Who is from where?

To be fair I haven't spent enough time in Chicago to give an opinion on it, but since I am originally from the Twin Cities I have to say the Bears suck (well maybe not right now). Some of my favorite cities have been New Orleans and San Francisco. Having just recently gone to Tokyo I would agree that it's in a top 20 list, but I enjoyed Kyoto more than Tokyo.

You, me, the yard behind the school, sir... Oh, wait... you said Bears? Yeah, da Bears still suck.
@iMi, Chicago is the center of the universe, but don't tell those Boston and DC folks:)

Chicago is my fav city of all time only second to Tokyo.

I don’t know the last time you were here, but they did finish the river walk. It’s absolutely awesome. I missed not being able to chill and have a Goose Island while watching all those fit people jog by mockingly. Hopefully next summer we get back to it.
I don’t know the last time you were here, but they did finish the river walk. It’s absolutely awesome. I missed not being able to chill and have a Goose Island while watching all those fit people jog by mockingly. Hopefully next summer we get back to it.
I used to be one of those joggers a few years back. No matter how frustrated I was I just hit the riverwalk and by the time I turned it was all gone.
Also originally from Ohio. I didn’t think it could get worse when I left for Chicago in 92. But apparently it has. I’ll probably be in Chicago til I die. If not, Toronto or Montreal would be great. But Berlin, Germany would be the absolute best :)

I love Chicago. In fact, we're looking to buy a condo in the loop. When this is all over, we'll have a place downtown to go and enjoy the city as much as we want. It has problems, sure. Show me a city that doesn't, but you just can't beat the culture here. It's one of the best American cities, minus the weather...

Ideal place would be Hong Kong. It's my favorite city and I absolutely love it there.
I love Chicago. In fact, we're looking to buy a condo in the loop. When this is all over, we'll have a place downtown to go and enjoy the city as much as we want. It has problems, sure. Show me a city that doesn't, but you just can't beat the culture here. It's one of the best American cities, minus the weather...

Ideal place would be Hong Kong. It's my favorite city and I absolutely love it there.
Yeah, been all over the US, and Chicago rules. There's just nothing like it. It's the best US big city for sure. I have been here over 28 years and still love it.
I love Chicago. In fact, we're looking to buy a condo in the loop. When this is all over, we'll have a place downtown to go and enjoy the city as much as we want. It has problems, sure. Show me a city that doesn't, but you just can't beat the culture here. It's one of the best American cities, minus the weather...

Ideal place would be Hong Kong. It's my favorite city and I absolutely love it there.

When Trump debated Hillary and brought up how bad Chicago is I looked out the window and it looked as cool and gorgeous as ever. It's a lot more pleasant than NY and a lot cleaner than SF. We used to walk our dog after midnight in the loop and not seen any sort of crime or incident.

There's definitely a gang violence issue, but impressed me as something happening outside the loop.
When Trump debated Hillary and brought up how bad Chicago is I looked out the window and it looked as cool and gorgeous as ever. It's a lot more pleasant than NY and a lot cleaner than SF. We used to walk our dog after midnight in the loop and not seen any sort of crime or incident.

There's definitely a gang violence issue, but impressed me as something happening outside the loop.

Yeah, the loop is safe. Most of Chicago is safe. North Lawndale and surrounding areas see lots of violence, Fuller Park, parts of the south/southwest. Rogers Park has gotten better but has its spots. It's really all gang related. The city and the state have done a lot to work things out, but it's not easy. We've got rid of the projects in the south. There are programs in place to keep parts of the city affordable.

Honestly, I am much more concerned about the political corruption here. It's rampant.
Yeah, the loop is safe. Most of Chicago is safe. North Lawndale and surrounding areas see lots of violence, Fuller Park, parts of the south/southwest. Rogers Park has gotten better but has its spots. It's really all gang related. The city and the state have done a lot to work things out, but it's not easy. We've got rid of the projects in the south. There are programs in place to keep parts of the city affordable.

Honestly, I am much more concerned about the political corruption here. It's rampant.
Definitely not a perfect city, but if you're pissed, just drive down lakeshore on a spring Saturday when lake Michigan colors the sky turquoise and you just let it go. I haven't been able to do so in other cities in the US thus far.
Yeah, the loop is safe. Most of Chicago is safe. North Lawndale and surrounding areas see lots of violence, Fuller Park, parts of the south/southwest. Rogers Park has gotten better but has its spots. It's really all gang related. The city and the state have done a lot to work things out, but it's not easy. We've got rid of the projects in the south. There are programs in place to keep parts of the city affordable.

Honestly, I am much more concerned about the political corruption here. It's rampant.
And the cops suck.
If any police department ever needed reform, it's ours.

Eh, well... NY has certainly had its moments... Abner Louima case comes to mind. Took federal prosecution under civil rights statutes even to get that crime called something like what it was.

And then there was the then "Street Crimes Unit" reaction to an unarmed Amadou Diallo having run away from them into a poorly lighted vestibule and then removing a wallet from his pocket... fetching him an airmailed sendoff from planet earth in a hail of 41 full metal jacket bullets. The four cops were acquitted (venue moved to Albany) and the main reaction of the NYPD aside from agreeing to disband that unit was to have a look at use of FMJ bullets. There was action at federal level re wrongful death and a large settlement but the criminal aspects were finished. One of the four involved officers eventually regained on the job privilege for use of weapons, and so departed desk duty: as of 2015 he became a sergeant, a promotion not subject to departmental review.

I’m curious, and most don’t put their location on the profile. I know we’ve got at least a couple of non-US folks. I live in coastal New Hampshire. Military brat and an ex-service member myself so I’ve lived in Maryland, Florida (twice), Hawaii, Missouri, Maine, Alaska (for a summer), California (twice), Washington, and finally here. Also, spent six months for the Navy in a few countries around the Indian Ocean. Not on a boat. Long story.

Not asking for resumes of residence like I just laid out. Just wondering where everyone is at currently.
I looked but did not see a place on my profile to list my location here in the forum. I would likely list The Misty Mountains as a fantasy local likely never to be realized of living in the mountains on a lake as I picture something like Jackson Hole, but West Virginia would also be in the running.

I grew up in Washington DC, (1953-64) lived in SW DC on T Street until about 11 when my parents headed for the suburbs, then Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Time in the US Navy, lived in Texas, Maryland, Florida, San Diego, Guam andI spent 3 decades in Minnesota (loved it) and now retired, live in the Houston, Texas suburbs with my wife of 40 years. The price is right, but you get what you pay for. ;)
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I think I've lived in every major city in Texas.

Born in Austin, went to college in San Antonio (4 years), lived in Dallas for 4 years after that, and now in Houston for the last 10 years.
I looked but did not see a place on my profile to list my location here in the forum. I would likely list The Misty Mountains as a fantasy local likely never to be realized of living in the mountains on a lake as I picture something like Jackson Hole, but West Virginia would also be in the running.

I grew up in Washington DC, (1953-64) lived in SW DC on T Street until about 11 when my parents headed for the suburbs, then Upper Marlboro, Maryland. I spent 3 decades in Minnesota (loved it) and now retired, live in the Houston, Texas suburbs with my wife of 40 years. The price is right, but you get what you pay for. ;)
I think I've lived in every major city in Texas.

Born in Austin, went to college in San Antonio (4 years), lived in Dallas for 4 years after that, and now in Houston for the last 10 years.
I turned down a position in TX to be at the position I'm in right now. It's really not my cup of tea. Even when I interviewed in Dallas it was 12F and a blizzard. WTF. I'm a public transport kinda guy so NY, DC, CHI have a lot of appeal.
Most people get stuck in Texas at some point. I spent 3 years in Amarillo in the early 80’s. It wasn’t so bad.
I turned down a position in TX to be at the position I'm in right now. It's really not my cup of tea. Even when I interviewed in Dallas it was 12F and a blizzard. WTF. I'm a public transport kinda guy so NY, DC, CHI have a lot of appeal.
Moving to TX is a Cali thing (see Musk). All my friends in Cali contemplated a TX move at one point. It's such a cliché at this point:)