Who is from where?

Stay safe, Matt!!!! Scary stuff going on downtown!!! NOT a good thing for this country at all.....

I'm looking forward to one day getting on Metro and going downtown specifically to see the DC Apple store -- from photos I've seen it looks awesome! Lucky you to live so close to it!! (Well, lucky most of the time -- events like today's and tonight's, not such a pleasant situation!)
What’s the draw to AL? A state I’m not personally familiar with.
No draw. I came here with first husband. After the divorce, it didn’t seem wise to uproot and leave the kids, and by the time they left I had started teaching. Husband #2 is from here, and while he is definitely the black sheep of the family, they’ve been very welcoming to me.
About eight miles from the closest Apple store!
Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!! I’m two states away from the nearest Apple store. Takes me 2 hours to drive to Metairie (suburb of New Orleans) where there’s a mall with an Apple store. There’s one actually in Alabama, but it’s a 4 hour drive. Gulf coast geography is weird.
@Clix Pix We're also big coaster fanatics, so we've done Cedar Point a couple of times, flew into Pitt, quick visit (PA local relatives), drive to the Roller Coast :D
When we lived in Ohio my brother was in high school. He worked at the Point during summer vacation.
This forum needs Canadians, mostly because of poutine.


Click, and then magnify ... you can almost taste it :D

Oh, that was here:

Oregon and the bay area, done with Oregon though, had enough rain to last a lifetime there. I'll take the CA droughts over 220+ days of clouds/rain any day. If you want to see any color there you basically have to cut your wrists.
wimp. here in portland home of the world famous silly riots. at least trump knows where we are.
I wasn’t going to answer this, but I live right near the new Apple store (Carnegie Library). Nice that the building is finally being used, and very convenient anytime I need something! Also, I felt compelled to weigh in because the Proud Boys are in my neighborhood rioting. All the fear of BLM supposedly burning down the city was BS, but these hooligans are truly causing trouble.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1327799503324409857/
It's really ironic that these are the only times DC looks like a real city.
Oregon and the bay area, done with Oregon though, had enough rain to last a lifetime there. I'll take the CA droughts over 220+ days of clouds/rain any day. If you want to see any color there you basically have to cut your wrists.
I love places like that. To me, Cali weather had been really boring.
No draw. I came here with first husband. After the divorce, it didn’t seem wise to uproot and leave the kids, and by the time they left I had started teaching. Husband #2 is from here, and while he is definitely the black sheep of the family, they’ve been very welcoming to me.

Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!! I’m two states away from the nearest Apple store. Takes me 2 hours to drive to Metairie (suburb of New Orleans) where there’s a mall with an Apple store. There’s one actually in Alabama, but it’s a 4 hour drive. Gulf coast geography is weird.

When we lived in Ohio my brother was in high school. He worked at the Point during summer vacation.
Oddly enough, I've been to the Apple store in Alabama! It's in Huntsville! Some years ago a bunch of us from Nikon Cafe had a gathering in Huntsville, where the two guys and their families who had first started the forum lived, and one couple played host to us at their home as a central location for hanging out, picnics by their pool., etc., and each day we went out shooting in different locations around Huntsville. Many of us were Apple users and so the news that there was a new Apple store opening was of course a drawing-card and some of us went to the mall where the store was celebrating its opening. That was fun! Eventually those gatherings came to a halt, as it was too much for the hosts trying to coordinate everything in advance and when the one couple was about to have their fourth child, that was pretty much the end of their hosting the events. It was sure fun while it lasted, though! I think we had three or four annual gatherings, and I went to two of them...... Only time I've ever been to Alabama.
Oddly enough, I've been to the Apple store in Alabama! It's in Huntsville! Some years ago a bunch of us from Nikon Cafe had a gathering in Huntsville, where the two guys and their families who had first started the forum lived, and one couple played host to us at their home as a central location for hanging out, picnics by their pool., etc., and each day we went out shooting in different locations around Huntsville. Many of us were Apple users and so the news that there was a new Apple store opening was of course a drawing-card and some of us went to the mall where the store was celebrating its opening. That was fun! Eventually those gatherings came to a halt, as it was too much for the hosts trying to coordinate everything in advance and when the one couple was about to have their fourth child, that was pretty much the end of their hosting the events. It was sure fun while it lasted, though! I think we had three or four annual gatherings, and I went to two of them...... Only time I've ever been to Alabama.
4 kids. Brrr.
I've been systematically avoiding the South of the States after a greyhound trip from Florida to Louisiana.
The I-10 corridor. I spend a lot of time there.
Oddly enough, I've been to the Apple store in Alabama! It's in Huntsville!
The one in Huntsville is even further. I’ve never been to Huntsville.