Who is from where?

Currently Burnaby, BC (one of the suburbs of Vancouver). Grew up in southwestern Ontario (small rural, farming community), lived all over Ontario, a couple years in Boston. Contemplated living in Australia, but after 3 months decided it wasn't for me. (People tell me I should have jumped over to New Zealand before throwing in the towel) *shrug*. Very happy to be in the most beautiful place in the world. :) Ocean, Mountains, Lakes, all in the same day. Doesn't get any better than that. :)

Oh...and when people are talking about Asia - Da Nang, Vietnam. Beautiful place!!! :)

Edit: Oh, and I TRULY believe that travel is the BEST form of education!!! We could fix SO many of the world's problems if we made travel insanely cheap for everyone to get out there and appreciate how everyone else lives, and the amazing diversity we have in our culture (ok, and our food, let's be honest - FOODIE here!!!) :D
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Norwich, which is a fairly big city. About 25 miles from the coast. :)
Ah, the flatlands!

Used to have a friend of mind live in Morley St. Botolph, North of Wymondham. Still remember driving back home one weekend after being with him. I hit a patch of slow assed traffic on the A11 but for some perverse reason there was nobody but nobody driving the opposite direction for several minutes.

I must have spent over a mile overtaking this long line of cars on the 2 lane stretch in one continuous maneuver. I'd just got past the last car (yup, towing a caravan) when the oncoming traffic made itself known.

That was truely a once in a lifetime moment on my driving life!

Norfolk at the time seemed to be stuck in its own little time warp. Still remember seeing a hand written sign on the road as I entered the village with "Children! Slow you down" written on it.
Hello best friend!!

Now that we are best friends....can we stay at your place?? :) hehehe

If you want to crash at someone's house, I find it best not to ask, but to just show up, luggage in hand. If you act like you've been invited, like it's something you've been looking forward to for awhile, it'll throw them off, and they won't be able to turn you down.
Born and lived all my life in Kentucky until I joined the Army. Lived in Arizona, Texas, Florida, Maryland, Virginia, Uganda, Turkey, & Saudi Arabia (the last 2 courtesy of the US Army).

Moved back to KY in 94 and have settled in Elizabethtown. Love it here.
Born and lived all my life in Kentucky until I joined the Army. Lived in Arizona, Texas, Florida, Maryland, Virginia, Uganda, Turkey, & Saudi Arabia (the last 2 courtesy of the US Army).

Moved back to KY in 94 and have settled in Elizabethtown. Love it here.
@Eric : @JohnR has an incredibly offensive Steelers avatar. As a Cincinnatian with one of the worst NFL teams in the franchise I find it incredibly offensive to be reminded on a daily basis just how bad the Bengals are when compared to a team that actually knows how to play the game.
If you want to crash at someone's house, I find it best not to ask, but to just show up, luggage in hand. If you act like you've been invited, like it's something you've been looking forward to for awhile, it'll throw them off, and they won't be able to turn you down.

sounds like somebody's parents to me. :cool:
@Eric : @JohnR has an incredibly offensive Steelers avatar. As a Cincinnatian with one of the worst NFL teams in the franchise I find it incredibly offensive to be reminded on a daily basis just how bad the Bengals are when compared to a team that actually knows how to play the game.
No action
@Eric : @JohnR has an incredibly offensive Steelers avatar. As a Cincinnatian with one of the worst NFL teams in the franchise I find it incredibly offensive to be reminded on a daily basis just how bad the Bengals are when compared to a team that actually knows how to play the game.
How do we get someone banned from here? Anyone who admits they are a Bungles fan...well...all I have to say is that this was a fun game:


@JohnR see this how they usually roll around here... with only a few notable exceptions (so far, heh).
On a serious note, we have over 50,000 posts and I can count the number of legitimate reports on one hand, even then it's more administrative than complaining. Someone tell MR that it is possible.
Only the last two because of the Army?


Actually, I suspect all of the locations mentioned in the US (possibly Uganda, as well?) were courtesy of the Army, but the last two stood out because they were outside the USA, and normally would beg questions as to what on Earth brought someone there.