Why is there no CPAC thread?

I have so much trouble just not thinking this is all a huge joke, just not sure yet who's being mocked... Trump, his followers, the media for buying into any of it as serious....

I mean it's just ludicrous. It's like a pilot for a bad reality TV show, especially given that the FBI is now busy pounding out the details of definitely real criminal charges against a couple thousand people who assaulted the Capitol while trying to impede Congress from certifying the election that informed Trump he had lost to Biden.

In the back of my mind runs a reminder that the main purpose of some fringe Republicans for decades has been to "drown federal government in the bathtub"... and what better way to do that than to make it clear that such government shouldn't, isn't and can't ever be taken seriously in any aspect of either governance itself or any phase of the electoral process.

Interesting concept, mocking democratic processes to death... inviting people to make idiots of themselves while actually helping tear down the frameworks that (so far) permit them to do exactly that, so long as they do it "peacefully".