Who is from where?

I turned down a position in TX to be at the position I'm in right now. It's really not my cup of tea. Even when I interviewed in Dallas it was 12F and a blizzard. WTF. I'm a public transport kinda guy so NY, DC, CHI have a lot of appeal.
That’s offset by the 4 months of 100s. ;)
I’m from Warwickshire/Oxfordshire originally but now living in South Wales, UK (20 yrs). COVID hotspot of the world right now :p
Lucky you! It’s always so nice when the world is familiar with where you live. AmIright?!
Hi, Jonblatho! You're a weather guy, right??!!! So how about saying enough's enough with the rain and the snow and other precipitation many folks are experiencing over this holiday time? :D
They were all from the greater London area. One of them died in Paradise with a stripper in his bed.
I don’t really have a go-to international destination, but Auckland, New Zealand sounds appealing.
My plan as it stands now is to move to Australia, but New Zealand is a very close second.
I even have a countdown app on my phone, to show the days until I qualify for the Australian visa.

With covid that countdown is moot, and I have to finish my degree here first, but hopefully things will go back to normal in a year or two which should time nicely with everything. (The other countdown is until I’m able to apply for British citizenship)
British chick here originally from Warwickshire, then Staffordshire, before hitting up the big smoke - London.

Then I got crazy and hit up Hong Kong (before the lease was up) & Cape Town, before starting my American adventure with Dallas, San Francisco and now Cincinnati.

Not bad for a dullard who ran from school as soon as she was able with just one O level in English and another in Drama to her name...
British chick here originally from Warwickshire, then Staffordshire, before hitting up the big smoke - London.

Then I got crazy and hit up Hong Kong (before the lease was up) & Cape Town, before starting my American adventure with Dallas, San Francisco and now Cincinnati.

Not bad for a dullard who ran from school as soon as she was able with just one O level in English and another in Drama to her name...
Sounds like an adventure! :D
Air Force brat. DC, England, Alabama, North Carolina, Wyoming, Taiwan, New York, Ohio, Texas, back to AL, back to NY, back to AL. Where do I call home? Take your pick.
How old were you in Taiwan?
Air Force brat. DC, England, Alabama, North Carolina, Wyoming, Taiwan, New York, Ohio, Texas, back to AL, back to NY, back to AL. Where do I call home? Take your pick.
Another Air Force brat checking in. Born in Anchorage, Alaska (Elmendorf AFB), Main, Texas, San Mateo, CA, Vandenburg AFB, CA, Kansas, SoCal. Currently in Los Angeles near Venice Beach.
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Another Air Force brat checking in. Born in Anchorage, Alaska (Elmendorf AFB), Main, Texas, San Mateo, CA, Vandenburg AFB, CA, Kansas, SoCal. Currently in Los Angeles near Venice Beach.
Explains why we hit it off so fast!
How old were you in Taiwan?
8th and 9th grade. I remember like it was yesterday.
Born in Ohio, but Chicago has been home since '92. I wouldn't live anywhere else in the US. If I ever leave here it will be for Toronto or Berlin, Germany.
You sound like my cousin. Born and raised in Fairborn, but has lived in Chicago for a good long time now.
Born in Ohio and lived there till I was 11. Then Houston for 6 months. Then Oregon. Other than going to college in southern CA for 4 years, I've been in Oregon since.

I'm currently in Beaverton, OR which puts me about 20 minutes from downtown Portland.

If I ever decided to leave here, I think Denver is the only other place I've visited where I wouldn't mind living. Although I'd love to check out Alaska. That was going to be last year before the pandemic hit.