it. Except maybe my aunt. One of the cappuccin monkeys decided a mole on her neck needed to be removed and he was there for her.

Today I got a head start on income taxes. Finding and organizing documents, updated to MacOS 15.3 on my Mac, and installed TurboTax.
Bargaining with a major hotel chain for a two night stay in return for an Instagram Post to do some more shooting in LA. I'm at over 90K followers now and my engagement is anywhere between 1 million and 2 million accounts reached per month, some of my posts get millions of views as well.

In the last several months a lot of companies have reached out making offers but I turn nearly all of them down simply because it doesn't fit with my niche, but my account has weight when I ask others for something I want. I don't always get it but most of the time I do.
Trying to grow my new drumming TikTok account, already got me 4 followers!