I didn't register a vote in this poll; politics, like life, ought to be able to register and recognise nuance.
@yaxomoxay: You may recall that prior to the 2016 election, Mr Trump stated - or threatened - that he "might not" recognise the result as legitimate, or valid, and seemed to have suggested that he would mobilise his supporters to publicly register his dissatisfaction with the outcome.
At the time, I was appalled (and wrote about it on MR), not least that I had never - ever - witnessed any presidential candidate (in the US) ever (prior to then) who had threatened in advance not to recognise the result of the presidential election, and I was writing as someone vastly experienced in observing, monitoring, running and supervising elections.
I was also appalled at the lack of push back on that - threat, or statement, or announcement - from "regular" conservatives (for, to conserve is to preserve), for I viewed it at the time as a outrageous assault on the legitimacy of the actual electoral institutions of the US (and yes, they could do with reform, they are far from - ideal, let alone perfect - but that is a topic for another thread).
Now, the (somewhat unexpected) defeat of Secretary Clinton put paid to that discussion at that time, but, to threaten not to recognise the outcome is not a new tactic, and - just this action - is something I would welcome comments on, above al, from (thinking) conservatives.