Why do conservatives hate AOC?

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When you're so hated that a grown man who probably has no idea of the term 'waifu' posts an altered video of anime of them killing you


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1457886208563032066/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1457889142621282305/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1457888129919111170/
Didn’t they “cancel” Kathy Griffin for a photoshopped pic of her holding Trump’s severed head? And she’s just a comedian. But the right is all about “F*** Joe Biden” and fantasy videos of murdering their political opponents now. The same things they were supposedly so outraged about, they take it 10 levels farther and don’t seem ashamed at all.
Gosar should be expelled from Congress, but his Republican colleagues either support what he did or are too fearful of backlash from "the base" if they criticize him. And I like the way he calls attention to his degree, as he did when he claimed that he could read body language because he's a dentist.
Didn’t they “cancel” Kathy Griffin for a photoshopped pic of her holding Trump’s severed head? And she’s just a comedian. But the right is all about “F*** Joe Biden” and fantasy videos of murdering their political opponents now. The same things they were supposedly so outraged about, they take it 10 levels farther and don’t seem ashamed at all.
It was not a photoshopped image, it was part of a video she did. Then she apologized for it, saying that it was over the line. Which is something no RWer ever does. Their over-the-line behavior is celebrated by other RWers. They are trying to drown us in rivers of sewage, trying to acclimate us to the stench so that we start to view it as normal.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1458160992307712001/

Which brings to mind, if some high school posted this same video with pictures of another student & a teacher / principal, that the authorities wouldn't have stopped by the kid's house for a chat, got a psych recommendation, and bounced from the same hight school?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1458160992307712001/

Which brings to mind, if some high school posted this same video with pictures of another student & a teacher / principal, that the authorities wouldn't have stopped by the kid's house for a chat, got a psych recommendation, and bounced from the same hight school?
House minority leader McCarthy refused to give a comment, even to Fox News.

The GOP embraced white supremacists to get votes, so can they expel Gosar for his abhorrent behavior? If they do, the white power crowd will turn on them.

When they go after people of color in the name of “CRT” they can pretend (and yes it absolutely pretending) that it’s not about excluding all except whites. But when Gosar posts something like this, it shows what it’s really all about. The fact that they haven’t come out strongly condemning him already tells you how overrun the party has been by white supremacists.

Source for the claim about McCarthy not making a comment: last sentence of this article. I wouldn’t recommend reading the comments.

Evidently because she went to Scotland and enjoys a soda from there.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1458855553917235200/

Nah, it's because she still finds joy in life even while working hard to educate people about climate change.

House minority leader McCarthy refused to give a comment, even to Fox News.

The GOP embraced white supremacists to get votes, so can they expel Gosar for his abhorrent behavior? If they do, the white power crowd will turn on them.

I completely agree w/ the problem as highlighted by Cori Bush. We are already so jaded by hatefulness and by casual references to the idea of committing violence, that now we apparently tolerate allusions by Congressmen to committing it upon other elected officials? Where's the limit of such tolerance?

If Gosar is not to be expelled then censure is certainly appropriate. An elected American official should not be demonstrating efforts to test the limits of free speech. That is not leadership. What is "incitement"? What is "imminent threat of violence?" What is the intent of some members of Congress walking around security checks at entrance to the House chamber? Cori Bush is right, all this stuff is boundary testing and the people doing the testing figure themselves immune from consequence. They are not, and should not be seen as such, and Kevin McCarthy's silence regarding Paul Gosar's posts has gone beyond time for all due consideration and strayed into shrug territory. Same with tolerating ongoing anti-security behavior by some in the GOP House membership.

"Every day these white supremacists push the limits further and further to see how far they can go without consequences," Cori Bush, D-Mo., tweeted. "This puts lives in danger. Enough with the violent bigotry. Expel this white supremacist clown."

I'd only say he's not a clown, rather a purposeful if thoughtless abuser of the power of free speech, and someone who panders to white supremacists. The message is dangerous. The message is that there are no consequences for speech depicting violence against elected officials. That message bleeds into suggesting the actions are acceptable. The consequence of McCarthy's silence is already a problem for ordinary Americans, not just Gosar's targets or other elected officials.
Lauren Boebert spews forth lies and anti-Muslim bigotry as she attempts to defend Gosar on the House floor.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1461116327582748685/

Here’s an interview with a Republican who voted to keep Gosar around. She compares Gosar’s actions to other things that Democrats did that she didn’t like. When the interviewer pressed her on “do you think those are equivalent to the video posted by Rep. Gosar?” she totally avoids the question.

  • Judy Woodruff:
    And I do want to ask you about that.
    But let me just ask you another two questions about the vote today. Are you saying that this kind of animated video that Congressman Gosar put forward is a good — representative of what the Republican Party stands for?
    He talked about using it to reach younger voters?
  • Rep. Nicole Malliotakis:
    Absolutely not. The content of the video was inappropriate, again. <--- DODGE ATTEMPT #1
    But we're tired of Nancy Pelosi playing politics and not going after her own members when they do inappropriate things. I think you should be asking Nancy Pelosi, why is she only picking on Republicans? Why is she not going after those members with her own party who have done very bad things as well, in terms of inciting civil unrest, in terms of potentially sharing information that is secret information as a member of the Intel Committee with someone who may be a Chinese spy?
    None of these things have ever been brought up. And I think the double standard is what this vote was about more than anything, just as Leader McCarthy indicated earlier today.
  • Judy Woodruff:
    So, you're saying by the things that you have just listed that Democrats have done, that that's equivalent to portraying the killing by one member of Congress of another one?
  • Rep. Nicole Malliotakis:
    The animation was inappropriate, as I have said. <--- YOU ALREADY USED THAT DODGE A COUPLE SECONDS AGO
And the GOP definitely distributed talking points to back Gosar, because I’m hearing the same nonsense from all the Republicans. Blaming somebody for sleeping with a Chinese spy, inciting civil unrest, etc. Unproven and exaggerated allegations that are offensive enough to begin with, but then to be compared with this disgusting violent video of which there is no doubt who made and distributed the video..... They are really acting in bad faith here.
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The party of deflection always accuses & hates someone of doing what they actually did.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540435047785824257/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540426336925360130/

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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540435796972421121/
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